Hello World
I too am very new to the world of fine tuning and found this thread via searching the site about LSD faqs. After reading it (and links off of it) I would like to see if I'm on the right track (pun intended).
I'm gathering that LSD obviously matters and changes from car to car so there is no set rule here. My example I'm going to use the Honda Dualnote Concept '01. It is a 4wd car that currently has 539 horsepower.
Now, the problem that I'm having is excessive tailspin out of sharp corner/high acceleration situations. If I am trying to adjust the LSD to help compensate for this problem, all other variables aside, I have gathered this much.
1) Front tire grip is currently not a problem in accelleration, so I don't fiddle too much with Initial Torque.
2)Rear wheel grip is fine in the four wheel car, except in situations where I really need to hammer down the accelerator so I am going to set the LSD not to kick in too early, but in situations where the motor is pushing hard. For sake of conversation we will say I am going to set rear initial torque to be a "higher number", for ordinal/testing purposes we will say 35.
3) Again not having much problem with the front wheels, for conversation purposes I set Acceleration Sensitivity to a "lower number"
4) My real problem is the rear end sliding out in a 4wd car. So when the LSD kicks on for accelleration on the rear tires I want it to kick in hard, providing as much grip as I can get out of the tires. For conversation purposes I will say it is set to a "very high" number. Ordinal/testing purposes I will say 60.
Theorycrafting tells me this will cause the LSD to kick in for the rear tires at high RPM situations and provide as much traction to the rear tires as possible, given the abilities of the LSD. Is this correct or did I miss something?
Make rear initial torque settings high with a high amount of rear acc sensitivity to have the LSD provide traction to the rear tire in high rev situations?