Magic Lap Racing :: Obsolete Thread - See GT6 forum

  • Thread starter dylansan


United States

1 Lap Magic:

If you played GT4, you probably remember the 1 Lap Magic races, where you were given a fast car like a supercar or JGTC car and were forced to watch for a seemingly endless amount of time while slower cars of the same model or same brand get a head start, at which point you finally start, and must try to catch all the other cars before the end of the lap. If you messed up, you had to reset and wait all over again. But when you did catch the leader, especially close finishes on longer tracks, the thrill was indescribable. At least for me.

Well anyway, this league is the GT5 online equivalent of the same thing. Yes, the waiting is still necessary, but with real people behind the wheel, you never know how well you're doing until you get to the end, and it's that uncertainty that makes the race so fun. You're competing with someone you can't even see, and only in the final seconds does your final result come into focus and you see if you won or lost.

This League:
Obviously the biggest difference between GT4 and this racing is that we can't program the delayed starts at appropriate times, nor do we even know off hand what those times would be for the closest race. As a result, some pre-race testing must be done before each race, and the timing of the starts will be approximate. Unlike spec racing, there is no way to ensure that everyone has a fair chance of winning, so if you're concerned about finishing positions and prize money, this might not be for you. This type of racing is entirely done for fun, and all we can do is trust people to be honest about their times and start as close to the assigned time as possible.

The Procedure:
  • Drivers must take time before the racing to test each car they plan to run, in an online lobby, to get an approximation of their lap time. Drivers should write these down as I will not be able to keep track of more than one time per person. Ensure the room you test in matches the regulations below, as a difference in tire wear or grip reduction could make a big difference.
  • Once you join the room, wait for my instructions. I am experimenting with different ways to run the room, including requiring cars to get in order during free run so cars start in the correct grid spots, and having different portions of the night disallow certain cars. For example, at some point I may say "only cars above 400PP now." Anything required of drivers will be spelled out before the race, to allow for preparation.
  • Once you know the instructions, get in one of your cars and tell me your estimate of your lap time. I will use everyone's time to calculate a delay for each person, which is the amount of time they need to wait before starting to drive.
  • IMPORTANT: Do not drive around the track in free run mode, before the race. Instead, leave the pits in your car and wait for the delays. I will give the delays in order of slowest to fastest car, so you should arrange yourselves on the track in that order so the cars will be in the correct grid spots when the race starts. Once you are in the right spot, do not drive around the track.
  • When the race begins, start when the race clock matches your given delay. Keep your foot on the brake while waiting, as you may tend to roll if you do not.
  • Any time you want to switch cars, you may, but be sure to give me your time when you do so, and that it is within whatever PP limits I may have specified. I may give suggestions about switching to avoid two drivers having cars with very similar times, but I will always try to give you a chance to drive the cars you want eventually.
  • Also keep in mind that if your switch changes the lap time of the slowest car on the grid, everyone's time will have to be recalculated. It's not so much the calculation that takes time, but giving everyone that information. So bear that in mind. This is part of the reason we usually run the same race two or three times before switching cars.

Most importantly, please give the racing your full attention and try to keep things going as quickly as possible. Races can be set up very quickly if everyone is paying attention, but it can take forever if one person is dilly-dallying. We want to race as much as possible and we can't if there are people unprepared. In the same vein, if you show up and have not taken times for your cars, you will be asked to go to another room to get times before returning and racing. If I let one person get times in the lounge I'll have to let everyone, and we'll be back to running two or three races a night. Not good.

Regulations and Settings:
The default regulations are as follows (based loosely on S.N.A.I.L. regulations):
Start Type: Grid Start
Grid Order: Slowest First
Boost: Off
Penalty: Weak
Visible Damage: Off
Mechanical Damage: Light
Slipstream Strength: Weak
Tire Wear/Fuel Consumption: Off
Grip Reduction: Real

Tires are determined by the car's PP:

Production/Street Cars
below 450 PP -> Sports Hards
450-499 PP ---> Sports Mediums
500 PP & up --> Sports Softs

Race/Tuner Cars
below 600 PP -> Racing Hards
600 PP & up --> Racing Mediums

These are just recommendations, and you may use other tires if you prefer. I suggest either the S.N.A.I.L. tires, or stock tires, depending on your preference. However, I feel the aim of this series is to compare real life cars, and get to know cars you haven't driven. Neither can really be accomplished if you tune all your cars beyond recognition. You are free to tune if you wish, if there's a car that's special and you really enjoy driving it, but nothing confuses me more than slapping RS tires and a turbo on any random car, especially when having a higher performance car won't give you a better chance of winning!

