RE event Signups
I would like it if we could all get into the habit of signing up in the Club events if you're hoping to race in that event.
Let's say if you're about 50% or more sure that you're going to be there.
You can always withdraw if things change, there's no penalty to that. And if you're signed up and don't show up because something came up, nobody's going to hold that against you around here. Life happens, we're not sticklers.
Just hoping to have an easier way for us to keep a head count without my personally having to manage a list.
Via the web
I don't know if everyone knows this, but you can sign up (and withdraw) for events in Community via the web, in addition to doing it when you have the game open on the PS3.
I've been able to do it that on my mac, and my tablet. I imagine it's possible on a phone as well.
So I thought it shouldn't be too much of a hurdle to get signed up there.
The url I use is this:
(you'd find the url for your country)
Time Trial
The time trial feature in the club actually makes test driving cars more fun for me.
Especially since I know now that if more than one person does it at a time, there's credits$ involved.

I've put the 90s time trial to 7 minutes. It's enough to get in 3 laps.
Today before spec race
Today I will be making a series of club lounges for running the 90s car list time trials (a little later, but before the Cooper race).
The time trials are set to "race alone" so anyone's free to join in if you see a Time Trial room open.
Bring whatever
90s cars from the list to run.
Time Trial Instructions
For anyone who isn't familiar with this:
You go to Community/Clubs/Events... and then choose the event. Sign up for it. Then go to "rooms". And if there's a room there you can join it, or make your own if there's not.
The settings are all pre-set, including tire restriction. You just have to pick your car.
The time trial is started (as you would a race), and then you drive doing laps until the time runs out.
Your time will get recorded automatically in the Community/Club under the event, as a "comment".
You can see these results there now from the ones we did last night.
Honda Beat @ Daytona Time Trial
I've added this 5 minute time trial to test & see if there's any difference between the 3 Honda Beats.
Feel free to enter this time trial with any Honda Beat.
Evening US Series
As for Thursdays US evening, I shifted it down a week in the schedule, and we'll see if more drivers are still interested next week. If it's a matter of which night of the week, feel free to let me know. I'm pretty flexible between Mon, Wed, or Thurs as possibilities.
Spec Race on Wednesday 3pm US EST / 8pm GMT / 20:00 UTC
It's scheduled in the Events. But the combo is To Be Announced, depending on the results of the poll... taking into account poll participants who participated in the last Wed race who are likely to be available next Wed.
Spec Race on some Saturday...
Would anybody be interested in running a spec on next Saturday (not tomorrow the next one)? And if so, let me know what time is good for you to start sometime between 11am US EST (4pm GMT) & 2pm US EST (7pm GMT). You may let me know in this thread, via Private Message, or post on my profile page.
Whoever is available, I'll use the combo those people voted most for in the poll.
for making the spreadsheet & car assignment chart!
These are in
post #2 of this thread.