Well if you want to see some really

NOT spectacular driving that could be misinterpreted as quite dirty... You want to watch me on Cape Ring, coming up on @
John Wells who'd been in some type of incident (reason unknown), and was stopped in the track trying to orient his car.

I then proceeded to bump him repeatedly from behind.
At first I just hoped I'd push him further up the hill, and everything would turn out okay. After the 2nd bump, I tried to reverse, but got confused because my reverse didn't work (I had AT on - maybe that was it?).

I couldn't find reverse. I think John said he was trying to get out of reverse himself... So there we were for what seemed like forever.

At which point I started laughing! And I saw cc570 come up around us and kind of get loose and I kind of suspected that maybe @
CC570 saw what was going on and was laughing himself.

So then I was embarrassed even more

and started laughing harder.
Also, this was AFTER... before the event, in the reset race, I had to take a phone call from the doctor's office, and I wasn't thinking and held down the throttle and plowed hard into John at the 1st turn at Madrid Mini.

Just the reset race, but that was so rude of me.