• Thread starter magburner
Hey Mag, this is your GT4 Gallery, not your real photography gallery :lol: :P (j/k)

But seriously, those pictures look so real looking. The light, angle and composition are great.

I saved that original pic. in my HD. I’ll see what I can do with it.

Again, amazing post and “invisible” +Rep. 👍
Just a quick note, I haven't gone. My internet has been acting up these past couple of days.

I've got something very special to post here in a day or two, I'm not going to say much more than that, but I think you will all like it! 👍
Indeed it is! Sorry about the delay guys, I've been stuck between a rock (life), and a hard place (a brand new 1080p monitor)! :lol: But, I have for you not one, not two, but three kind of surprise! Read on! 👍

Thanks to everyone for the positive feedback, it is always greatly appreciated. 👍

@Skyline49: Thanks man. I'm honoured that you think there is some use in my technique. I have a little tip to follow this up date (in the next post actually), that will hopefully explain how I get rid of jaggies. Using that in conjunction with the PS part will greatly enhance your images. 👍

@ALPHA: I agree with you about keeping some of the in game flaws present. I have at times done so myself, I think that sometimes people forget, this is the GT4 PHOTOMODE galleries, and not the PS Photmode galleries. 👍

@LdS: Thanks LdS. I hope you can clean up that shot. To tell you the truth though, I have managed to create a similar effect with a different car on a number of different parts of that track now. I will post them sooner or later in a round up of advanced Photomode techniques.

@Belisario93:The lighting was pretty simple. I sued +3EV, and used a combination of Curves and colour balance to augment the lighting effects. Once I've fully mastered the effect, I will let you know, but it basically revolves around the subtle use of blues and cyans.

First up, the long awaited RUF update. As previously stated, I shelved this update about two years ago because of various flaws, but I did promise it to jgda9rs a long time ago, so I best keep my promise! :sly:

The hero for this update is the RUF CTR 2, a superb car, with beautiful lines and very nice reflections. The images presented are not from entirely original angles, but that was not the purpose for this update. The update comprises of a number of different finishes, some of which are artistic.

I was attempting to create a finish using colour balance layers, and I managed to create a few different variations from just using that adjustment layer (I even used tools on one picture!). The second big picture inspired a complete update (MOODS ARE ANXIETIES), and i sued techniques from this test for others too.

RUF CTR2 '96


[ Click thumbnails for full size ]

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[ Click thumbnails for full size ]


Here is a preview of another gallery I have just launched, dedicated to WipeoutHD! I have wanted to do this since I first got the game, but until recently, I have not had a 1080p monitor to get the most out of the graphics, because the game saves the images at the native resolution of the device plugged into your PS3. Anyway, feast your eyes on this, and look over in the PS3 forums for the actual gallery. 👍

[ Click to go to new gallery! ]


Over the years, I have been asked many times how I manage to remove jaggies without using tools. Until recently, I didn't know how exactly, it was just something I had a feeling for. After reverse engineering and analysing my Photomode shooting style, I can now come up with a definitive answer!

If you see a lot of jaggies, and you need to use PS to correct them, then you are not very good at taking pictures in Photomode. I know that is a harsh criticism, but its the truth, simple as that. Jaggies, poor textures, and pixelated shadows are all symptoms of poor Photomode skills. GT4's Photomode application has it flaws, but you can negate or circumvent most of them if you use your head, and some (unobtrusive) PS skills.

One thing I thing that most people do not realise is that GT4 in general scales its graphics superbly. Up close the graphics can looked poor, but if you can find a vantage point further away, you can correct some (if not all) of the most common flaws that require the use of tools.

Look at the two pictures below. Notice the pixelated edge of the seat in the first image. now look at the second, and notice how the same seat looks clean and sharp. I can live with those barely noticeable jaggies, whilst the first would be a definite fail.

