Logitech G Pro Racing Wheel

Sometimes the nuclear option is the one to take
You mean a full hard reset like this?

I think that's what @Bowtner was about to do with his PC. šŸ˜„
Back again with more noob questions, what exactly does FFB Sensitivity do? When I had my G29 that setting was always set at 1 for as long as I can remember so I'm not sure what exactly it does. Should I keep it the same for the G Pro.
That said, what settings am I supposed to be using in-game with the G Pro?

FFB Max Torque
FFB Sensitivity
what exactly does FFB Sensitivity do?
From what I remember from my GT5, 6 and S days, basically Max torque was the strength of the constant return to center force. The one you fight against to turn the wheel. The sensitivity worked much like a damper with 1 being more lively and detailed. And 10 being duller and less figity.
It might have changed in GT7, but that was my take back then. Perhaps a current player might have a different idea.
From what I remember from my GT5, 6 and S days, basically Max torque was the strength of the constant return to center force. The one you fight against to turn the wheel. The sensitivity worked much like a damper with 1 being more lively and detailed. And 10 being duller and less figity.
It might have changed in GT7, but that was my take back then. Perhaps a current player might have a different idea.
I would like to know exactly how sensitivity works in GT7. I assumed 10 would be the most lively so I just cranked it but now you have me wondering.
It seems to change the responsiveness of the force feedback with 1 being least responsive and 10 being the most. The best example is if you're at 10 then you're more likely to get get centre oscillation when going down a straight in a high downforce car with soft race tyres - turning that down should alleviate the oscillation.

The settings we recommend are:

FFB Max Torque 10
FFB Sensitivity 1

We just think it feels more natural with the sensitivity down at 1, but ultimately there's no "correct" setting - it's what you prefer.
Just some commenting in FB group: Gran Turismo 7 about the new Fanatec DD+ Clubsport with 15nm of torque.


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@LOGI_Rich and others:

While waiting for the delayed Pro Wheel I had also ordered the Extreme Bundle ( which ironically arrived here before the Pro Wheel although ordered much later ;-). I have installed them both in the meantime and doing some testing. So, regarding the max. torque setting in GT7, I can report first hand from my own personal experience that the Extreme-Combo apparently does NOT have the torque-limitation. If I set max. torque on the base and on GT7 steering becomes freaking heavy. Absolutely no comparison to when driving on max. torque settings in GT7 with the Pro wheel, which feels much easier at its 7 or 8nm.

And I am not the only one:
This YouTuber ( sorry, it is in German, but you can use English subtitles )specifically checked on the topic at minute 7:52.

While I really like the Pro wheel - it had been my number one choice until a few days ago - I will be sending it back. As GT7 is my main reason for getting a DD-wheel, I can simply not accept paying way over 1k and not being able to leverage the full performance that I invested in in first place. I know it is not LogitechĖ‹s fault, but from a consumer perspective at the end of the day all that matters is whether something works as advertised or not. And in GT7 simply it does not at this point. Also, if I considered 8nm of torque to be enough, it would be hard for me to justify the extra cost over a boosted DD pro. Trueforce feels nice, but IMHO not worth paying that much more. Long story short: I will pay extra for the DD extreme, but I am getting on GT7 all the torque I paid for ;-) If there wasnā€™t the torque limitation on GT7, I would have most probably gone with the Pro, as you are getting comparable performance and features ( with the advantage of Trueforce being already rolled out vs. Fullforce onyl having been announced so far) for less money.

Yeah definitely something is going on. Hey check out my 11 NM wheel, with everything maxed out! Honestly mine right now with how I have it set, and it is almost maxed out, doesnā€™t really feel much heavier than a T300. I donā€™t mind, I like the feel of it but you have a point, and Iā€™d like to be able to crank it up once in a while and show friends how strong it can get. Itā€™s like buying a 400hp car but in your city the car gets limited to 250hp. But just your area nowhere else.

To me, something seems shady there. Why on earth are they limiting the G Pro and only the G Pro?
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Yeah definitely something is going on. Hey check out my 11 NM wheel, with everything maxed out! Honestly mine right now with how I have it set, and it is almost maxed out, doesnā€™t really feel much heavier than a T300. I donā€™t mind, I like the feel of it but you have a point, and Iā€™d like to be able to crank it up once in a while and show friends how strong it can get. Itā€™s like buying a 400hp car but in your city the car gets limited to 250hp. But just your area nowhere else.

