Lion's Den Performance - Widest Variety of Tunes on the Web

  • Thread starter Paulie
I think I don't see the point, as even gears should work with the rest of the tune.

i agree, which is why i ran it by you... i'm just going to post my own 599 tune eventually... down the pipeline. but you are the handling master, though.
At any rate, I can't thank you enough for this older, great tune.
It just goes to show that a great tune is like a thing of is a joy forever :) Tunes like yours give a guy like me a fighting chance.

Thanks again Paulie 👍

Thank you for the detailed analysis of my GTR tune.:) Just for this, I'm going to get it out to Daytona and look at it myself.:) If I see improvement is needed I will let you know.👍
Nice to see you're still hard at work, Paulie! (or would that be 'play' :P) Your tuning in GT4 was fantastic, can't wait to try some of these out... I finally got around to unlocking S class and the tuning ability, but I still haven't updated to Spec III, so the tunings would probably be a bit off... I'll wait until I've got that in order before I blast around the track in one of your weapons! :)
Nice to see you're still hard at work, Paulie! (or would that be 'play' :P) Your tuning in GT4 was fantastic, can't wait to try some of these out... I finally got around to unlocking S class and the tuning ability, but I still haven't updated to Spec III, so the tunings would probably be a bit off... I'll wait until I've got that in order before I blast around the track in one of your weapons! :)

Good to see you back mate, been a long time since I've talked to you.:) I do indeed recommend that you get Spec III in order before trying my tunes, or everything will be way off. Did you ever need that MX-5 endurance car in GT4?:dopey:
Good to see you back mate, been a long time since I've talked to you.:) I do indeed recommend that you get Spec III in order before trying my tunes, or everything will be way off. Did you ever need that MX-5 endurance car in GT4?:dopey:

Hehe, wow you remember me... :dopey: I haven't fired up the PS2 for ages, even longer than GT5: P... OH man, I just realised I never posted that Triumph review... bloody good car, that. And no, I haven't tried the enduro yet, either... :guilty: Maybe I should finish GT4 before the glorious sequel arrives... (that's also what I said about GT3 lol :rolleyes:)
Hehe, wow you remember me... :dopey: I haven't fired up the PS2 for ages, even longer than GT5: P... OH man, I just realised I never posted that Triumph review... bloody good car, that. And no, I haven't tried the enduro yet, either... :guilty: Maybe I should finish GT4 before the glorious sequel arrives... (that's also what I said about GT3 lol :rolleyes:)

Yeah, that Triumph of mine was something else, knocked MFT's Triumph out for (IIRC) top spot in its class of the Vintage Tuner Challenge.:) The MX-5 was good too, maybe a bit overkill on the competition (thanks to the GT wing), but I made it so even B-Spec Bob could take down the AI with ease, and still get longer tyre life.:)
I don't know if the close is temporary or permanent until GT5 comes out. One thing's for certain, the new events suck, I already have tunes made for them because they're the same as a month ago, and I'll only be driving the Mustang IF I drive at all.
The other main reason is disappointment in my peers, don't ask who or why, but that's that.

Edit: Actually, screw that, I'm disappointed with GTP's drivers as a whole, what I'm doing here can't and won't cater to their needs. For the 1 driver in 1 000 who actually appreciates what I'm doing, he goes and does his own tunes anyway.
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I appreciate all your hard work, Paulie. It takes a greater man than I to accomplish all that you have done 👍
I don't know if the close is temporary or permanent until GT5 comes out. One thing's for certain, the new events suck, I already have tunes made for them because they're the same as a month ago, and I'll only be driving the Mustang IF I drive at all.
The other main reason is disappointment in my peers, don't ask who or why, but that's that.

Edit: Actually, screw that, I'm disappointed with GTP's drivers as a whole, what I'm doing here can't and won't cater to their needs. For the 1 driver in 1 000 who actually appreciates what I'm doing, he goes and does his own tunes anyway.

Do you really think youre doing this for nothing? How did you come to the conclusion your work is not appreciated? Just curious.... Not enough feedback or something like that? I hardly get any feedback on tunes... EVER... but I know people must be using them by looking at the number of views... Oh well, I do agree though Im not going to be tuning much at all, maybe 1 or 2 for HSR or WRS.... but thats it... New events update is a joke...
I'd prefer if people didn't ask how I reach my conclusions as some may get offended, some will only think less of me. The events are reason enough though.....
I'd prefer if people didn't ask how I reach my conclusions as some may get offended, some will only think less of me. The events are reason enough though.....

