Makeshift Shuffle - No Tuning RacesOpen 

Given the lack of additional opinions, I will open a room for Sunday's MMS at 11:30 EDT, soon after VCRC is concluded.

In other news, I installed new brake and clutch springs in my G27 pedals today (and put the old clutch spring into the accelerator). Yay for warranty violations! 👍 Still getting used to it so I might be a bit (more) erratic (than usual) in tomorrow's races. :D
Hey amar do you have the line up for tomorrow ready?

Yes. WM's put it in Post Two now.


I had a great time in the last few races; I was in a foul mood for the first few (no tea or breakfast beforehand makes a grumpy amar, apparently) so sorry about that and for straight up giving up in a couple -- I don't normally do that. That Volvo blowing by so easily in Madrid really, really pissed me off, and it took a while to get over that. :grumpy: Probably wouldn't have bothered me too much normally. :P
Post #2 has been updated.
Okay - everyone reserve their spots!! :lol:
I deleted the previous lists (by accident)
You can just say "Sundays & Thursdays" or "Just saturdays" & I'll put a star to sign you up each week for each one.
Series 7
Points Standings & Event Results

  1. goldtrophy.gif
    LongbowX (LongbowX) 126 pts
  2. silvertrophy.gif
    KingKlingeling (KingKlingeling) 119 pts
  3. bronzetrophy.gif
    cbcvabch (cbcvabch) 101 pts
  4. amarynceos (amarynceos) 99 pts
  5. watermelonpunch (wat3rm370n) 72 pts
  6. SpeedyMcQueen (SpeedyMcQueen) 71 pts
  7. daddyo845 (daddy-o845) 65 pts
  8. GranTurismo916 (atongo619) 50 pts
  9. Handlebar (HandlebarMustash) 36 pts
  10. temuster (temuster) 12 pts


Event 1
1 March 2014

  1. LongbowX (LongbowX) 54 pts
  2. KingKlingeling (KingKlingeling) 53 pts
  3. amarynceos (amarynceos) 41 pts
  4. cbcvabch (cbcvabch) 38 pts
  5. Handlebar (HandlebarMustash) 36 pts
  6. SpeedyMcQueen (SpeedyMcQueen) 35 pts
  7. watermelonpunch (wat3rm370n) 23 pts
  8. daddyo845 (daddy-o845) 22 pts
  9. GranTurismo916 (atongo619) 14 pts

Race #1 @ Monza no chicane


Race #2: 6 laps @ Matterhorn Short Track // Low Power


Race #3: 3 laps @ Special Stage Route 5 // Legends


Race #4: 3 laps @ Daytona Road Course // Legends


Race #5: 3 laps @ Cape Ring South // Traffic


Race #6: 3 laps @ Silverstone National // Traffic


Race #7: 4 laps @ Grand Valley East Reverse // Traffic


Race #8: 5 laps @ London Reverse // Traffic


Event 2
8 March 2014

  1. KingKlingeling (KingKlingeling) 40 pts
  2. SpeedyMcQueen (SpeedyMcQueen) 36 pts
  3. LongbowX (LongbowX) 35 pts
  4. cbcvabch (cbcvabch) 32 pts
  5. amarynceos (amarynceos) 25 pts
  6. watermelonpunch (wat3rm370n) 22 pts
  7. daddyo845 (daddy-o845) 13 pts

Race #1: 1 laps @ Special Stage Route 7 (50/50/10) // Chevrolet SSR '03


Race #2: 3 laps @ Madrid // Traffic


Race #3: 2 laps @ Suzuka // Traffic


Race #4: 3 laps @ Fuji GT // Luxury


Race #5: 4 laps @ Laguna Seca // Luxury


Race #6: 5 laps @ Motegi West Course // Vintage


Race #7: 4 laps @ Eiger NordWand Short Track Reverse // Vintage


Race #8: 5 laps @ Cape Ring Inside // Vintage


Event 3
15 March 2014

  1. LongbowX (LongbowX) 37 pts
  2. GranTurismo916 (atongo619) 36 pts
  3. amarynceos (amarynceos) 33 pts
  4. cbcvabch (cbcvabch) 31 pts
  5. daddyo845 (daddy-o845) 30 pts
  6. watermelonpunch (wat3rm370n) 27 pts
  7. KingKlingeling (KingKlingeling) 26 pts
  8. temuster (temuster) 12 pts

Race #1: 3 laps @ High Speed Ring Reverse // Nissan Be-1 '87


Race #2: 3 laps @ Madrid Mini // Low Power


Race #3: 2 laps @ Ascari (12:00/45)(0/0/0) // Low Power


Race #4: 3 laps @ Motegi Road Course (14:00/45)(0/50/0) // Legends


Race #5: 3 laps @ Matterhorn Riffelsee (08:00/45)(20/20/20) // Legends


Race #6: 3 laps @ Special Stage Route 5 Reverse // Vintage


Race #7: 5 laps @ Autumn Ring Mini Reverse (10:00/45)(50/50/50) // Vintage


Race #8: 5 laps @ Brands Hatch Indy (15:00/45)(0/0/0) // Vintage



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Series 9, Event 1
Saturday 22 March 2014

  1. KingKlingeling (KingKlingeling) 48 pts
  2. LongbowX (LongbowX) 36 pts
  3. cbcvabch (cbcvabch) 32 pts
  4. amarynceos (amarynceos) 30 pts
  5. daddyo845 (daddy-o845) 30 pts
  6. GranTurismo916 (atongo619) 28 pts
  7. watermelonpunch (wat3rm370n) 20 pts

Race #1: 5 laps @ Indy Super Speedway // Pontiac Vibe GT '03


Race #2: 3 laps @ Silverstone International (0900/40)(20/20/60) // Traffic

Race #3: 3 laps @ Clubman SSR 5 // Traffic

Race #4: 3 laps @ Cape Ring // Traffic

Race #5: 4 laps @ Apricot Hill Reverse (1400/45)(80/50/20) // Luxury

Race #6: 3 laps @ Nürburgring GP/F (0800/45)(0/0/0) // Luxury

Race #7: 4 laps @ Suzuka East // Vintage

Race #8: 3 laps @ Grand Valley Speedway Reverse // Vintage
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Just an FYI...
All the official lists up to & including Traffic - it's 73 cars altogether.

