Thanks for the comments and using my tunes.👍 It's been a long time since I made that car, I haven't even touched an R35 in yonks.

So I take it you had to make the gearbox longer to run at Daytona Road? So long as you only used Final drive to do it.

Thanks again.👍
Edit: What about the tyres? Surely S2 isn't the fastest combo out there?
Actually, I think you would be pleased to know that the gearbox worked extremely well and I wasn't even that close to redlining entering turn 1.
I didn't change the gear settings you provided by even one tooth.
Now, I'm not that great of a driver, and I know I'm losing chunks of time in the bus stop

, so I may not have been carrying as many RPM's onto the full-throttle section as the better racers. That may be why I still had a bit of 6th gear left entering turn 1. Also, I only ran this setup for the one race last night, and I was racing 1 on 1 with another driver in a GT LM spec II, so I wasn't really as aggressive drafting as I otherwise might have been. I think if you were planning on using the draft, you might need to lengthen the final gear just a smidge. I also was struggling with my entry to turn 1, so I didn't want to get too close to the other driver in case I had issues in turn 1. This wasn't because of the setup, I was just struggling to find the right line/breaking point.
Obviously, I don't know what kind of setup the other driver had in the GT, but I think you would be pleased to know that your GT-R was indeed just a smidgen faster in a straight line than the GT--that's saying quite a bit considering how heavy the GT-R is in comparison to the Ford.
Also, obviously, I am not a very adept tuner. At best, I can sometimes make small changes to the suspension to help improve mechanical grip to make cars slightly more manageable, and I can sometimes change a specific gear to suit a certain corner, so take what I am saying with a grain of salt. But, seriously, I don't think many changes would need to be made to your tune for the R 35 in order for it run just as well--if not better--at Daytona as it does at Suzuka.
I think you probably need a more skilled driver to test out this tune and see what they think. Obviously, my idea of a fast lap in this car at Daytona (a 1:48 and change

) is not anywhere close to the 1:46 range I have seen posted in this car by some of the other GTP racers. And, as far as the tyres, I haven't had a chance to try out another combo yet. I would say that S3's would obviously be quicker through the infield and bus stop, but I wonder if I would be sacrificing too much straight line speed? Probably not. I guess with a minor gearing adjustment, assuming you could keep within drafting distance of the leader, an S3 setup would be quicker.
At any rate, I can't thank you enough for this older, great tune.
It just goes to show that a great tune is like a thing of is a joy forever

Tunes like yours give a guy like me a fighting chance.
Thanks again Paulie 👍