Looking for a song?Music 

I'm looking for a song. I googled my ass off already, but no luck so far.

It has a girl singing, sounding a bit like Nelly Furtado, and it has some Arabic sounding tunes on the back ground. It isn't a very old song, 2011-early 2012.

I'm looking for a song. I googled my ass off already, but no luck so far.

It has a girl singing, sounding a bit like Nelly Furtado, and it has some Arabic sounding tunes on the back ground. It isn't a very old song, 2011-early 2012.


Do you have any lyrics?
I'm trying to find the song that plays when you scroll over the free Singstar app on the PS3's XMB. It seems like it's an instrumental version of the song as well.
There's a song that with a high pitched guitar riff that sounds like it's going cha cha cha chi chi cha cha, with lyrics going "she was born on a ray of sound" over and over again?

What is it?
Well, I'm currently looking for the song, in this commercial...

Would it be...

If you check the info on the right side of the video description, it shows you the artist/track name used in said video. ;)
I'm looking for a song. I googled my ass off already, but no luck so far.

It has a girl singing, sounding a bit like Nelly Furtado, and it has some Arabic sounding tunes on the back ground. It isn't a very old song, 2011-early 2012.


Not quite the remix I heard but it is this song.

Finally. I can die peacefully.
Ermm... In Top Gear during the Boat VS SLR race to Oslo Jeremy crosses a bridge of awesome proportions... What song is playing while he does it? (Can I just have the title rather than a video as my YouTube won't work)
There's a song with a music video where bright colours flash up all over the place over dada newspaper art and a young woman whispering in her friends ear.

I cannot remember it's name, only that it was instrumental and just as psychedelic as the video. HALP!
What is the name of the song playing in the background of this video, please, anyone ? I'm loving the guitar in this.

I'm 95%sure it's Guns N Roses, I just can't place the song. Scouring the youtubez, reliving my adolescence looking. :D

Found it. GNR Estranged. Nice to know my memory isn't completely gone, considering I haven't heard that song for at least 16 years! :scared:
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It does kind of sound like Slash's style. Is it the G-n-R days or other ? I don't follow a whole lot of Slash's music to be sure from which group this may have evolved from.

*hits You-Tube as well*
Bit of a bump post incase you missed my edit like I missed your post.
That's it ..... you rock TB. :D

:bowdown: Thanks 👍

Yeah, a little miss by 2 minutes on the post, ooooops.