Loot Boxes/Prize Crates to be Removed this Winter

  • Thread starter GTvsForza
To be fair, neither of the 3 games were exactly stellar upon release, all in their own way.
To be honest, this feels more like they're just closing down another feature that would have to be actively maintained so that they can focus their attention on Horizon 4, much like getting rid of locked cars meant to be exclusive prizes and making the Specialty Dealer redundant. If prize crates were being removed as a result of Gamer Rage™, they would have done so months ago when everyone was so furious that even the general news media had to take notice.
To be honest, this feels more like they're just closing down another feature that would have to be actively maintained so that they can focus their attention on Horizon 4, much like getting rid of locked cars meant to be exclusive prizes and making the Specialty Dealer redundant. If prize crates were being removed as a result of Gamer Rage™, they would have done so months ago when everyone was so furious that even the general news media had to take notice.

Takes time to remove features like that, not to mention they probably had a lot of behind the doors meetings to discuss the pros/cons of removing them; and to whether it was worth investing staff into doing it. Obviously they decided it was best to remove them.

I doubt it will have anything to do with working on FH4 however, as Playground work on that title. Plus T10 keep talking about other upcoming improvements to FM7, such a a new drag racing update, new things for drifters, and a overhaul of the track side limits that should hopefully kill off corner cutting in rivals. I think T10 know they messed up with FM7, and looks like they are making reasonable steps forward to try and rectify that mistake before they contemplate what to do for FM8. Makes sense though, as they really need to win back consumer trust.
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Which is why I LOLed, it gave no an advantage and cost nothing.

There are few posters here who couldnt keep they mouths without using Forza and Loots Boxes in same sentence,even when those "loot" boxes was ONLY buyable with ingame credits.I guess it was more of popular bandwagon thingy to simply talk about it and look "cool".

FM was the 2k of circuit racers. They had no competition, and haven't been pushing the series forward enough. Pc2 changed the game. It's over

PC2 changed what exactly? They did NOTHING,just another game pretended to be sim,Forza never tried to be sim in first place,they dont need to as they have no competition.Game over?Yep,game over,as PG now joined MS as a first dev team,and no doubt will work with T10.
Love GTP,as some people posting such drivel :D
When I read this I thought to myself, “I can think of 50 other things I’d like to see improved /work done on, then removing these harmless loot boxes”. Especially if it’s going to take so much effort, like it says in the article.

I mean why go through all that trouble, when they can be fixing something else. Just exclude them from all future games.
When I read this I thought to myself, “I can think of 50 other things I’d like to see improved /work done on, then removing these harmless loot boxes”. Especially if it’s going to take so much effort, like it says in the article.

I mean why go through all that trouble, when they can be fixing something else. Just exclude them from all future games.

If I where to hazard a guess, bad publicity! its as simple as that. People saw loot boxes, forgot that a very similar prize system has been in place in Forza since Horizon 2; and slandered Motorsport 7 for daring to include the same prize system but with a different face. Its going to have hurt sales of the game, and given T10 are removing them from a current title already to market; I would assume that means the losses they have suffered with FM7 must be in the realm of "unacceptable".
So will they gift them, are they going to increase the payouts, or doesn't it concern mods? Like already mentioned here, the mods give a 2-2,5x increase in payouts for various challenges (assists many of which you may already have turned off anyway). I discovered it only recently after almost finishing the career mode and with the little payouts in game, I'm barely near to unlocking all cars. And now they want to cancel it?!? Great, where is this coming from anyway? I never saw anyone complaining about FM7 lootbox system.
If I where to hazard a guess, bad publicity! its as simple as that. People saw loot boxes, forgot that a very similar prize system has been in place in Forza since Horizon 2; and slandered Motorsport 7 for daring to include the same prize system but with a different face. Its going to have hurt sales of the game, and given T10 are removing them from a current title already to market; I would assume that means the losses they have suffered with FM7 must be in the realm of "unacceptable".

A lot of it can be put down to the scandal caused by Battlefront 2. With upcoming regulation on loot boxes in games following legal rulings, the game publishers will be on edge.
I like the prize crates, I don't what everyone else here is griping about. The Mods can boost your earnings per race considerably, the Badges offer up nothing really, except maybe for hardcore collectors who obsess about "getting everything", (like me). The Cars have now been offered up for everyone, so there is nothing new there. Which leaves the Drivers gear. I have been playing this game almost exclusively since release and have participated in nearly every single event and live stream. I am still missing dozens of Driver gear suits. And when compared to the Cars and the Badges (I need less than 10), that appears to be even more like they are holding back content. The current Prize Crates for Drivers gear seem to be offering only a selection of Driver Suits, so that the more you buy, the more duplicates you get. In other words, it seems you are only getting a chance at a "pool" of driver suits, rather than the entire selection of Driver Suits. I don't like that one bit.

Now, as far as PAID content. I Paid 100 $ for the Deluxe Edition. I expect to get ALL the content, because that I what I expect to get when I pay for the whole 'kit and caboodle". In other Forza's ( 5 and 6 ), I chose not to buy Online the additional content, because, wait for it..... I ALREADY BOUGHT THE GAME! I am over 50 years old, okay. In my day, when you buy the game, you get the whole game. Now all of the sudden, you buy the game, and you only get parts of the game, and they flaunt it in your face that you don't have everything. I find that paying what, 120 dollars for a game is ridiculous. I will not just rush and buy every part and add on to a game, simply because its an aspect "that I don't have". I find it particularly unnerving because it takes complete advantage of my weakness (OCD).

In closing, if you buy the DELUXE, you should get everything. People should be allowed THAT option. And if you buy the regular edition, you should be allowed to pick and choose what you want, without it affecting gameplay. In other words, people who paid the higher price shouldn't have an advantage over people who bough the 'bare bones" edition.

That is my opinion.
Turn 10 never charged money for them, so the hoopla about removing them is pointless. If someone didnt like them, dont use them... which seemed to be the case.

Will they replace the Mods with something else, or change the difficulty bonuses? I liked getting paid extra credits for playing the game normally. LOL