LS Car Shows 3/19 Suvs and Trucks meet

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I had a great time tonight - until I got DC'ed.

I really must join these cruises again! And the drag racing afterwards was fun too - although, I did lose EVERY drag I participated in.

Maybe next time you could all go a bit easier on me? ;D
Well that was fun Lawnmowers, Taxi's, Bikes, Drag Racing, oh and Surfers. Got some more custom content we should play some time. I have been working on two Bicycle races one is 9 miles and the other is 15 :). Well see you all next Wednesday.




@TheGuy No worries dude. Accidents happen.
Had an awesome time tonight, from the cruise and drag, to the Taxi demo derby and the always-hilarious Test Of Patience (hopping from water ramp to water ramp on motorcycles).
Here are the photos I took during the meet.
City-scape Wonders

Sports cars by day...

Rust-buckets by night!

Thanks @Carl the Sloth for the wheel-turned glitch!

My bus is a tree-hugger. :D

The City In The Sky

We are Surfa brothas!

Staring into the sunset...

Rocky Mountain Way


Meet @KM964, from North YanlON, who nicknamed his Surfer CPTN5/_0W
I can't wait until the next week sucks the the mmi glitch took my surfer during the meet and my sp save file corrupts , the meet was good , I didn't get to plan a route but it still worked out well even with a hiccup (sorry guys) the drags are always fun , I need my rematch @ZDUPH

The demo derby was fun @coxbox
@ZDUPH the lawnmower race man epic I went from 8th from the start 3rd before last corner to 6th

The van meet/camping trip will be awesome probably like half of us will use variations of the surfer
Sorry for calling the police hehehe

Next time I bring something different than the bus. That ride to the airport, I don't think I've ever done such a long ride with the sambabus :lol:

Oh and then I got killed and my bus blew up! Not sure what happened, looked like two cargobobs just respawned or something.
I can't wait until the next week sucks the the mmi glitch took my surfer during the meet and my sp save file corrupts , the meet was good , I didn't get to plan a route but it still worked out well even with a hiccup (sorry guys) the drags are always fun , I need my rematch @ZDUPH

The demo derby was fun @coxbox
@ZDUPH the lawnmower race man epic I went from 8th from the start 3rd before last corner to 6th

The van meet/camping trip will be awesome probably like half of us will use variations of the surfer
Youga here!

How much is it going to cost, assuming it will be purchasable
The DLC is free as Apex stated. Going by past DLC cars, I'd expect this car to be free as well. I also think the Rat-Loader will be returning on Friday as well.
If you are bringing a Surfer, please pay attention to the following.

If you plan on bringing either variant of the Surfer (clean or rusty), I want a group shot of all of the Surfers together. All I ask is that when we are either at the meeting point or the end of the journey to line up for a picture.
Camping/road trip meet details :

Room opens at 3pm pst , meet begins 4pm pst and we leave at 4:45 for our journey
You must have one of these vehicles or become a passenger in a members' car.
Vehicles list:Zirconium StratumVulcan IngotDundreary ReginaZirconium Journey ($15k) PegasusVapid MinivanBrute Camper (if your dedicated)Bravado ParadiseBravado Rumpo(if your dedicated)Bravado YougaBf Surfer
(If your dedicated) means you cant insure one, it has to be found in the room , if you do never take your eyes off it , it will disappear
Meet location :Clean surfer spawn beach , I'll be there take the road that leads to the beach you will mess up your vehicle if you don't know the way down.
Rules: no jumpin on cars , blowing up or shooting things , and must have passive mode unless noted. Killing a crew member for a bounty will not be tolerated.
After meet jobs accepted , I'll be making new races requiring stock vehicles so everyone has a fighting chance (drivers race)
I'll be rocking with a Youga and surfer if I
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Not to get confused with the times. My time zone is GMT+1 so that's minus 9 hours, the meet is up in about 19 hours then?
I can bring my Stratum to the Saturday meet since it's on the list of cars.
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