Looking for a song?Music 

So I was at a Paul McCartney concert a while ago and I've got this song stuck in my head. I tried looking on the set list but I could not find it.

It goes like "oh oh oh ohoooohhh na na na na magnapole" or something like that. I honestly couldn't pick up the lyrics that well.

To help you guys out it had an almost Elvis "Hound Dog" sort of sound (at least that's what I remember). Sort of 50's-60's sound and really fast paced. It's driving me nuts :crazy:
Hey guys I cannot for the love me think of the name of a song I used to listen to quite a bit. I know it's a classic rock song as well.

The one riff is played moderatly fast paced on an acoustic guitar, goes something like this (with a chord progression going down then back up). Simulate that with an acoustic sound pretty fast paces. I know I'm dumb for not being able to think of the name of this, it's rather easy too.

(Going down in pitch)
(going back up)
I went through a few 1960-70s movie trailers, but no good.
It seems like it would be in an action movie from that era.

Thank You!
Danny for President?
Yes! 👍

But what's the song at 1:51 - 2:40? :ouch:

Update: So I was at the Gap store :rolleyes: and this song started playing that I can not take off my mind. It's French with female vocalist and has this 60s-70s sort of feel to it. I'm going to insane, it's really damn catchy. I tried looking up the stores playlist and still couldn't find anything. It would be sweet if anyone somehow knew it.


I posted this to give you guys some help:

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Well, not really a song but a GT5 trailer-ish video.

The song playing is Something Must Break by Gonno.

The only thing I remember about it is some minimalist text spelling out "G R A N T U R I S M O" on a black background cutting to a Lexus LFA speeding through the Special Stage Route 7 tunnel.

Please if someone has seen the video before, link it. :)

Anyone know the name of the song right at the beginning?

According to Shazam, this is the song you're looking for. :)
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