TRD Starlet Glanza V Review
Overall, this is a very good car. Cornering attitude is relatively neutral through slow speed bends, and the wheels are limited to just the right amount of squeal to acheive maximum grip, without turning into spin - it doesn't require a laser-precision thumb to modulate even on a DS2. Behavior under braking is good - none of the mid-corner push under braking, characteristic of many FWD's, is present. The gearing is pretty much spot-on, although a BIT more length in the lower gears might be advisable.
The only issue I have is the management of weight transfer. While it's unquestionably good as-is, there are areas where it could be improved. The softer front damping makes sense in most contexts, but I've found in the case of most FWD's (the Starlet included) that going a TAD stiffer in the front than in the back has big advantages. FWD understeer is not grip-loss understeer except in the case of excessive wheelspin - it's yaw-induced. The softer front settings allow a great deal more dive under lift and braking than is necessary, resulting in a suspension geometry that produces a BIT of removable understeer in slow speed corners. The behavior under acceleration is solid, since the rear bound setting matches the front rebound setting, but once the car is maintaining a steady speed and approaches a high-speed bend like the final righthander at GVS, it's not as responsive to steering as it could be, and where lift is needed, the responsiveness suffers a bit more. The Starlet settings I toyed with (which also used no added downforce and an identical list of parts and power) were stiffer in the front, and resulted in what appears to be the ability to maintain an extra 3-5 mph in high speed corners, which combined with whatever other intangibles might be in play, translated to 1.2 seconds shaved from the overall laptime at GVS compared to the TRD settings. I might revisit the camber and toe settings as well, in the front-end. FWD cars usually perform much better in my experience when those settings are as close to zero in the front as is realistically possible, since those wheels are responsible for both steering AND propulsion.
These are very small nitpicky issues though, just so you know, and as always, might be chalked up to driving style. The car is great, but I feel like I've cheated the tuner if I don't try to offer SOME constructive criticism. Great job with it! 👍