LOGITECH EAT YOUR HEART OUT!!!!! The Real Deal Holyfied is Here!!!!!

  • Thread starter isamu
As a frex owner, I can say that the purchase was a bit of a stretch, but on the other hand, when ever I want to get out and run some laps, albeit on the PS2 for now, it's much easier then having to bother about:

* buying a cheap-used-car (Say a Miata)
* Gutting it
* Throwing on race-slicks or any high-performance tire
* Fueling it
* Paying an entry-fee for X-number of laps at a real track..
* My time hauling the car to said track for some 'real' lap time.

As stated earlier, going the Frex, ECCI, TSW, VPP (among others) route, spending a small amount of cash is the closes anyone is ever going to get to the real thing who is on a tight budget.

Besides...all one needs to do is look here and here to realize that there is a 'market' for such devices and that there are people out there willing to spend the $$$.. (Granted, 99% of the people who turn to high-end devices do their racing on the PC....and not the PS2...which if they were (besides myself) would be a little far-fetched and a bit 'over the top'... :D