Vehicle Tuning: Allowed (But not recommended)
Driving Aids: Only ABS allowed

While this type of racing is whimsical and unlike most racing, it is still meant to be clean, to ensure the most fair outcomes. I understand that race endings may involve several vastly different cars all passing each other at the same time, which can cause chaos, but it should be treated the same way as the first corner on any other race: very carefully. In essence, this type of racing is like a regular race in reverse. Don't be surprised if it suddenly becomes very close in the last few corners.

Racers are expected to follow the applicable OLR Rules (which as far as I can tell is all of them) and pursue good racecraft. I will save all replays, and complaints can be PM'd to me for review if necessary.

One last note: As I said, we're sort of using the honor system as far as telling me your times and starting at the right time. However, if I notice anyone is cheating the system, consistently giving themselves an advantage either by reporting slower times than appropriate or starting earlier than determined, they will be dealt with appropriately. Anyone ruining the fun by hoarding the prize money will be banned from racing with us. This has not happened yet and I don't expect it to happen any time soon.

Upcoming Races:
Races will be held in the Division 3 S.N.A.I.L. lounge. Ask about joining there to gain access to that room.

Races will be held on Fridays, at 10PM EDT. This is subject to change if necessary.
The next set of races will be Friday, August 24th, at 10PM EDT.
Theme: Japanese Classics - As far as I can remember, which apparently isn't much, we haven't had a theme specifically dedicated to Japanese cars yet. But in many races so far, I've seen numerous drivers driving Japanese cars where eligible, most of them relatively modern. So to force them to drive something different, this week's theme will be classic Japanese cars. This is what Gran Turismo games are all about, it seems, and there's no shortage of cars to choose from.

If someone wants to be cheeky and use the Toyota 7, I can't stop them, but don't plan on using it the whole night. :D

You'll see me in a Toyota Sports 800 for sure, and possibly some historic rally cars. I'm allowing cars up to 1985 because they're classic enough, and we need some faster cars to kick the butts of the slower ones.
Track: Suzuka Circuit
Car Restriction: Country of Origin: Japan, Year: 1985 or earlier

Please, absolutely give any suggestions or feedback, or ask any questions you need to if anything is unclear. This is a difficult thing to coordinate and I'm just hoping the first race goes smoothly (and that there's actually interest). If you have any ideas at all about how to improve this, post them, and I'll be sure to discuss them to determine the best course of action.

Also feel free to suggest possible themes, as I am always open to interesting ideas.

Have fun! Hopefully you find this type of racing as fun as I do! :cheers:
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Here's a video from the GT4 version of these races, for anyone who hasn't experienced these, or who just wants a reminder of what it's like:

Keep in mind the GT4 events were designed to allow you to pass everyone gradually over the course of the race. In this series, it's much more concentrated towards the end so everyone has about an equal chance of winning.

Here's a video of a similar event in real life:

This is much more like what we're aiming for in this series, especially the close finish.
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I know there's been some interest in this but it's been tricky figuring out a day and time to run this that doesn't conflict with other events, namely the S.N.A.I.L. events. I urge anyone who's interested to post in this thread with a general idea of what times are best for you. It seems weekdays at nights are best, but that may conflict with S.N.A.I.L., so I was thinking Thursdays, at maybe 8:30 or 9:00, so there is enough time for people to participate in the other Thursday events. Tuesday might work as well.

Again, please post so we can get this off the ground.

(This post is another placeholder for more information when this gets going)
I am interested. Would there be just 1 lap races? I know there were 3 lap battles in GT4. Maybe a little variety. I like the idea. Let me know when you have a solid date
Laps would depend on the length of the track and the range of car performance. For Tsukuba, for example, 3 or 4 laps is probably the maximum, so that the faster cars don't have to sit at the start line for several minutes.
that is ok. I wouldn't expect a 3 lap battle at nurb. I would have to do some testing with the vehicle I will be racing at the track beforehand.
Not if the start order is set to slowest first and everyone stays on the track after setting their times.
Yep, which means the fastest car has to pass the lead car twice to win. Talk about exciting!

