Nice words about me, thank you guys, it's flattering and a bit unexpected
Anyway, I'll cast my votes also, but since I only usually race late in the night, there's many players (some of them excellent) that, in this cup, I never met or met just once or twice. So, sorry to them, but I'll vote based on the races I had, with the people that was in them.
1. GTP_hyperuk - The few races we had were enough to make me understand he was the fastest Evora racer I ever encountered. Enough said.
2. GTP_JvM - "Late nighter" like me, clearly faster than me, I needed him to make a mistake to be able to finish any race ahead of him. Unfortunately (for me) mistakes aren't usual in JvM's driving.
3. GTP_Synwraith - Apart from a "off night" (I had several), Maz was always up front, from race start to race finish. Both a fast and a corteous driver, it was always a pleasure to race him!
4. (ex aequo) GTP_mr_geez and GTI_theewar - I couldn't pick a 4th place between these two. They both are clearly faster and more skilled than me, they're always strong candidates to get 1st place in every race they enter.
I'd like to give out some "honorable mentions" also to:
1. No_One_Intrestin - Met a few times this misterious character that someone told me is a well known GTP player under disguise. Whoever he is, apart from his multi-personality syndrom he is a great racer.
2. GTP_MJH - Inner circle or not

he clearly found his rythim and, in these last days of the Evora cup he became a serious contender for the race win. Congratulations.
3. GTP_ENERGIYA - He had a lot of trouble in the first few days, his driving style didn't go along very well with DC's tune. Then he tried T&L's tune and suddenly he started to collect victories. That just shows that there's no "universal tune", we all have to find what suits our style and ability.
In all, thanks to Dan and Maz, we all had great fun with the Evora! Thank you!