To me, something seems shady there. Why on earth are they limiting the G Pro and only the G Pro?
Perhaps due to Fanatec heavily sponsors I have a feeling PD/Sony favours the Fanatec Brand. If Logitech can communicate the concern with PD about why their hardware is Nerfed compared to their competitor, it may be allow for PD to level the playing field
This is infuriating if true. "Lets pay PD/Sony to hamper the true potential of our rival, or we might lose so much money".

That's a big **** you to the Logitech Pro users and for this alone I will never buy any Fanatec stuff.
Yeah definitely something is going on. Hey check out my 11 NM wheel, with everything maxed out! Honestly mine right now with how I have it set, and it is almost maxed out, doesnā€™t really feel much heavier than a T300. I donā€™t mind, I like the feel of it but you have a point, and Iā€™d like to be able to crank it up once in a while and show friends how strong it can get. Itā€™s like buying a 400hp car but in your city the car gets limited to 250hp. But just your area nowhere else.

To me, something seems shady there. Why on earth are they limiting the G Pro and only the G Pro?
It's unfair and against competition rules.
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Not to sure what the issue is here, my wheel feels great, but it does vary from car to car. In the gt7 controller settings I have ff max torque at 10 and sensitivity at 2. Any changes I need to do regarding the ffb I do on the wheel. Sorry if I have missed the point completly, I was just feeling left out.šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜
Each car should feel different. Older cars with low grade tires should have loose, sloppy steering feel. Newer cars with higher grade tires and better suspension and steering geometry will feel much tighter and more responsive. I run my g29 at 4 torque and 3 sensitivity with all cars on pavement. I change it to 2 torque for off pavement to keep the 29 from shaking itself to an early grave. Run that Mangusta. Then run the Skyline silhouette. If those 2 cars don't feel drastically different, something is not right somewhere.
Not to sure what the issue is here, my wheel feels great, but it does vary from car to car. In the gt7 controller settings I have ff max torque at 10 and sensitivity at 2. Any changes I need to do regarding the ffb I do on the wheel. Sorry if I have missed the point completly, I was just feeling left out.šŸ˜šŸ˜šŸ˜
Well Iā€™m in the same boat. But I mostly play GT7. If you go over to other titles. I think eventually you might find yourself cranking it up a bit, then if you come back to GT7 youā€™ll be wondering what has happened.

I only say this because when I first got the wheel I was the recommended settings on wheel and max torque was 6 in game and sensitivity like 2. The more I raced I found myself cranking it up a little. Right now it feels about perfect, but I have nowhere left to go. Thereā€™s no more headroom. Thereā€™s some comfort in knowing your wheel ip feels great and youā€™re only at about 7 max torque with plenty of FFB strength to go, if you want it.
Hi guys, I just found this community after ordering the wheel, base and Pedals this morning. Looking forward to receiving them.

Iā€™m currently on an 8nm CSL DD/McLaren GT3 wheel setup atm - but I want to also play GT7 - I just donā€™t trust Fanatec with all their shenanigans to buy a DD+ and Iā€™m seeing quite a few QC issues with it on Reddit!!

Unfortunately this is the first Iā€™m hearing about PD limiting the FFB to 7nm! why hell have they done that!!! Thatā€™s really frustrating & they should explain why at the very least. Itā€™s not quite a deal breaker for me as I also play ACC etc. but I can see it being a problem for many who just Play GT. They must have given the reason to Logitech so why havenā€™t they conveyed to us the reasoning?
@hawkeyez I have noticed when I go on ACC and asm2 that if I crank the ffb up it is a workout so end up bringing it down. I wasnā€™t aware the pd had put a cap on ffb. Thatā€™s a bit naughty.
With ACC on PS5 do you have any updated, recommended settings?
I notice the screen shot on the Logitech website doesn't have the frequency setting and if you scroll down there is a setting for trueforce audio gain.
What do you/Logitech recommend for these 2 settings please?

Yes, I already saw someone elsewhere saying that at full strength the wheel oscillated a lot.