It'll be 88 once the Hot Hatches list is finalized.
BTW: We need one more set of test times for the Hot Hatch list.
Series 9, Event 2
Saturday 29 March 2014

  1. LongbowX (LongbowX) 43 pts
  2. KingKlingeling (KingKlingeling) 41 pts
  3. daddyo845 (daddy-o845) 34 pts
  4. cbcvabch (cbcvabch) 29 pts
  5. amarynceos (amarynceos) 25 pts
  6. watermelonpunch (wat3rm370n) 24 pts
  7. nickg07 (Ballist1x) 21 pts

Race #1: 3 laps @ High Speed Ring (80/50/50) // Nissan PAO '89


Race #2: 3 laps @ Madrid Reverse // Low Power


Race #3: 3 laps @ London // Low Power


Race #4: 3 laps @ Monza (90/50/80) // Traffic


Race #5: 3 laps @ Motegi East Course // Traffic


Race #6: 3 laps @ Brands Hatch GP // Legends


Race #7: 3 laps @ Autumn Ring Reverse (0900/45) (20/50/20) // Legends


Race #8: 1 laps @ Nürburgring 24hrs (1100/45)(20/50/20) // Legends

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Just a couple of things about track etiquette:

First off, and I think this has to do with there being a little light participation in the past couple of weeks... But there's been a lot of passing on the insides of corners, or attempts. I count myself among that. And I as I said, I think with less cars on the track, drivers tend to get a bit lax about driving a defensive line around corners. This generally leads to problems because it just tempts the behind driver to try and drive up the inside, or worse, dive bomb the inside with late braking. I've seen a few dive bombs in some of the recent races... and though they "got away with it" - ie: with no contact... it's still distracting to other drivers, and could potentially cause incidents and lead to the need for steward reviews & post-race penalties. And nobody really wants that.
1) drive a defensive line when in the lead when you have a car following very closely, and you could avoid finding a car by surprise on your inside.
2) if you don't have overlap before the turn-in point, you should not be attempting a pass on the inside, because by the time you get there, the space you see may no longer exist.

Second, there has also been a bit of track cutting and off-roading lately when people are in hot battles for position. We shouldn't be off-roading in a monkey see monkey do fashion. If the person you're battling with cuts a corner & keeps going, and you got bumper hypnosis and followed them into the cut... you should both be penalizing yourself & letting off throttle before continuing the battle. If the person ahead of you cuts, and keeps going... you should let off if you've cut the corner, and report the driver ahead that didn't let off.
I realize that when you're following on the bumper it's easy to also go off-road too by accident. I did this myself in a recent race. But you're still responsible for following the rules.
1) if you cut (or go wide in a manner that gains time), you should let off throttle some (self-penalty)
2) if you're in a battle for position and the ahead driver cuts a corner - that is NOT an excuse for you to cut a corner

I'm not trying to nitpick, because recent races haven't been problematic. But I also don't want anyone to think I don't notice these things. And just because nobody's lodged a complaint, doesn't make it "okay". We don't want this sort of thing to become habitual, because it will snowball, particularly when participation ramps up again.

And also... I'd like to apologize for some of my less than stellar driving lately, which I'm now convinced has at least partly to do with the sound on the stereo system being messed up the past couple of weeks.
Granted, I've been having a rough few weeks, and it could be failure to concentrate on my part. But the reason I think it has something to do with our sound system settings getting messed up is that a few weeks ago the display changed on the sound system, and around the same time I started putting the sound up to 26-29... when in the past I generally kept it at 18-22 for racing in GT6. :boggled:
At any rate, I'm trying to get my spouse to monkey with the settings and see if he can get it back to whatever it was set to before.
In particular, I don't seem to be getting sound cues for cars along side me. I say this because a few times in the past week I've been surprised to find a car beside me. And I seem to be having a hard time judging cars beside me. I've never had such problems with this before. And I've felt for the past few weeks something in the sound effects has been "missing"... but not quite sure what.
Great races today, thanks everyone for coming. :cheers:

(I'll make sure room quality is four stars next time, since apparently Longbow was having some lag glitches. Didn't have any lag myself, but honestly most of the time I was mostly way out behind by myself or (once) out front by myself. :lol: )
Good racing as always, I agree. I did have some strange lag glitching going on. It was a bit distracting sometimes. I've never had that before so who knows what caused it. That was just my suspicion that it was the race quality setting.

@watermelonpunch I intend to be at all events, barring any unforeseen circumstances.
I've posted the Hot Hatches list. We're still waiting on one more set of times. (Maybe I'll get that done this week.) And then they will be ordered. 👍
I've also updated post #2. I mean since the last time I mentioned updating post #2.
I forgot to mention that since Europe has switched the clocks back and so mms has moved back an hour on Thursday that I will be late on all of Thursdays races unless I say I will be on time.
Seven hells, is it really almost Thursday already?! :grumpy: Time really does go by faster as one gets older. The last week's not done kicking one in the behind by the time the next week starts punching one in the face....

Better do at least a few practice laps so I'm not totally hopeless tomorrow. :P
Room open:


Perhaps I should have reminded about the time shift. Not for the people in Europe of course. But if people were expecting in an hour. I could delay it until 3 EST.
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