edited details
Camping/road trip meet details :Room opens at 3pm pst , meet begins 4pm pst and we leave at 4:45 for our journey
You must have one of these vehicles or become a passenger in a members' car.
Vehicles list:Zirconium StratumVulcan IngotDundreary ReginaZirconium Journey ($15k) PegasusVapid MinivanBrute Camper (if your dedicated)GROTTI ParadiseGROTTI Rumpo(if your dedicated)Bravado YougaBf Surfer(If your dedicated) means you cant insure one, it has to be found in the room , if you do never take your eyes off it , it will disappearMeet location :Clean surfer spawn beach , I'll be there take the road that leads to the beach you will mess up your vehicle if you don't know the way down.
Rules: no jumpin on cars , blowing up or shooting things , and must have passive mode unless noted. Killing a crew member for a bounty will not be tolerated, obey vehicle list 1st strike kick
After meet jobs accepted , I'll be making new races requiring stock vehicles so everyone has a fighting chance (drivers race)