I think GT DD PRO has the same issue. Who says they won't limit the extreme in the future?
No, the DD Pro is max. 8nm (with boost kit) and that is what it maxes out at GT7. Also, the Fanatec Podium F1, which is a 20nm base, is not limited. So, why should they limit the Extreme, which is only 15nm? And it is the officially licensed GT7-wheel advertised by PD inside GT7 for its 15nm strength. As others already said, the limitation on the Logitech Pro Wheel seems rather strange and leaves lots of room for speculations whether there could be commercial reasons behind it rather than the official ā€žsafety concernsā€œ. Anyways, this hurts Logitechā€˜s business in first place, so I would expect them to make a move here. But the fact that this situation has been remaining unchanged for quite a while now, leaves me with serious doubts if thereā€™s really anything they can do about it. As a customer I dont want to depend on whether two companies figure things out or not, so if I have a choice I try to avoid that. And thatā€™s why - at least for me - the Pro wheel did not qualify for my needs at the end of day despite it being a great product. But so is the one from the competition, just without that limitation, which means I am still getting my needs covered. And at the end that is all I care about as a customer :-)
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Glad everyone's wheels have started shipping!

@AshenGraey there's no issues with using the PS version of the wheel on PC titles.

@Dankostone Yes, still correct. In-game I set the max torque to 10 and FFB sensitivity to 1, with Vibration set to 35. As for my method for determining settings, it's nothing more scientific than just driving and tweaking until I'm happy with what I'm feeling. Depending on the game you're sometimes looking to correct things like aggressive oscillation by increasing the dampener, but it very much depends on each developer's method for creating what you feel through the wheel.
Hi @LOGI_Rich ,

What are your Wheel Settings that you use alongside these settings for GT7?

I've been experimenting on this different setting tonight with the ones you posted plus the wheel settings from here - https://support.logi.com/hc/en-gb/articles/8358055253271-In-Game-Settings-for-Pro-Wheels

and they feel so un natural to me? I love the feeling of TrueForce. What value/setting gives me that feeling through the wheel just so I'm clear?

Since I got My G Pro I had been using the stock settings of:

In Game:
100% Vibration
FFB Max Torque: 7
FFB Sensitivity: 1

Wheel Settings:
Strength: 7
TF Audio: 10
FFB Filter: 11

Are these what I should be running would you say? Or what would recommend I change them to get the best accurate designed feel for GT7?

And with all the talk about what Nm value we're getting through the wheel with my current settings you see above there what value am I receiving currently?

Sorry for all the probably obvious questions but rather I'd learn and clarify! šŸ˜Š
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I guess the question back is: what do you feel is unnatural about those settings? If you think the wheel is too loose/unresponsive then turn the FFB Sensitivity up (you can also decrease the FFB filter on the wheel). If you would like more weight/friction in the wheel then increase the Dampener. Remember that those settings we provide are simply a recommendation, not a "do this or it'll feel horrible" situation.

Remember that in GT7 the Strength and TF Audio wheel settings will only affect things if you touch them after loading the game and they will then only act within the limits set by the in-game FFB Max Torque and Vibration settings, respectively. 100% vibration is a lot for me personally, but I know there are people out there who love it at that level. If you leave the in-game torque at 7 and never touch the wheel settings then you'll be getting around 5Nm peak torque from the wheel.
Going off memory here but itā€™ll be close enough and I am liking how my wheel feels.

Max torque 9
Sensitivity 10
Vibration 45

G Pro
Strength 11nm
Trueforce 100
Filter 1 or 2
Dampener 4 ( I have the opposite effect as what LogiRich has said, the more I turn up the dampener the heavier my wheel feels to me)

I feel like this is a pretty lively setup.

Thereā€™s not a ton of settings here so to figure out what each this is affecting maybe experiement with cranking something way up or way down. Just one setting at a time, use the same car and track while testing. Take note of what each thing is responsible for feel wise and then youā€™ll be able to set it more to how you like it.

*** tune the wheel using sports medium tires and a car around 500-600pp. Then when you get it, it should be fairly well rounded

For fun I cranked dampener way up to full and came to the realization it makes the wheel heavy and imo slow to react. Felt like the steering wheel was in a huge vat of the thickest syrup you could find. Went to zero and and noticed every little thing as well as oscillation. I get oscillation down straights with my settings on racing tires with a lot of downforce but itā€™s barely there as long as I hold onto the wheel.

Anyway thatā€™s the idea. You find out pretty fast what each setting contributes to the overall feel. The wheel has 5 profiles I think so if GT7 is the only game youā€™re playing, set all of them up the same and then have each profile have one effect zeroā€™d or cranked.

Maybe profile one is full dampener, next is no dampener and third profile is half way. When youā€™ve sorted that, switch them to the FFB filter. Etc etc etc.
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The down function on the switch of my wheel stopped working. Has anyone else had this problem too? I wonder if there is an easy way to fix it.

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