Live Car Chase!

Whenever we get a TV show called "The World's (blank)iest Police Chases!", presented and narrated by Det. Sgt. John Bunnell (Retired), that's the footage and voice-over we get. "This crazy lunatic barrels through an in-uh-sec-shun at over sixty miles per hour, just inches from innocent commuters!".

And we see a six lane road with no traffic on it apart from "the perp" and a gaggle of Crown Vics and say "Sorry... sixty? Sixty is a chase? Wow."
^Haha I miss that show! I love all the added on sound effects! "they nearly run over a cat!" and the they add that generic cat scream sound that's been used in countless tv shows/games etc. Also the cat being several meters away. :lol:
Man, if I had Driver, I'm guessing that I will be in the hospital suffering from an aneurism within a day of buying it! :lol: