LS Car Shows 3/19 Suvs and Trucks meet

  • Thread starter soloaded
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I will most probably be a no show, Its 5am…Don't see myself waking up in 4 hours time.
We might have to postpone it since Rockstar is doing maintenance at 9pm EST. The servers could be shut down earlier, though.
We might have to postpone it since Rockstar is doing maintenance at 9pm EST. The servers could be shut down earlier, though.
Any word on how long the servers will be down for? Worst case scenario we do the meet on the weekend.
Any word on how long the servers will be down for? Worst case scenario we do the meet on the weekend.
No clue. The newswire states that it will be down all day tomorrow too, and they hope to have it up within 24 hours.
Aww I'm at work, if we can try I'll still try n have it today of not then thursday and Saturday gonna keep two meets a week ,

For those who do want in just add me on psn soloaded

Just update me kevin or zach thx
No clue. The newswire states that it will be down all day tomorrow too, and they hope to have it up within 24 hours.
Hopefully they add the ability to track+insure the Rat-Loader, Clean Rebel, Seminole, and rusty Emperor again. We don't really need a full-fledged patch for that now do we? ;)
Hopefully they add the ability to track+insure the Rat-Loader, Clean Rebel, Seminole, and rusty Emperor again. We don't really need a full-fledged patch for that now do we? ;)
Same. GTABase replied to Rockstars tweet about it, saying that they "smell the sweet smell of heists".
I'm guessing the meet was postponed, since it's in 3 minutes, and hardly anyone is on.
Ah well, I'm kinda ill-prepared + a bit tired, so my reaction times suck (i.e. might rear-end the guy in front of me, etc.)
I'm guessing the meet was postponed, since it's in 3 minutes, and hardly anyone is on.
Ah well, I'm kinda ill-prepared + a bit tired, so my reaction times suck (i.e. might rear-end the guy in front of me, etc.)
One of us has our time zones configuring wrong. I thought it starts 2 hours from now. :boggled:
Well I am goint o be a no show if it does happen today, I put my playstation until friday because i need to study for my midterms, and i have a boy scout meeting tonight as soon as it starts.
Well, I had a good time before I got d/c'd. I got some cool pictures and one of my new favorite cars. :)


Well its JDM next week not sure what to bring, garage is full and i have no JDM cars, can I bring a Rice Mobile! Anyway had fun see you all soon.




Next week Im going to bring the futo you built me. Yeah, I still got it. might change the wheels for the meet though. still has the offroad ones.
Good time even though I was an hour late.

As for JDM, I'm torn between my Elegy, Futo, and Sultan...
I'll post pics later when I get to my comp , but remember were having one more for low and slow for Saturday. Thinking of trashing the German engineering and throwing in Muscle if the patch returns the ratloader. Thx guys today was great with 8-10 cars
I'll post pics later when I get to my comp , but remember were having one more for low and slow for Saturday. Thinking of trashing the German engineering and throwing in Muscle if the patch returns the ratloader. Thx guys today was great with 8-10 cars
I really cant see an exciting german engineering meet. The only things that would show up would be Obeys and Ubermachts
^Make it a Euro car show for a better variety
I'll have a vote for that week, you guys make suggestions and if you agree post you do thx. Still no comp so I'll post pics hopefully tonight.

Maybe a cruise ?? Servers back up??

@coxbox of course bro bring your youga
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