It's in the procedure
Race Procedure:
- Participants are welcome to show up late, mid-event. In this case, that person will use the same car as 3rd place in the previous race, for their first race. Then assignment will proceed normally thereafter for ongoing races.
- If a participant skips a race during the event, they will use car #3 for the next race they participate in.
- Racers are asked to check their own car assignment, and then check that the person who finished ahead of them in the previous race is in the correct car for the next race, and inform that driver if they are not in the proper car. (In the case of 1st place, that driver checks the last place finisher from the previous race.) This will help save time and allow for more racing, and less lollygagging between races.
- If you're unsure of your car assignment, please ask for confirmation before getting in a car.
OMG, nobody reads what I write in the OP, do they?
Well, maybe enough do.
I did think of it actually to put that next to the car in the list...
But then I just figured it would confuse people right off the bat.
They'd be looking at that and wondering, "Why would I skip a race?"
And then wondering if you're not allowed to race in every race and maybe they're going to be hanging around waiting to race.
I'm imagining all these ideas that people have misunderstood in the past, you realize. lol
So I just learned to try and tackle one thing at a time.
I present the list, and once they show up with the cars, and the list in front of them (hopefully), they'll get the hang of things.
Anyhow... Yeah, I just make the announcements willy-nilly. They're saved in the auto-fill thing.
I just don't want anyone just joining to have missed the boat in getting the information.
You remember how in my Lo PP Shuffle lobbies, some people would gripe about how I sounded like a recording.

But there were always people coming & going.
And yeah, you have to kick people sometimes.
But I try to give people a little more chance. So yes, it's a little tedious with the kicking people who won't conform to the rules. But I'd rather for now deal with that, because for every few kooks that just won't get with the program, there's someone who will get involved and it's just what they're looking for, and the more the merrier, right?
Anyway... about the patterns. It's because we only have 14 cars. To not have patterns, you'd have to have like the shuffle thing where you could get probably about 20-30-something different cars assigned to people over the course of 3 races with 12 people.
If you ever noticed in shuffle in gt5... even at the same PP base, you wouldn't get the same exact mix of cars every time. It sort of alternated between 2-3 different lists depending on the PP base & ratio, and how many people were in the room. (Some PP bases seemed to have more groupings to draw from of course. At 360 you'd almost always get the Stratos and the Renault with the independently turning wheels, and the same whatever sedan type cars. But at 340 you wouldn't really see the same cars constantly.)
So at 300pp ratio 1 or 2, you'd have the Celica and the Bellet and the Mazda2 in one race, and then the next race you'd be getting the Lupo, the Spider 66, the Yaris & Swift. But if you upped the ratio to 3 with 16 people in the room... you'd get all those in the same race, plus any amount of whatever other kei cars & vintage cars.
I figured at 300pp ratio 3, the game was drawing from a list of maybe 25+ cars altogether. (Which of course some of them were really awful like the Isuzu 117Coupe.)
Obviously some people are just fast in some of the slower cars, and some people really know how to make the most of getting one of the better cars... and well, good for them, right?
Here's the thing, my EVENTUAL idea is that we're going to get to the point where we have 4-5 different car lists. Or, at least the 3 we have now, right?
And we have more regulars signed up and ready to go with all the cars on all the lists! 💡
And then I can make events where we switch between IN THE SAME EVENT.
That would REALLY mix things up!!
What does everyone think of THAT? ^^
Hopefully by then there will be the "better community features" we're waiting for in a future update.
An example of that would be to switch between.
Like alternate between the Low Power cars & the Vintage cars with the races, or some combination...
Imagine this:
Low Power @ Cote Dazur
Luxury @ Circuit Spa
Low Power @ Apricot Hill
Luxury @ Trial Mountain
Low Power @ London
Luxury @ Nurburgring
That would really mix up the grid.