The way these Championships are, it's as if it's real racing contracts. Like the same people each time. Why can't the field be new people each event?
I'm sure out of the thousands that participate and take time to do qualifying, there are thousands of stories to tell from the each participant. Wipe the field clean with fresh drivers.
I think Kaz says GT is a family. Well, let some new players have a seat at the big table. What if the next completely new field of drivers offer up clean racing? What if there are some players that have certain impairments, but are exceptional behind the wheel?
These events shouldn't be like Motorsport series where we see the same drivers each weekend. Invite the players that JUST missed out. Maybe those in the next queue. Not just Fraga all the time or Simmons or Mikal.
Not stealing current Championship player's thunder, but kind of making such players, as let's say, heroes of GT, make it so others can shine too.