I will respect that point of view, I just found it to be a strange turn of events. As I said I was just curious, but I'll leave it at that. 👍
I'd prefer if people didn't ask how I reach my conclusions as some may get offended, some will only think less of me. The events are reason enough though.....

Paulie, I've left feedback on every tune of yours I had time to try. I'll be trying some Fuji FWD tunes this month it seems ... unless I sour any more from the lousy event roster.

Thank you for the effort, it was appreciated.
Paulie, I've left feedback on every tune of yours I had time to try. I'll be trying some Fuji FWD tunes this month it seems ... unless I sour any more from the lousy event roster.

Thank you for the effort, it was appreciated.

No worries mate, and rest assured it had nothing what so ever to do with a lack of feedback.:) If the right motivation/enticement comes along I'll be back up and running in a jiffy. At the moment though the way things have been going with GT5:P, enticement seems unlikely.......

I'm sorry, but that's how I picture you when i'm reading your posts.
Do you really need appreciation from everyone?
You should make tunes because you'll get to feel proud because you can make cars go as fast as they can. A certain tune never pleases everyone, that's not possible.
If you're making tunes just to please people and be popular and feel needed, you're doing it for the wrong reasons in my opinion.
Everyone has to use these events, it's not only you that gets affected by it.
Like Blitz187 said. It isn't because people don't comment, that your tunes aren't popular.
You mostly get more replies when people DO NOT agree with how you do something.
To say that you are disappointed in every GT5P driver because they don't worship your tunes isn't fair.
This isn't to insult you in anyway, it's just a response to your messages and I'm sorry if this post offends you.

Maybe you can start your own weekly event with a specific car or a couple of cars to choose from and tune those.
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I'm sorry, but that's how I picture you when i'm reading your posts.
1. Do you really need appreciation from everyone?
2. You should make tunes because you'll get to feel proud because you can make cars go as fast as they can. A certain tune never pleases everyone, that's not possible.
3. If you're making tunes just to please people and be popular and feel needed, you're doing it for the wrong reasons in my opinion.
4. Everyone has to use these events, it's not only you that gets affected by it.
5. Like Blitz187 said. It isn't because people don't comment, that your tunes aren't popular.
You mostly get more replies when people DO NOT agree with how you do something.
6. To say that you are disappointed in every GT5P driver because they don't worship your tunes isn't fair.
This isn't to insult you in anyway, it's just a response to your messages and I'm sorry if this posts offends you.

Maybe you can start your own weekly event with a specific car or a couple of cars to choose from and tune those.

1. So I should put in the work of creating a tune, getting the details to the computer, making the setup sheet and linking it all up because why if very few appreciate it?
2. I can make cars go as fast as they can in my own time for myself if I like.
3. I was posting tunes to cater for their needs in online racing, but at the moment nobody has a need for tunes.
4. I bet lots more people stopped playing GT5:P today when they switched on and seen the new events. Oh, not to mention I already have a few tunes out for these events if you really want them (which of course you don't), and I don't feel like spending MY time making new tunes for lowsy events.
5. As I've said the lack of replies/feedback has nothing to do with this and I've asked if nobody would ask me about that thankyou very much.
6. You're right that I'm disappointed in most drivers at the moment, but as I've said, if nobody really wants the tunes then why go to the bother of making them and posting them? I'm sorry, but are you telling me to do some work for no reason?

I hope that answers your questions.

I think there's enough weekly events as it is.

Edit: One last thing, I do get offended pretty easily on subjects like this, but you wouldn't understand why, and again, I'd prefer if you didn't ask.
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Edit: One last thing, I do get offended pretty easily on subjects like this, but you wouldn't understand why, and again, I'd prefer if you didn't ask.


Edit: Actually, screw that, I'm disappointed with GTP's drivers as a whole, what I'm doing here can't and won't cater to their needs. For the 1 driver in 1 000 who actually appreciates what I'm doing, he goes and does his own tunes anyway.