And now on to the simple solution. Jaggies appear because you are too close to the car when you take your shot. To remove or minimise the jaggies find a vantage point further away, and then zoom in.

Its really as simple as that! With practice you will realise that certain cars look better at certain distances, and that there is an overall sweet spot where the majority of cars will look good.

I cannot teach you this, as it is something that is learned (like riding a bike). But using this one simple tip, you will be able to output superior images. Its been good enough for me, look back through my gallery for many examples!!!
Good to see you back (again :lol:)

I must say this 1st, the Wipeout pic...JESUS!!! I´m amazed...really, its brutal Mag 👍

I see you like the RUF, and so do I!!! Shiny, shiny, shiny...oh yeah!!! And look at the car, so well to the camera, you really know what you´re doing:tup: My favourite gotta be the 1st set of three shots, don´t ask me why...but maybe its because it looks more simple than the others (I know it sounds stupid). But congrats on the overall work, very well executed :D

And you are right on those jaggies, "now you see me, now you don´t" :D

So there is a god after all :lol: just kidding. please god don't punish me. that ruf update is actually very good and very worth waiting for. lovely angles and the complex reflections and lighting really get my attention. specially the one with the blue tone and the diffuse lighting. all a very nice and subtle touch. very inspiring indeed. well done mate!
magburner, I can't find the words for such great shots :eek:.. The CTR2 looks AWESOME! Excellent work there, pal :) Keep up the good work..

Best wishes,

S-Line Audi Fan :cheers:
@NTX: Thanks for the comments pal, they are much appreciated! I'm also glad you like the Wipeout Shot too, I've started a gallery over in the PS3 forums if you would like to check that out (click the banner below to go straight there!). 👍

@jgda9rs: I'm glad you like them, and I'm sorry I kept you waiting so long! I'm also glad you noticed the lighting too. I used to be more creative back then, I really do need to get that vibe back! 👍

@S-Line Audi Fan: Thanks for the comments pal.

Here is my new Wipeout HD Gallery banner that I've just designed. I like the colours and look if it, but the 'Above and Beyond' text, needs some work, though it will do for now. If you click it you will go to that gallery. 👍

I am puzzled though, why no one else here has tried to post photo's from the game. The Photomode application is FAR superior to that of GT4's, with more options and greater fidelity.

It even has a pixel perfect rendition of the zoom blurs you often see here, without the need to use PS whatsoever! Infact, apart from resizing and lighting the shots, there is no work needed in PS!!! I also wonder, If the WOHD Photomode application is similar to GT5's Photomode. If it is, then there will never be a need for tools again, and the playing field will be level again! 👍

Anyway, I hope you like this graphic, and keep your eyes peeled for the next update, it is going to be eye watering!!! 👍

EDIT: Oh yeah, forgot to say... I've got another GT4 update in the pipes, I'm even trying tools! Don't hold your breath though (you'll turn blue waiting!) :lol: 👍
no problems man, but i did wait sooo bloody long that i almost forgot about it.
that wipeout hd photo is actually pretty cool. i can't really make proper sense of the object, but it looks cool. you should make an overhead shot and paste a formula one car running with it :D make it look like an F1 vs. super jet race :D
Ruf update is awesome!! Razor sharp but no jaggies. Not much variation between shots, but I would rather love to see some crazy angles there, so that each shot would be unique on their own.

I also checked your Wipeout gallery last night. They were stunning!! I didn't know it already integrated the photomode. I guess I have to give the game a try sometime. By the way, nice insight for solving the jaggies mystery. I guess it may help some PMCers taking some nicer photos out of GT4.
@LdS: Thanks LdS. I hope you can clean up that shot. To tell you the truth though, I have managed to create a similar effect with a different car on a number of different parts of that track now. I will post them sooner or later in a round up of advanced Photomode techniques.

