• Thread starter magburner
Very nice work. You should brighten it up a bit more though. You did a good job smoothing out the door line and the color lines and the car but you could go further like the fender and above the winshield, and also the jagged edges on the front end. Also, check out my latest update if you have the time.
kennythebomb: DOH! I should of used the search feature... :dunce:

pain killer: Thanks, I'm glad you like the last two pics. they are actually the same shot from different angles! The fourth is my favourite out of the four, I call it 'crash n burn'. :sly:

bjc-3000: Thanks, im glad you think that I've done a good job, I was very conservative with my editing! As a rule I usually take the pics with the mature setting on GT4. :dopey:

Krame: Thanks for the tips mate, I was a little nervous with the editing, I could of gone further, but for a starter I'm happy with it. My next update will have some more editing, but again, it will just focus on the panel work. I still have a long way to go yet! :dopey:

I've almost finished my next update, but im a little worried about the reaction I will receive. The first critiscism will be that the pics are too dark, but thats the idea. I'm fascinated with the contrast between darkness and light, sunrise and sunset, so I've based this next update on that theme. I hope you can see the thought before you see the brightness.

appie17, Rohrl-fan, integra.98: Thanks for the comments guys, they are much appreciated!

Everyone: I'll be dropping in on all your galleries over the next couple of days to see whats what. Until then, take care. magburner.

'Crescit Eundo'

Welcome to my latest update! Feel free to look around and leave comments!

Thanks for the many encouraging comments I have received so far from the many artists and photographers here at GTP, they are much appreciated. Right then! This update comes in two parts. This part is an experiment into darkness, the second update (to be displayed at a later date), will focus on light. I have tried to create realistic looking lighting conditions that are typically found around sunrise or sunset. I hope you like my interpretations. :dopey:

Chevrolet Corvette Stingray L46 350 (C3) '69






Toyota Celica GT-FOUR Rally Car (ST185) '95



Check back, from time-to-time for updates! Take care, magburner.

Very, very nice.👍 👍 You're getting good. I like all the big ones and the first two rows of thumbs. Stop by my gallery and check out my latest update if you have time.
Nice pics, great style man. I like how your gallery is going, that Vette looks sharp.

BTW I've got a copyright on 'A Dark Experiment' :P just kidding.
Holy crap that Vette is beautiful!! Puts my Vette post to shame!

That over head shot is my favorite, so clean!! I love the lighting. Very low, but still enough to see every detail in the car. 👍 👍
@ Everyone Thanks for the comments guys! Phew... I wasnt sure how you guys would react to this update, but judging by the response, I shouldnt of worried at all!

@ speedy_2 You shouldn't think my update is better than yours. We all see the game differently, it'd be boring if we all saw it the same! Personally, I like your update a lot. :)

Thanks again guys, I hope my next update will impress you as much as this one has. Take care, magburner. :dopey:
Nice Chevrolet Corvette Stingray shots. I like pics 1, 4, 6, & 11. The angle of that rally celica is great! Your Lancia Delta HF pics were cool too 10 & 11 were my fav.
Thanks for the comments Toughemonster. Im glad you liked the big pictures, the first two are my favourites. #1 was an experiment with fading light, i think it worked out well, and #2 was a photomode 2.0 entry that didnt make the cut... :sad:
Damn those shots are awesome! 👍 Very clean, shiny and a great sence of contrast in them. This gallery is definitly one of those I should look at more often... 👍 👍
I really like most of your pictures, Mag. All of them have high quality and are appealing, most are very artistic. The way you change around the tints and colors of the pictures is really nice. However, I despise your signature. The pictures themselves are professional and classy looking, but the big red and white MAGBURNER in the corner sometimes, most of the time, junks the "class" of your pictures down to redneck status. I'm sorry to be so blunt and I'm not suggesting anything at all because the pics are beautiful and I look forward to seeing more, but, please, get a smoother and more subtle signature.
I hope you don't take this the wrong way and please keep the nice photos coming.
Thanks for the feedback guys, its great to get positive feedback from the recognised photographers/artists here at GTP that inspire me!

@keef: I'm not offeneded by your comments, infact I welcome them. My signature is probably the least thought out part of this gallery. It only took 5 minutes, maybe I should of thought it out a little better. I will be looking into getting a more subtle version sometime soon, but until then, it will have to do. :guilty:
I really like most of your pictures, Mag. All of them have high quality and are appealing, most are very artistic.
I'm glad you noticed the 'artistic' nature of some of my images, as this was one of the founding ideas for this gallery. I didnt want to just post plain images (though there is nothing wrong with that approach). For the Stingray update, I took over 200 images before I was happy with the selection I posted. Call me fussy, but I won't post for the sake of posting, hence the weekly updates. It takes me that long to choose the right images. I use a simple philosophy - the car, the moment, and the mood. I try to capture all three in every image I take, sometimes I manage, others I dont.

Thanks again for your constructive feedback keef, it is appreciated. :dopey:
@ appie17: I plan major updates every sunday. I will be posting some Images later on this week, but the Celica update won't be ready untill sunday. :dopey:
@integra.98, @Mustang-man: Thanks guys, your comments are greatly appreciated. :dopey:
For the Stingray update, I took over 200 images before I was happy with the selection I posted.

wow... thats quite a lot of pics. the most ive ver taken for 1 update was 70 and only wound up using like 20.

im looking forward tothe next update too.

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