Although, I don't really expect to have 1:30 delays on Tsukuba. The race we did the other day would have been about a minute total delay for 3 Laps, with the slowest car having a 1:18 time.

Should I take your posting here as an indication that you're interested in trying these? If so, send me a friend request so we can race tonight or whenever you can.

cnd01, I've sent you a friend request, so maybe you can come tonight.

Anyone else who's interested, send me a Friend Request on PSN, as I haven't gotten any yet other than people I was already friends with.
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Definitely Tsukuba at least. If we have time we'll switch to another track, perhaps Laguna Seca?
Room is open now. Check the first post for the room number.
EDIT: And with that, it's over for tonight. Great racing and great turnout! At one point we had 9 racers on the track, 3 more than possible in GT4. And they were all real people! How cool is that!

Anyway, I'll have to post some pictures up soon. There were some really close finishes that need to be captured.
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Room is open now. Check the first post for the room number.
EDIT: And with that, it's over for tonight. Great racing and great turnout! At one point we had 9 racers on the track, 3 more than possible in GT4. And they were all real people! How cool is that!

Anyway, I'll have to post some pictures up soon. There were some really close finishes that need to be captured.

Good hard racing last night. Let me know when the next race will be. Would a themed event work? Like all ff cars or all Italian cars?
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Sounds interesting - sort of like bracket drag racing. Is it on for Friday?
I have a certain favorite Corvette convertible I want to use and assume tuning is allowed.
Normally tuning is not allowed, but I can let it slide for tomorrow. Especially on themed nights, I think it makes sense to use stock cars for the greatest sense of accuracy and 'historical value', if that makes sense. Since we're running this combo next week as well, you might as well use the tuned one. I'll request that you use a stock one next week if you're coming, unless there's enough people who also want to use tuned ones.
Hi there!

I finally found this thread (thx to bronco).
Just want to say that the idea is really awesome. Hope there will be a room up tomorrow. ;)
After a surprising OCD update, I've decided to go ahead and do Corvettes again tonight. This will definitely be the last night.

Since I haven't had any suggestions of a track for tonight, I'll probably just put it up to a vote in the room, unless I get some suggestions. I would like to use an American track but Laguna Seca is the only real world American track besides the two Nascar tracks, and I don't particularly like those tracks. I wish Infineon was still in the game. :(
If there is still room for more in this GT4 style of racing, please FR "livetiludye". Any evening or afternoon is convienient for me. Don't quite know how this is to work in GT5 but still remember the 34 challenges in GT4. A Lotta fun & a lotta cursing.
Hey luvtadrive, glad to hear you're interested in this.

We'll be racing this Friday at 10PM Eastern Time, with British Cars at the Top Gear Test Track. The racing will be in the open lobby, and I'll post the room number in the first post of this thread as well as posting in the S.N.A.I.L thread when it's open. I'll send you a friend request anyway though.

The process is relatively simple though sometimes time consuming. Basically you'll run a few laps on the track and tell me an estimate of what you expect your times will be during the race. I'll use everyone's times to calculate a delay, a time for you to wait after the start. I'm sure you'll get the hang of it.
I will be there but I hate that track. I am a sure thing to have the largest handicap.
If you don't expect much, I won't disappoint.
I times are tough & everyone is cutting back, but traffic school safety cones on deserted airfield?
I will be there but I hate that track. I am a sure thing to have the largest handicap.
If you don't expect much, I won't disappoint.
I times are tough & everyone is cutting back, but traffic school safety cones on deserted airfield?
I don't particularly like the track either, at least for racing, but for the sake of the theme it seemed appropriate. London was another option but it's a bit too simple for interesting racing.

What I just now realized is that there might very well be collisions in the middle section of the track. We'll just have to try and avoid them :)

At some point we'll probably put the track to a vote and go somewhere else, so maybe you'll like that better.
I will be able to make it this week. I am ready to dodge other cars if necessary.