To be honest Paulie, and this will be my last words spent on this subject since I dont want to anger anybody on this forum for no reason. BUT the quote above this text already opened yourself up to unwanted questions.... For the rest I hope you dont close down for good and this whole thing blows over... It would be a shame to lose a capable tuner like yourself on this forum! 👍
Anybody else with problems take it to PM please.

Edit: Hopefully that initial dispute has ended now, and anybody wanting to post here about my tunes or has an event coming up (eg. A new Garage Showdown) that they think I should re-open for and participate in, is perfectly welcome to.

Edit 2: Alright I've changed TLD's status to Closed to Request. Basically, if one weekend I feel up to making a tune and posting it I will, but for now I don't want people requesting tunes for events when I barely want to turn on the PS3 for GT5:P at all.
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Usually do my own tunes, but short on time last Monday night preparing for the TORC events was not happy with what I had and with only a few minutes before the event start time grabbed your Focus and Mini tunes.

Top 3 in all the events I drove them in, thanks.
Hey Paulie, this may or may not help, but it's something I've repeated time & time again in the GT4 race reports section when people perceive that their reports are not being well received because each one or each chapter doesn't generate hundreds of replies, so bear with me.

Replies do not matter.
Sure, it's nice to see some feedback, both positive and negative to help you adapt and improve. However, short of a few folks that want to boost postcount by posting quick & simple one word or one line posts of "Moar!" or "Cool, man!" or "Keep it up!" for example, there's rarely much useful feedback relative to the amount of hours put into creating something like your tunes or a race report or a guide to a particular race / races.

If you're doing this purely for the replies, stop now as you'll only become more & more despondant at the perceived lack of interest.

Look closely at the views that this thread has had.
That's the true indicator of how popular a thread is here at :gtplanet:
In just over 6 months you've accrued over 30000 views, each one meaning that someone has had the potential to benefit from one of your tunes and many of those views are probably from "repeat customers", those that have benefitted from their first experience and come back for more. Those that're not registered members here don't even get the chance to reply.
Think about it, how many people's service do you take the time to review or thank them for on a daily basis?

When was the last time you wrote to Shell after filling your Ute with petrol to thank them for the billions they've invested in making sure you get a high quality end product?
Take your TV or your PS3. Have you taken the time to shoot an e-mail to Sony praising them for the time and effort they put into making it possible for you to play & see GT5:P?
That Coke you had with your meal the other day? How about a text message to their HQ in Atlanta to say cheers :cheers: for over a hundred years of research and painstaking attention to detail to ensure their product reaches you in tip-top shape.

Sadly, "no" is the most likely answer to all this.
As humans we're much more likely to gripe if something is wrong than to offer praise for something right, I don't know why, but it's in our nature.
How many thread do we have here praising GT5:P? What about those slating GT5:P for what it's not doing?, what it should be doing?, what it's doing wrong?, how many defects it has? Look around, the numbers favour the negative side! :(

If everyone in the world went around believing they're performing a thankless task and giving up because they're not getting the right encouragement on a daily basis, the planet would grind to a pretty staggering halt.
Take your own feedback from this. Look for the positives in what you've worked at here and the potential help you've been to everyone.
Sure there'll be occasions where your ideas are met with resistance, criticism or disdain, but that happens every day in the real world and you have to learn to work through, around or over those problems.

Only you know what your ultimate goal is here, and only you can achieve it, but if you're using thread replies on an internet forum as a judge then you're going to be sorely disappointed. :indiff:
Don't blame you at all Paulie. I'm new to the forum, as I only recently started playing this game (having held out so long on getting a PS3) and I've already found the only thread I come to and post in is this one.

I only use your tunes, and will continue to do so. I've never offered that much feedback as they are pretty much perfect out of the box, and my setup knowledge (or lack of it) rules me out of offering anything worth while. You only need to glance at your original post in this thread and the amount of cars/tunes on offer to see how much time and effort has gone into it. So I certainly wont be criticising you for taking a break, or giving it away altogether. Enjoy and thanks!

