Ask specs for your desired car as they may be different from standard.
LMP1- 570hp-900kg *TS030-530hp-900kg... *R18-580hp-900kg.
GTE- 500hp-1150kg *If your car can't make weight by 50kg add 10hp, by 100kg add 20hp, if by 200kg add 30hp... *If you are using a road car turn race car you are going to have to ask specs none are allowed over 500hp some lower.
LMP1- 570hp-900kg *TS030-530hp-900kg... *R18-580hp-900kg.
GTE- 500hp-1150kg *If your car can't make weight by 50kg add 10hp, by 100kg add 20hp, if by 200kg add 30hp... *If you are using a road car turn race car you are going to have to ask specs none are allowed over 500hp some lower.