* wats so good bout that?? cause i dunt really see anything amazing bout that!
Do you own a DFP? If not, then you'll not know what the difference is. If you do own a DFP, then watch the video again and turn the sound on..
LISTEN to how much noise there
ISN'T being made when the wheel is being turned slowly from side to side and then see if your DFP is that quiet!
(There's been more then a few comments from other GTP members who can't stand the noise the current DFP makes and how loud it is..and we're not sure just how much more quiter, if any, the G25 wheel will be. With this Frex wheel, we know already!)
* FREX makes really nice stuff - solid and well built. But expect that wheel to cost several hundred dollars (at least) more than the new Logitech wheel!
That is true! But think of it this way..what's going to last longer...a pair of sneakers bought from "Payless Shoe Source", or ones you buy from say "Footlocker?"... You pay for what you get!
* I'm sorry, but I fail too see why this wheel is "the best". Could someone clue me in?
Ok...watch the video again and you should notice the following:
A. That
BIG A$$ FF motor behind the wheel! (Now open up your DFP and compare the two! You should see a BIG difference! - The motor(s) which will be used in the new G25 wouldn't even be that big when situated side/by/side!
B. Larger Aluminum paddle shifters behind the wheel.
C. 6 buttons all logically placed within the drivers reach.
(Where are they going to be located at on the G25?...Oh! Yeah...down on the shifter!)
D. Larger wheel! Not that the current DFP wheel is not bad, but it could be bigger. True, the G25 wheel is going to be about the same size of that found in our current RL cars, but does it realy look like a wheel you'd put in a real car? This one is!
Bottom line, there's been more then just a few posts on this board about how shady or imperfect the current DFP is, especially the gas and brake pedals...so now ask yourself how much more reliable is the new setup going to be based on Logitech's past history? Then ask yourself, what's more important...looks or functionality?
Yeah, I'l admit, the G25 LOOKS nice and LOOKS like it'll be an improvemet over the current DFP but even then, we're still talking about plastic housings, low-grade parts, etc. etc., Not sure about you other 'racing enthusists', but I'll take reliability/functionality over 'looks' anyday and that's what I see when I first saw the video above!
NOTE: I may be impartial because I already have a Frex modded DFP, but when I first viewed the PICS of the G25 and then watching that video above for the 1st time, I instantly knew the G25 would be a lower grade wheel, but hell, that's just me I guess! :-)