Lotus Evora Cup, :04/:19/:34/:49 Suz 750

  • Thread starter Hyper-Dan
I had quite a few races in this event, wether you realized or not

1.GTP_Hyperuk. His event and it showed, apart from the odd trip of the tarmac, dominated this.

2.GTP_Synwraith. When not being pushed off by the numpties, up front and his enthusiasm is contagous.

3. GTP_Hun. Probably the only guy i have no worries about going side by side round any corner.

4. MR_Geez. Fast when he races but unlike many others, is quite happy to have some fun in the middle or at the rear of the pack, always a pleasure.

also would like to add, this was a popular event, i think Dan needs to getting his thinking cap on, get a tune sorted with Lars and get it up and running pronto

Thanks JP, :embarrassed: I did think about re opening and running the Evora @ 600pp on S2's. Still handles real nice, the thing is the No mercy RWD event has taken off big time and I think it would be unfair to re open the Evora Cup at this time. 👍

1. GTP_hyperuk - The few races we had were enough to make me understand he was the fastest Evora racer I ever encountered. Enough said.

In all, thanks to Dan and Maz, we all had great fun with the Evora! Thank you!

Geez, :embarrassed: I bet you are a charmer with the women huh? :) Thanks for the kind words mate. Glad everyone enjoyed this event. 👍
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it was very nice event and I would like to thank everyone involved!
Hyperuk, they should give you a rise at Lotus for such good handling of PR stuff.. you were not only the "father" of this event but also one of the fastest drivers out there! 👍

my votes go to:

1. Hyperuk - see above..
2. Fairplayplease aka "the king of HDMI!" (sorry Kai, I had to put this ;) aka "my kryptonite" - I just don't remember a race that I won against that guy!
3. Synwraith - good racing even better attitude! that's the spirit!
4. Hun - my long time nemesis! member of "I never sleep,cause sleep is the cousin of death..." club ;) if I had 10 bucks for every good battle I had with this fellow, I would have to change my PSN to GTP_DonaldTrump !!

big props to: the whole T&L race crew (the home is where the toxic green lotus is :) , WannaB, MJH, Energiya, JvM and many many more!! thanks guys! it was a pleasure racing against you!
I would love to vote, but i was useless and nowhere near the front in any race. I appear to be an accident waiting to happen:nervous:

double click for high quality

Thats me going off at spoon on the first lap:grumpy:

There i am again going off on the first lap:grumpy:

Anyway a big 👍 to Hyper for a great event and JASE72 as we always seemed to be racing together for last place.

All one make races are close and fun, so come on Hyper pull you finger out and pick a new car:)

Also thanks to AutoAki for the great onboard footage:tup:
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Come on guys, i cant be that bad of a driver. Well i did get 15 wins in one week.

You just vote for your top 4 drivers, not including yourself, and let the rest of us worry about voting for who we thought were our top drivers as a personal choice, and let everything else sort itself out in the end. 👍 :cheers:

All the best
No more voters? Come on, The Evora Cup voting is WAY more interesting than Obama vs McCain!

Kai, Jon, Bjorn, Warren, GTP_Bollocks, ENERGIYA, you guys were in a LOT of races, cast your votes for your top 4 drivers so that the winner of the cup can legitimately feel like they have a worthwhile achievement :)

All the best
Hi folks:).Well this has been one of the best online events i have had the good fortune to be part of:tup:.So my nominations for the Top four drivers are. 1:GTP_Fairplay_plz..one of the fastest guys i know out there. 2:GTP_Hyperuk.......From the very start to now, He has been in this event:tup: 3:GTP_Hun...........Great guy to race side by side with. 4:GTP_Synwraith.....For the very same reason that mr_geez voted for you:tup: Theres also one guy that i think should be given a reward,a blue peter badge perhaps;)and that is GTP_Donk for his making of some great videos that will forever be out there in the universe/via you tube:tup:.
I did a lot of races in the beginning of the cup, but I really can't remember any of your names:scared:.
So no votes from me.
1 - GTP_Hun ( Not much to say, fast as allways )

2 - GTP_Mr_geez ( same as GTP_Hun )

3 - GTP_synwraith ( Meet a few time & fast )

4 - GTP_Hyperuk ( Meet once & one fast fella. thanks )
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This is the last day of voting for this lads, still waiting for a few of the regulars to cast votes. I'll tally up the results after midnight, but it's pretty clear who the frontrunners are :)

All the best

Suzuka 750pp Expert event, Evora cup.