Well, to tell you the truth. I did start the process, but the amount of jags was out of control in some parts, so I delayed it. But I am trying again, from the scratch, I won’t give up so easily, but it will take some time to complete it. ;)

The RUF pictures are amazing, so many reflections. I like it, and the car looks very metallic. 👍

It’s cool that you have solved the jaggies mystery. There are still many mysteries to be solved in GT4.

Also, those wipeout shots are really cool 👍

Keep it up 👍
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Thanks for the comments guys, they are greatly appreciated! 👍 Now that my competition entry is up, I thought I'd post some of the other shots I took from that set. I enjoy entering competitions, even though I rarely win, its the taking part I like, I guess... :lol:

I plan on doing a blur on the first Viper shot, but I will have to put that on hold for the moment, because my mouse is knackered. Every now and then it double clicks the left button, which is not handy, because I get half way around the car with the selection tool, and the double click closes the selection! :grumpy: When I get a new mouse, I will get it sorted though. 👍

Anyway, I hope you like these interpretations. :dopey:

DODGE VIPER GTS-R Team oreca Race Car '00







One last thing... I am (slowly) working on another tutorial update regarding focus, and how it apples to GT4's photomode application. Hopefully, some of the tips will be of use to you guys. 👍


Here is a preview of another update from my WipeoutHD Gallery, which is entitled B OF THE BANG!!!

[ Click image to go to the new update! ]

Bang!!! Thats true!!! A Bang to our eyes Mag!!! Lovely Wipeout shot...again!!!!

The Viper set, you really capture so well the GT essence. Every shot here would look great in the Tournament. They are quite sharp, and the car is very nicely captured in all of them, really good choice of cameras. And you were saying you rarely win far you are ahead...👍

Great work:)
Very clean, sharp, realistic, good looking shots with the perfect angle.. Is there something else someone would like to have? 💡 Well done, my friend :)
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The viper is stunning maggy-mag!!! (That's your new rapper name) :lol: You honestly are the most influential photomode expert around! Just fantastic.
You are gonna use tools? whoa....
I love the first and last shots of the Viper shots.
They are great angles and really crisp in terms of cleaning.

Well done.👍
i can't make sense of those WOHD pics. most of them look like flying pens and bluetooth earpieces. they look good, just don't know what to make of them. they're very otherworldly. the viper set, on the other hand look so good and sharp!! very realistic as well.
As you are all aware, I am not known for my use of tools, but I feel that I have to step up to the blurs, or forever be a non-runner in the 2.0 competitions.

I have been pouring over Bram's excellent Photomode/Photoshop guide, and I think that I have almost got to grips with the fundamentals.

If I can manage to make an image using my Photomode techniques, and Brams Photoshop techniques, then I think that I should be able to cut it in the 2.0 competitions.

So for a first example of what I have done I present this very rough first attempt for you. I plan to present a much better version in the CCCL competition in a day or two, but this was just to see If I could get to a certain point, which I think I have.

This image took about an hour or so do, and I know there is a lot of room for improvement. First of all the wheels are not moving (I will use my own methods to fix that for the next image). Second of all, I have noticed that there is a tide mark along the left hand edge of the image (I assume that you need the car to be further into the image than I have got mine), and lastly, the polygon lasso tool, could of been better (this will improve hopefully over time).

Something that I did, which was not in Bram's guide was to do something with the shadow under the car. I didn't want it to be totally black, even thought that is how it turned out. I was hoping that a 50% opacity and an overlay layer blend mode would give the illusion of a shadow, but still let the road surface be slightly visible. It didn't work out like that though, but I will try again, using slightly different variables.

Please feel free to leave any criticism you like. I need all feedback, good and bad if I am to improve. I hope you like this different interpretation! :dopey:



EDIT: This Lancer is my second attempt at creating a blur using Bram's techniques. I like this one better, and I'm finally figuring out how to do it quicker too! About less than an hour this time (I had tea during the initial post and this edit). I sorted the tide at the edge of the picture, and I've got the wheels moving this time too!

