Lotus GTPlanet Elise 111R Championship - Series Champion: Wiifreak

  • Thread starter Müle
Okay. After the farce that was the WSGTC session, I'm here.

Official Friday quali room:

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Colors: Safron Yellow/Volcano Black Pearl. BumbleBee. Buzz.

Bout time, I'm eatin dinner mule :/ I'll get on early for the capps race. Sorry got a little wrapped up....being "right" on the internetz :P
Sorry about that. I have the colours already in my mock points table, though!

Room's closed btw.
Arsenal colours? Jst a thought ;)

I was thinking about it. Already planned on doing Arsenal colours for the RM Evo IX...

BTW, Mule. It looks like with the 1.10 patch the game leaves the Racing Exhaust off when you do the Race Mod. Once you put it on, you can't get it off... I assume the parts list includes the Racing Exhaust, even though you didn't specify it...

Edit: Dammit, and my car only wound up at 256 HP... What the hell? I have 250 miles on it too. Well, Bob's gonna be busy breaking in car #2 now...

Edit2: Color update--Competizione Red/Can-Am White. I'm going with the Arsenal colours, thought with the black bits, it looks annoyingly like ManU colors... :)
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Edit: Dammit, and my car only wound up at 256 HP... What the hell? I have 250 miles on it too. Well, Bob's gonna be busy breaking in car #2 now...

Check that you have both the 'sports exhaust manifold' and 'sports intake manifold' I made that mistake, I misread one as the other. Obviously it will need bobbing at the grand valley 300.
I'll get everybody updated in between now and when quali starts.
hey, I think I'm going to give this one a miss ... I've got a few other series on & am struggling to find time topractice for them all & if i've got to drop any I don't feel so guilty about dropping one which is well over subscribed - I'll keep an eye on your progress & wish you all well
It should be at 263 HP, 177 TQ, 720 KG, and 560 PP. The cars power band takes a pretty big dip at about 5500 RPMs then takes a huge jump to the top. It's like, "I'm going, I'm going, no I'm not, YES I AM!" lol

Woohoo! Success. 264HP/8600rpm, 177ft-lb/7600rpm, 720kg. Praise Bob!

How many of you did the Chassis Reinforcement? I'm just gonna try Tsukuba without it.
Overheard something about this series earlier today and thought I could give this thing a go. :)

#38: CAMikaze (GTP_CAMikaze): Light Blue / Orange
Oh wow.

3 Green/Yellows and now 3 Light Blue/Oranges.


I'll get a room up in a minute or so. Come in and practice for a bit, then quali starts at 6:00 sharp.


ooooh yeah. dig it 👍
CAMIIIII!!! :D Eers and I just finished a race at GVR with a dazzling .001 finish :P I lost of course ;)
I'm actually starting to really like GVR now that I know how to get my way around it somewhat. However, if I were to add it, it would probably replace Trial Mountain, which I know a lot of people like.

"But mule, there's also Autumn Ring!"

About that, I was in an open room last night, using my Elise (on the racing hards), and the track that got voted was Autumn Ring Mini.

That race was some of the most fun I've had on this game so far. And now I really want to add it to the series, even though most of you will probably scream "lol no." :nervous:
Number's taken. (by yours truly ;x)

Qualifying is over. 15 people came out, so there's still one spot available.

Incredibly tight throughout the field. I'll edit the post with the results in a few minutes.

EDIT: here we go

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