PS. Go Lowndesy!
Smallhorses: Believe it or not, I haven't given a damn about the post count since GT5:P first came out, the views have always been what I've charted. Feedback sure is nice, especially when somebody takes that time to write a long review just to tell me how pleased they were with it, but I don't mind if people use and abuse so to speak, so long as they're using it.👍

vrrm and kervs1: It's good to hear. As I've said about 10 times now I won't be giving up tuning all together, I will be back and more involved than I have ever been in the future, especially when GT5 comes out. GT5:P is going to need an awesome event, or something really enticing to get me enthused again about this game.
Hey Paulie, for what its worth.. I would like to apologize if I had offened you in earlier posts. Was not my intention to flame you in anyway. I was just curious where your stand point came from, but in the end thats not my business anyway. See ya around when that great, enticing event does happen to come... 👍 :)
I just wanted to offer my .02. I have referenced this thread more times than I can count. It is the first thread I go to for a tune on a new car I am running. Your tunes are rock solid for my driving style and I really appreciate the time you have spent creating them. That you were willing to take this time and effort to create and share them with the rest of the GT world speaks volumes. Thank you!

Take a vacation, you have earned it!

Just make sure you come back when the online events are enticing! I’ll be waiting like the lady in those department store commercials; “Open! Open! Open!”
+1 i agree with everyone above... like smallhorses said, it's not about replies (or views) .. i was ecstatic when i hit the 100 reply mark... 30000 views is insane! and you probably have no idea how many people use those tunes.. neither do i. don't know about you, but i'm going to keep on tuning until we get through all the cars in prologue... if you would like to post feedback on my tunes you are perfectly welcome (i would actually feel quite thrilled)... same with the others im sure.

so if i get this right... you plan to get back into it after a while? if so, then you deserve the vacation.
Wow, I need to check this thread more often, a lot has happened. Sorry about the gumption drain you're experiencing...

Would it be too much like prodding if we still posted reviews of your existing products? On one hand, there's likely praise for your work, and on the other is a quiet suggestive gesture saying, 'more.'
Wow, I need to check this thread more often, a lot has happened. Sorry about the gumption drain you're experiencing...

Would it be too much like prodding if we still posted reviews of your existing products? On one hand, there's likely praise for your work, and on the other is a quiet suggestive gesture saying, 'more.'

Feel free to post reviews, I think I'll still release the odd tune here or there anyway (I want to share my Z06 setup for 650 PP HSR).
TLD Chevrolet Corvette Z06 (C6.5)
(356kw) (619Nm) (1207kg) (650 PP)



Power: -5
Weight: 85%
Tyres: S3


Ride Height: -35/-33
Spring Rate: 6/3
Damper: 4/1
Toe: -0.16/+0.35
Camber: 1.0/0.8

Brake Balance: 5/6

Max Turn Angle: 45

Driving aids up to driver, tuned and driven with all aids turned off except ABS at 1

Gear Ratios:
1st: 2.308
2nd: 1.588
3rd: 1.237
4th: 1.008
5th: 0.844
6th: 0.596
Final: 3.300

Description: Ladies and gentlemen you may be looking at the future of the Corvette. Future Corvettes (if they ever come thankyou very much financial crisis and tree huggers) are said to get lighter, and less powerful using smaller displacement engines, but either maintaining or increasing speed. TLD's Z06 is using a de-bored LS7 displacing 6.4L and producing 356kw, but weighs a lot less than a standard Z06, and also shods proper semi-slick tyres (tyres befitting such a high powered V8 RWD car). Add to the equation TLD tuned suspension and a 5spd gearbox from our catalogue (There is a 6th gear but it's used fore highway cruising), and this is a serious bit of road legal kit. Corvettes are still what fires our passion at TLD (at least in GT5:P), so I've worked extra hard on this car to give it that bit extra speed.

Tracks Tuned For/On:
High Speed Ring
(I am considering creating extra versions for other tracks)

Tuner's Notes:
Tuned as 5spd
Don't use 2nd gear at HSR
Shift up at around 6,800-6,900rpm
Fun to use and beat punters with

I thought I'd run a few practice sessions tonight in the DB9 in prep for the Event 02 final. I needed a tune, so I thought I'd come to TLD. I found your tune for it, applied the settings, went out on the track and noticed a massive improvement.

The tune was absolutely faboulous, the settings were fantastic and I just could not make a wrong move. 10/10. Excellent tune Paulie, keep up the fantastic work.