I only used Bram's techniques for creating the blur, I used my own photomode skills for the wheels, and for cleaning. 👍

I will post another as I improve my technique... 👍

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It's very nice but the only thing bugging me is the wheels. You need to cut out the slower shutter speed version like in Brams guide. Other than that I think your onto a winner.
Looking pretty slick there Mag 👍

What I do if I'm lacking shadows under the car is to darken a large to very large area under the car pretty heavily, and I then blur it altogether with the background. I only keep the pitch black shadow directly under the car, the rest gets blurred. Sometimes I also manually burn some area under the car after blurring, though it's more difficult to get a good result.

I'm liking the Lancer, remember that the more the camera is pointing 90 degrees away form the direction of the car and where it's going, and the lower the camera is to the ground, the more canvas you will have to use for the blur. The road blur doesn't perfectly matches, but the backround blur is pretty sweet 👍 I try to avoid low panning like the pain because I hate enlarging the canvas up to 20 000 pixels wide :lol:

I hope my guide is decent enough for you, it's a pleasure that such a pro as you, is using it :cheers:

If anything's unclear, PM me 👍
Bang!!! Thats true!!! A Bang to our eyes Mag!!! Lovely Wipeout shot...again!!!!

The Viper set, you really capture so well the GT essence. Every shot here would look great in the Tournament. They are quite sharp, and the car is very nicely captured in all of them, really good choice of cameras. And you were saying you rarely win far you are ahead...👍

Great work:)

Thanks man. to tell you the truth, I spent hours looking at those Viper shots, I didn't trust my own judgement, in the end I went for the two wheel shot, as it looked rather funky. 👍

I'm in the lead now, but when I say LdS take the early lead, I threw in the towel! A bit too soon I think! 👍

Very clean, sharp, realistic, good looking shots with the perfect angle.. Is there something else someone would like to have? 💡 Well done, my friend :)

Thanks man, your comments are always appreciated! 👍

I really like the last shot of the Team Oreca Dodge Viper GTS-R.

Thanks man, thats was going to be my competition entry, but I thought it looked a little ordinary, maybe I was wrong! 👍

Nice tone on the Viper pics.... wipeout HD looks amazing.

Thanks pal. i'm glad you liked the Wipeout image, I'm planning more soon! 👍

The viper is stunning maggy-mag!!! (That's your new rapper name) :lol: You honestly are the most influential photomode expert around! Just fantastic.
You are gonna use tools? whoa....

Thank you for those kind words. I always honoured when somebody says that I have influenced them. I can't take all the credit though, because the long gone greats were my influnce!

as for the rapper name, thats pretty cool, just as long as you don't expect me to bust into a rap every five minutes! (check out my user title!) :lol: 👍

Yeah, I am going to use tools, but I will limit them for the blurs. I think I need to step up to 2.0 level to have a shot at some of these competitions. So if I can re-invent my style with a little use of tools, then things can olny get better! 👍

I love the first and last shots of the Viper shots.
They are great angles and really crisp in terms of cleaning.

Well done.👍

Thanks for the comments man. I've done a 2.0 style blur of the first shot, what do you think? That last Viper shot iss proving quite popular, maybe I should of used that in the comp. As for the cleaning, I didn't do any! Just a little blur and sharpen filters. 👍

i can't make sense of those WOHD pics. most of them look like flying pens and bluetooth earpieces. they look good, just don't know what to make of them. they're very otherworldly. the viper set, on the other hand look so good and sharp!! very realistic as well.

LMAO!!! :lol: Flying pens and bluetooth earpieces! That is certainly one way of looking at them! They are very different, but no matter what they look like, they are very photogenic! Thanks for the kind words regarding the Viper update.

