Makeshift Shuffle - No Tuning RacesOpen 

Here's an example of how we prepare for the vintage cars list races if we're antiquated ourselves...

And yeah, that's a coffee cup stain from putting my coffee cup there yesterday after I had it dribbled down the side of the cup when pouring in a rush between races. :lol:
Very cool. So that's the list I should buy all of?
I had a quick go on a couple of the vintage cars this morning. They are good fun to drive. I like the idea of no tuning. I'm useless at that. Looking forward to tonight. 6.30 pm UK time. Ive just seen a link to VCRC on one of the posts. That looks good too.
One thing to ask. As you'll see tonight I'm new to online racing. Are all the settings, ie weather and time etc. done automatically in the room?
One thing to ask. As you'll see tonight I'm new to online racing. Are all the settings, ie weather and time etc. done automatically in the room?
Weather and time have to be set by the host i.e. by watermelonpunch
If there's space, can I participate today?

Update: I have purchased all the vintage cars and I'm ready to go.
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The Daytona race incident. OOPS....

I think I did a helicopter maneuver earlier in the race when I got smooshed into a wall and my car popped up straight in the air.

I have maintained my "kitchen pass" to participate today - 1:30 pm EST.
Oh yeah I recall I had made a mistake with the dates. Got side-tracked correcting that.


6:30pm GMT

:ouch: :dunce:

🤬 time zones 🤬 🤬 🤬 time zones :mad:

I really need a proofreader. :guilty: :dunce:
What was it before? :P I've forgot. Thought it was about that time, maybe an hour earlier..
I'll be there. I just woke up. Idk which car to use though!
We'll be using the vintage car list tonight. Check it out in the OP and please have it available between races. :)

Edit: Love that the Skyline is for first now ^^ really felt bad coming in fourth before. :P
I think I'll just get the Miata and roll with that. I know it doesn't have the most power but I like the car and it's light. I also don't want to buy all the cars right away because idk how committed I am to this.
On second thought, most of these cars are standard. Of all the 1st gen Miatas you pick one that's not premium? C'mon?! I can't stand to look at standards when racing. Sorry fellas.
I think I'll just get the Miata and roll with that. I know it doesn't have the most power but I like the car and it's light. I also don't want to buy all the cars right away because idk how committed I am to this.
You have to buy all cars from a List , because its a SHUFFLE race !

Fyi, i'm maybe Late this evening !
Maybe I missed something. You're supposed to buy all cars and then randomly pick one out of a hat? That's what we're doing?
Maybe I missed something. You're supposed to buy all cars and then randomly pick one out of a hat? That's what we're doing?

You buy all of the cars on the list. Then, you do a spec race (everyone uses the same car). The position you come in is the car you use for the next race. So for example, If you come in 5th place in race #1, you'll use the car that's #5 on the list which is the Honda 1300. You repeat that process for all races. Get it?
You buy all of the cars on the list. Then, you do a spec race (everyone uses the same car). The position you come in is the car you use for the next race. So for example, If you come in 5th place in race #1, you'll use the car that's #5 on the list which is the Honda 1300. You repeat that process for all races. Get it?
Ah, thank you very much. I'm still too tired to race right now so I'm gonna take my time getting the cars and be there at the next race. I work nights so the 1:30p EST works for me perfectly. How long does the entire race day take?
Maybe I missed something. You're supposed to buy all cars and then randomly pick one out of a hat? That's what we're doing?


READ the first page rules and info, or what @watermelonpunch has reposted recently. Both work. Goal is 2 hours or so.

BUY all the cars.

CHANGE OIL on all cars.

COMFORT SOFT on all cars.

WRITE DOWN / PRINT OUT THE LIST in the correct order before you arrive.

Reread, if needed, the rules on page 1.

Fire away with questions that you have after you follow the steps above.
I have nothing going today or most Saturdays at this time so I'm going to buy the cars real fast and jump in to race if that's OK. IN case it's not OK, I'll check the thread just before I enter the room.
It is ok to enter late, you will just lose the points from the races you missed.