London and England riots

  • Thread starter Alex.
You don't feel that a 14 year old playing Black Ops all day (we all know some parents don't think the age restrictions of games apply to their kids) isn't going to have a detrimental effect or they are failing to learn real social interaction?

Just playing devil's advocate. :)

Playing Skool Daze on my Spectrum back in the day, didn't make me steal my report card from the school's safe or fire catapults at teachers. ;)
Playing Skool Daze on my Spectrum back in the day, didn't make me steal my report card from the school's safe or fire catapults at teachers. ;)

Haha. My gaming time-waster was Elite on the Spectrum. You needed two of you to play it properly though. Didn't make me become an evil universal trading overlord... that was an interesting careers meeting at school. :dunce:
It seems,like, that this 'chav' problem, like, has been building up for some time, like.


If only old people didn't get senile and intolerant. :P

I like how these teddy boys are so polite, one of them even calls the interviewer "Sir". I wonder if their language and demeanour were as offensive to the general public back then as those of certain such groups are today.

Also, when asked why the Teddy Boy "problem" only exists in the winter:
Men love darkness rather than light, because their deeds are evil. These are boys who do not flourish in the light, but only in the dark.
Crikey. I'm reminded of Bible sessions in school...

As for playing games, if kids want "social interaction", they'll seek it out. If they can't play games, they'll do something else. Being granted whatever they want (such as "mature" games) might be the real issue, along with the "wrong kinds of social interaction".
Such as the opportunist stealing of a £3.50 packet of bottled water. The boy got 6 months in jail.

Maybe he might actually attend school while he's in prison (if juvenile detention centres in the UK have schools).
You don't feel that a 14 year old playing Black Ops all day (we all know some parents don't think the age restrictions of games apply to their kids) isn't going to have a detrimental effect or they are failing to learn real social interaction?

Just playing devil's advocate. :)

There might be a degree of truth in that (in that parking your child in front of a computer all day every day would presumably affect their social interaction skills), but I'd say that's not a videogame specific issue. Leave your kid sitting staring at anything for 12 hours a day (Call of Duty, The Tweenies, the box your toner came in) and I'd say it's unlikely that they're going to become a very rounded human being if that's a day-in, day-out routine.

As for the traditional Mary-Whitehouse-style angle of attack against video games, I don't see it. Particularly in the case of the looters, who are if anything acting on a primal sense of safety in numbers rather than anything else.

Additionally, I'd have thought that if a kid wasn't doing anything but sitting inside all day playing/watching whatever, they'd be far too terrified at the thought of leaving the house to even think about looting or setting fire to anything. Just a thought. :)
As for the traditional Mary-Whitehouse-style angle of attack against video games, I don't see it.

This. I've played Grand Theft Auto since I was 14, and I don't do drive-bys, nor do I steal cars at gunpoint.
As for the traditional Mary-Whitehouse-style angle of attack against video games, I don't see it. Particularly in the case of the looters, who are if anything acting on a primal sense of safety in numbers rather than anything else.

True. But there have been recent tests with younger kids (8-10 year olds) which have shown a change in their attitudes toward other people when exposed to violent video games. TBH I don't believe over use of an Xbox or PS3 could lead the behaviour we've witnessed recently, but it is a good discussion point. :)

This. I've played Grand Theft Auto since I was 14, and I don't do drive-bys, nor do I steal cars at gunpoint.

You have evidence of course? :sly: ;)
^ I don't own any guns, so therefore I can't do drive-bys nor can I steal cars at gunpoint.
True. But there have been recent tests with younger kids (8-10 year olds) which have shown a change in their attitudes toward other people when exposed to violent video games. TBH I don't believe over use of an Xbox or PS3 could lead the behaviour we've witnessed recently, but it is a good discussion point. :)

In the appropriate and existing thread, one hopes.

Media is influential as you let it be. A kid brought up by CoD is going to be more densensitised to violence and offensive language (if they play online) than a kid brought up by parents, even parents who let them play CoD.
This. I've played Grand Theft Auto since I was 14, and I don't do drive-bys, nor do I steal cars at gunpoint
On the same note, albeit going back a generation...

I watched all the 'video nasties' that caused such a fuss in the early 80's, but they didn't induce me to chop people
up and eat them, nor drill holes in anyone's head

If people are nutty enough to get kicked off by video games, they would just do the same by some other stimuli if
video games were unavailable

loonies, just waiting to be triggered :(
Now is the perfect time to release a game purely about rioting, preferably based in London. I would enjoy playing it. I want to destroy peoples property, mug the vulnerable and fatally wound the police and burn shops. Would be so much fun (possibly, I know GTA4 is fun)
Because I would never do anything like that in real life, or want to. But in a game you can release the mind and "play" as a violent thug that doesn't just have no conscience but revels in the pleasure of causing harm. And as soon as the PS3 is off, it's as if it never happened. And it didn't in a reality sense.
The healthiness of violent video game playing is well documented in science.
It's healthy for healthy people, perhaps not for those with violence issues.
The only negative is being called sick for recreating and playing something from real life to enjoy it's badness. I think this moral feeling is a shame. As the worse and most sick the game the better it is for you in terms of moral release.
Movies are different, I think they can be harmful, as you are being fed the harm rather than doing it yourself within your own boundaries. It would be ok to enjoy being a serial rapist in a game, but not to enjoy watching it in a film. It's interesting as I haven't thought of it like that before.
In a game you are very aware of playing and creating your content, as an isolated observer of film you are out of control and vulnerable.

Back to rioting specifically, a game of it could achieve balance by giving the option to play as rioter/police/ or innocent bystander caught in the wrong place and the wrong time.
But it's inevitable the most enjoyment would come from doing the nasty stuff.
That would include being the riot police role, and running round a corner to knock a boy off his bike and circle him to beat him to a pulp and then move on. Robust Policing 3, out next Autumn...
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The toughest jail sentences yet have been given to 2 people who were not even caught rioting or looting on the streets, they were sentenced to 4 years each in jail for posting on Facebook urging people to riot, despite being of previous good character.

The judge said “The courts should show that outbursts of criminal behaviour like this will and must be met with sentences longer than they would be if the offences had been committed in isolation.

“As a starting point, it seems to me inevitable that any adult offender (who took part in the riot) must expect to lose his or her liberty for a significant period.”

The cases came a day after it emerged that magistrates in London had been told they can ignore normal sentencing guidelines in order to hand down tougher penalties for those involved in the disturbances.


Scotland Yard has said 25% of those involved in the riots were gang members.

The police said they considered shutting down Twitter. (I didn't realise they had this power).
Ah, to be in College again and to watch riot organizers at work. Familiar MOs, all of it... interesting that criminal groups are now using the same MOs as radical political organizations...
*cough* bollocks

Your evidence? The link you posted is simply a piece of news coverage about the protests in Israel... and doesn't support your claim in any way whatsoever. If anything it totally undermines your point - if there was such a cover-up, how come there's a whole news piece about it on the UK's most watched news channel?

^^ Cover up?! Do you really think you could get that bunch of complete wasters organised enough? :lol: