Looking for new racersOpen 

  • Thread starter tarkus1
you get a free NASCAR for getting half of the stars in IA if you can do it before thursday. Stockerace
Nice heads up! Thanks...

I have been only doing the events that interested me so far. So I am not entirely through career ATM. But I will do just this to get it.

Come thursday El Diablo is gonna be full force ("yea right!).
Tarkus1 runs a good room as do alot of others in this subforum. You should send him a FR there are no applications I guess other than racing clean.
Thanks JLG.
But yeah, just go ahead and send a FR and as long as you race cleanly you'll always be welcomed back. Of course a good sense of humor helps too but it's not required lol
@tarkus1 is leaving a valuable piece of information out. Dont "fahget ya nascahh" (I live near Boston). And you have to act like the actual Nascar driver of whatever rig your bring out! Ha

I hope to make there tonight guys but looks like another snowstorm headed this way. I will be plowing from 3pm today to whenever sometime Friday. Bummed I couldnt test drive my new nascar...
@tarkus1 is leaving a valuable piece of information out. Dont "fahget ya nascahh" (I live near Boston). And you have to act like the actual Nascar driver of whatever rig your bring out! Ha

I hope to make there tonight guys but looks like another snowstorm headed this way. I will be plowing from 3pm today to whenever sometime Friday. Bummed I couldnt test drive my new nascar...

So does that also mean champaigne for the winner? Also if it means anything to ya, we'll have you there in spirit.

Understood about not making it though. We're just north of Baltimore and in the middle of it all right now. About a foot on the ground with more on the way.
Good gosh what racing we had last night.
I think I figured out why we all tired out so early. The damn traveling. Packing the cars and crews up and then traveling to every corner of the planet to race. Jeezz. We traveled to Japan, then to Belgium, then to the U.S. for a race under the stars. I still can't figure out who's idea that was. That's the last time I dress my pit crew in dark black costumes. I must have drove past them at least three times. Fortunately I recognized several four letter words that my pit crew is known for using to get my attention.
Australia, twelve hours to and back and we pick a flight playing reruns of The Golden Girls. I could go on and on about our travels, but I'll save them for another night.

One thing for sure, let's do again.
Good gosh what racing we had last night.
I think I figured out why we all tired out so early. The damn traveling. Packing the cars and crews up and then traveling to every corner of the planet to race. Jeezz. We traveled to Japan, then to Belgium, then to the U.S. for a race under the stars. I still can't figure out who's idea that was. That's the last time I dress my pit crew in dark black costumes. I must have drove past them at least three times. Fortunately I recognized several four letter words that my pit crew is known for using to get my attention.
Australia, twelve hours to and back and we pick a flight playing reruns of The Golden Girls. I could go on and on about our travels, but I'll save them for another night.

One thing for sure, let's do again.

Looks like I missed a good time, I was drifting a chevy pickup with a 8ft plow in a blizzard for 20 hours of le mans on ice. Sounds fun...

But it wasnt.

Looking foward to next week!
Thanks again for another week of great, casual racing. If I could make a couple of suggestions for the coming weeks. Could we consider a one make race at our favorite PP (525)? Maybe all GNX's or RGT's or '10 SS Camaro's or whatever the the group chooses. I would think that we would all have closer racing than with just a PP restriction alone. Also I wouldn't mind if we take a 1 lap race somewhere so that we could pose our rides instead of race so that we could get photos of the group together from the replay. Also maybe we try NASCAR again,without the damage on this time. I really just want to hear Tjger talk "NASCAR" again or Bernie Mac do some commentating on the races. Good times. See you next week. Stock
^ I like the idea(s).
We could schedule something along the lines of a special event. A DTM race at the Nurburgring F1 circuit. A JGTC race at Suzuka, or even a Honda Element race at Deep Forest. Twenty-five laps, fuel/tire wear and maybe required tire compound change. Keep the cars close to stock with a little breathing room for PP, HP, and WT changes due to tuning. It would be interesting to watch each others pit strategy.

For the photo shoot session. Let's flood our host's inbox with our favorite photos.
First off I have to say I like the ideas coming out. I really shouldn't have had the heavy damage at Daytona with that many people and I paid the price for it too. I really don't have any issues with any of the ideas except for the flooding the inbox thing. Maybe we can skip that one. I'm more in favor of a 1 lap with Tjger doing full commentary.
I thought the one make races were cool too and it kept everything even so I definitely want to do that more. All I can say is keep the ideas coming and make sure to bring them up again Thursday.
Good gosh what racing we had last night.
I think I figured out why we all tired out so early. The damn traveling. Packing the cars and crews up and then traveling to every corner of the planet to race. Jeezz. We traveled to Japan, then to Belgium, then to the U.S. for a race under the stars. I still can't figure out who's idea that was. That's the last time I dress my pit crew in dark black costumes. I must have drove past them at least three times. Fortunately I recognized several four letter words that my pit crew is known for using to get my attention.
Australia, twelve hours to and back and we pick a flight playing reruns of The Golden Girls. I could go on and on about our travels, but I'll save them for another night.

One thing for sure, let's do again.

Looks like I missed a good time, I was drifting a chevy pickup with a 8ft plow in a blizzard for 20 hours of le mans on ice. Sounds fun...

But it wasnt.

Looking foward to next week!

Sorry to hear all that. And to top it off, we're sending a bit more snow your way at this very moment.
On another note, we're still open to new racers in case anyone is wondering. We now have a great group of people but there's still room for more.
Yes I see that! All this snow is killing my GT time! Haha although making money isnt bad!

I think we all have great suggestions.

@tarkus1 maybe you should change/update the OP and before each thursday maybe put up a tentative schedule or events that you will run. Not sure about the other non GTP members how they could see but im sure its something to think about.

That also may attract some others who are looking for specific races.

@tjger the commentary sounded like was just as good as the races:tup:

Back to Le mans on ice...
Okay, I suggest starting with this thursday and once a month a special night. A GT5 flashback. We keep our format and rules but run the room in Gran Turismo 5.

Since GT5 will be no longer after May, how about it?
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A rerun of NASCAR at Daytona @ roughly 9:00 ET. 25 laps. Then its up in the air with a discussion on this very subject.
Building a race menu for the upcoming weeks. I'm hoping we keep the 25 lap race with events held around the world. DTM at the Nurburgring F1 circuit. Super GT at Suzuka. LMPs at Lemans. Ferraris' in Italy. I can run my mouth a little more, but I'm busying getting my driving chair tilted at the required 20 degrees left to simulate Daytona.
45 degrees and sunny! Looks like I will be racing tonight...whats on the menu?

As usual we'll see what the group decides and go from there but I do want to bring back some NASCAR but without the heavy damage this time. I thought that would have been a good idea last week but I was obviously wrong. I also like the idea of some "one make" races so we're all driving the same car. Other than that, just bring any ideas to the race and we'll see what happens.
+1 - Likewise interested on the menu for the causal lobby tonight!

As you can see from the thread, there's nothing that's set in stone as we like to keep this pretty casual but you'll also notice everyone is free to bring their ideas which we're definitely open for. If you look at Tjger's response, he has some good ideas which we can certainly do. If you're interested, send me an FR and hopefully we'll catch ya later this evening.
Sounds good @tarkus1!

I will be there and I like the way it usually goes. Its always a good variety and usually always a full room of clean/fun racing.
I'm looking to drive with a solid group and try my luck at driving and racing with more than just 1 or 2 drivers out on the course, my PSN is dirt_beezle and i'm up for a run or two most nights past 5pm PST ( 8pm EST )
I'm looking to drive with a solid group and try my luck at driving and racing with more than just 1 or 2 drivers out on the course, my PSN is dirt_beezle and i'm up for a run or two most nights past 5pm PST ( 8pm EST )
Hi Kiosk,
Thanks for checking the thread. As of now we usually have about 10 or so quality people racing every Thursday so there's definitely room for more. I can't speak for everyone but I do look forward to having upwards of 16 racing steady one day so I'll send you an FR and hopefully you'll have a good time racing and want to stick around weekly.
Thanks, it's been a bit of a struggle finding OK people ( good players are abundant, good people are harder to find ) since I left my gaming group of some 9 years ( I'm leaving PC flight sim gaming behind in lieu of a different obsession )
Is it Thursday already!? No storms all week! Race time!

Can you suggest a GT300 (550pp) race tonight? (I dont know if everyone has a Gt300 car)

Couldnt think of a good one make race, so this could be a fun race with our group. I think everyone would be in the mix. I dont know about a track maybe Silverstone or Bathurst. Any track! I finished last in the Nascar, but hey if you aint first you're last (literally).

Looking foward to racing tonight.
Is it Thursday already!? No storms all week! Race time!

Can you suggest a GT300 (550pp) race tonight? (I dont know if everyone has a Gt300 car)

Couldnt think of a good one make race, so this could be a fun race with our group. I think everyone would be in the mix. I dont know about a track maybe Silverstone or Bathurst. Any track! I finished last in the Nascar, but hey if you aint first you're last (literally).

Looking foward to racing tonight.

I like the idea and think I need to start writing this stuff down. All you guys are throwing out some cool ideas and the only one I actually remembered was NASCAR.
Thanks for going easy on the new guy.

It was fun, not really in my comfort zone with tire choices but I gave it my best shot.










See yah next Thursday.:D
^ Excellent way to recap our night of racing.

tarkus 1 I sent you gtplanet PM.
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