1st 22 POINTS - GTP_Hyperuk

2nd 17 POINTS - GTP_fairplay_plz

3rd 15 POINTS - GTP_Hun

4th 12 POINTS - GTP_Synwraith

5th 7 POINTS - GTP_mr_geez

6th 5 POINTS - GTP_Bollocks

6th 5 POINTS - GTI_Theewar

8th 3 POINTS - GTP_JvM

8th 3 POINTS - GTP_awd208

10th 2 POINTS - GTP_Marchbrown

Remember folks, these were just people who made it into various top 4 lists, people like GTP_DONK, GTP_ENERGIYA, GTP_MJH, GTP_stealthwinnr, GTP_Graffen, No_one_intrestin, GTP_RenTec, Mr_Unagi, GTP_DutchCustoms, GTP_Manuelos, GTP_JASE72, GTP_sausages, GTP_JackStanley, GTP_Scooby, GTP_DustDriver, GTP_Leonidae_MFT, GTP_Fastas____, GTP_2fast4stig, GTP_Grim_Reaper, GTP_Wanna_B, GTP_drama_kyd, GTP_Moby_SPD, GTP_Samantha (when Dan gave her a chance!), AutoAki, ManuelTheBear, GTP_AMG, GTP_Tiddy, GTP_PeeWeeGarry, fusflash, GTP_MeonRacer, GTP_JPap, GTP_Esoterik, GTP_Bosmuis, GTP_Twisted, GTP_sejtur, GTP_Superwally, Cultlife, GTP_MrKipling43, GTP_joeninety all took part and contributed heavily to making this event a huge success...........and of course let's not forget a guest appearance or two from GTP's Flying Finn (Registered Trademark) GTP_ Timppaq :)

Looking at the leaderboard and considering raw speed, people like JvM and Bollocks should at least have been above me...ah well, at least they kicked my ass in the Hotlap!

Hotlap Award: GTP_fairplay_plz with a stunning 2'04.389

Blue Peter Award: GTP_DONK for his incredible patience and skill in recording our madness...

Best moment: 12/12 gridful of GTP Lotus Evoras, that speaks volumes for the event and the fitting winner and creator of the event, Dan.


Tuner award: DutchCustoms and Thunder&Lightning...both garages provided racers with tunes that made this event as close and well-contested as it was.

Best quote award: There really is no contest here...

We had a drama here, I had to pull over, bloody candle was going mad, one of them ones you burn oil with. Thought we were going to have to call the fire brigade, hard to race when that was flaming on the table next to me. Leigh tipped his orange squash over it and it starting spitting and popping, at that moment I had to pull over. Sorry Fairplay bacause I came of the throttle and that is when we touched, just before I pulled over.

...and since that little quote involves our 2 top drivers, I think it's a nice place to end it :)

Thanks to all for the best online event so far.

All the best
Yeehaa, :) Awesome write up Maz. 👍 I thought Bollox would have received more votes. But don't get me wrong I am pleased to win it. This event was a lot of fun and a great success. A big thanks to everyone who voted for me, and everyone who took part. :cheers:
I agree, the Evora Cup was indeed a great event. Funny thing I just noticed is that Dan is a Div 2 gold and got GOLD here, Kai a Div 1 Silver and got SILVER here. And I am a Div 2 Bronze and got BRONZE here. I guess we are stuck to our respective kinds of medals :dopey:

Thanks Maz, your enthusiasm is contagious and a part of the success of this event comes from it also 👍
Hi guys,
Big apology for not picking up on the voting for this event. This was by far the most fun I've had on GTP5p with the Planet. Just to reiterate the comments of others; thanks to Maz and Dan for setting this one up, and to Lars for his tune and Craig for his video footage and to all who took part.

If I were to have voted (for what its worth now), it would be as follows:

1st GTP_Hyperuk
2nd GTP_fairplay_plz
3rd GTP_Hun
4th GTP_Synwraith (your are a GTPer!)

Well I'm sure that doesn't rock the boat at all.

Cheers, Fastas
Hey guys,

a real big sorry :embarrassed: that i didn´t see this voting before yesterday evening after i received Warrens Congratulations(thanks again:)).

Thanks everybody for your votes and the points, i´m not sure that i deserved all of them but i´m really happy about it:)

And also a many thanks to all the other guys which took part and especially to GTP_hyperuk, GTP_Synwraith and GTP_DONK for their ideas and extra work:tup: and for sure to my T&L team mates:bowdown:

Well done on your crown GTP_Hyperuk:tup:,you earned every gold ounce of it:).

GTP_Fair-play_plz..As always you live up to your tag:tup:and fast as 🤬

GTP_Hun..I think the results speak volumes about your driving skills mate,top stuff:tup:
Wow, I came 8th. Thank's for the vote Lars. 👍 Well done Dan. That is all I can say, I have a big lump in my throat right now, fighting back the tears. :) 👍

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