I think the realism is down to an 'experimental' colour balance layer I have been using. I haven't got to the point where I can explain how it works... I tell a lie, I think I know how it works, but I am finding it hard to put it down on paper. Let me get my head around it, and I will try to explain all. 👍

Bram Turismo
Looking pretty slick there Mag 👍

What I do if I'm lacking shadows under the car is to darken a large to very large area under the car pretty heavily, and I then blur it altogether with the background. I only keep the pitch black shadow directly under the car, the rest gets blurred. Sometimes I also manually burn some area under the car after blurring, though it's more difficult to get a good result.

Good advice, though a little too advanced for me at this moment in time though. I will practice though (and keep what you said in mind). 👍

I'm liking the Lancer, remember that the more the camera is pointing 90 degrees away form the direction of the car and where it's going, and the lower the camera is to the ground, the more canvas you will have to use for the blur. The road blur doesn't perfectly matches, but the backround blur is pretty sweet 👍 I try to avoid low panning like the pain because I hate enlarging the canvas up to 20 000 pixels wide :lol:

Your right there! I've got a 24" monitor, and I had to use the full length of the screen zoomed out almost to maximum to find the vanishing point! You noticed the road blur, which is good. I had my doubts about it, but you have confirmed those doubts, I think that is an area I need to improve on!

Bram Turismo
I hope my guide is decent enough for you, it's a pleasure that such a pro as you, is using it :cheers:

If anything's unclear, PM me 👍

No, the pleasure is all mine! Your guide is fantastic, and although I haven't mastered everything you discuss, I plan to in the future. 👍


OK, this is the last Bram for tonight, and I think my best yet! I mentioned that I wanted to do a blur with the first Viper picture from the Competition Spinoff update, well here it is!

I had a few problems trying to find the perspective in this shot, particularly as there were no lines for me to get the angle. So, instead I decided to use the sides of the car for the perspective. I think it worked rather nicely.

I mentioned in the last post that I was using the car shadow in a separate layer with the overlay layer blend mode applied, and I think I have found the perfect setting (so far). The problem I was having was that the shadow looked too fake, so I set the layer to 5% opacity, and I think that it looks a lot better. now. 👍


OK, I'm off up the wooden hills to Bedfordshire, but when I return tomorrow, I will have another up date, and hopefully another blur. Until then, take care! 👍
Now that's a kick-ass picture, looks fabulous! Very smart to use the sides of the car as reference as well 👍
as for the rapper name, thats pretty cool, just as long as you don't expect me to bust into a rap every five minutes! (check out my user title!)

Yeah, I am going to use tools, but I will limit them for the blurs. I think I need to step up to 2.0 level to have a shot at some of these competitions. So if I can re-invent my style with a little use of tools, then things can olny get better!
:D:tup: Lovin the user title!

As for the blur attempts...The reinvention is complete. You are taking it to a whole new level. Go maggy-mag! It's yo birfday! :lol:
very nice !! a great attempt i must say. this last update is more in perspective as far as motion blur is concerned. shame about the dark shadow on the front end of the car. maybe a bit of light filter would have made it stand out more, putting more focus on the car. just my opinion. good work altogether.
Hello again! To kick things off, I have for you, not one, not two, but three complete new updates spanning all three of my galleries, and each presented in a unique visual style! If you are interested, you can find out more about each update in its respective gallery.

I'm still in two minds about closing this gallery. Slipz and Moglet have closed theirs, and these photomode galleries seem pretty dead, but I feel that I still have some updates to bring to you, whether or not I have the enthusiasm though, is another matter!

Anyway, on with the show! The hero for this update is the 350z roadster. I haven't chosen this car for any particular reason, other than it was the car that was selected in my garage, when I loaded up the game.

As always, I will keep true the the principles that I founded this gallery on, and I will refocus on the aspects that I pioneered, namely tool-free image editing, further explorations into darkness, and of course, as always, everything I post will showcase the power of the GT4 photomode application using rarely seen, and advanced in-game effects. As always, I hope you like these (long overdue) interpretations! :dopey:










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