I had a thought last night as an interesting aside to all this. Yes, it does happen sometimes, before you start!
We come on here an kick the **** about stuff, giving opinion and counter opinion, agreement and argument. But at the end of they day, this is just a forum of people who came together through a passion for a video game. It's not a political forum or one run via any media groups, just us and our chat and our DS3's (DFGT's, G25's, G27's, etc.
). So who cares what we think? We may have a voice but are we qualified to discuss such socially profound issues such as the disaffected youth of the world and the increasing bleak outlook for future generations? Perhaps, perhaps not.
Well something lit a bulb in my head last night - no drugs honest. A news report on Sky went to one of the estates in London (Ealing I think) where a number of these kids came from (btw, 75% of those arrest so far are 18 years old or below). One of the parents was giving an impassioned view to the reporter. I didn't agree with half of what he was saying - mainly about not getting enough form the state, etc - but he did say one thing that stuck with me. He said that because he and his wife had to both work to pay the bills that they weren't able to spend much time looking after the kids. He then said that the kids were spending too much time on their own in the their rooms
being brought up by their Xboxs.
Then suddenly it was all so relevant for a forum like this! I'm guessing I'm at the older end of the spectrum (no pun intended) here and although I've been gaming for 30-odd years now, sometimes for days on end in my teen years, I never felt I was being brought up by my Atari/Spectrum/C64/Sega, etc, etc. (looking at that list it's probably just as well!). But then again I'm from a middle class family from the home counties where social depravation wasn't particularly visible.
Could gaming be partly to blame for the recent troubles when added to other social issues? Does too much gaming isolate kids and teenagers therefore potentially desensitising them to the suffering of others?
Just a thought.