Makeshift Shuffle - No Tuning RacesOpen 


Proposed days/times:

INPUT of when people would be interested.
These are possibilities for me. And I don't necessarily know what might or might not conflict with other series I'm not involved in, but some of the same people involved in this might be involved in... so maybe people should let me know about that as well.

Tuesday -- 2:00pm US EST / 7:00pm GMT / 8:00pm CET / 11:00am US PST / 19:00 UTC
Tuesday -- 2:30pm US EST / 7:30pm GMT / 8:30pm CET / 11:30am US PST / 19:30 UTC

(I can race other days at this general time too, except for Mondays. But this is the day it would seem to work for a series I think.)

≈(I could probably do one or 2 other time slots depending on interest.)

Other possible times for me... (Since there are peeps in the US who might be down for an evening or weekend)

Thursday -- 8:30pm US EST / 5:30pm US PST / (Friday 01:30 UTC / 1:30am GMT)

Thursday -- 9:00pm US EST / 6:00pm US PST / (Friday 02:00 UTC / 2:00am GMT)

Friday -- 9:30pm US EST / 6:30pm US PST / (Saturday 02:30 UTC / 2:30am GMT)

Saturday -- 10:00am US EST / 7:00am US PST / 3:00pm GMT / 4:00pm CET / 15:00 UTC

Sunday -- 11:00am US EST / 8:00am US PST / 4:00pm GMT / 5:00pm CET / 16:00 UTC

Sunday -- 1:00pm US EST / 10:00am US PST / 6:00pm GMT / 7:00pm CET / 18:00 UTC
It shouldn't be very hard for me to compete if you go with the Friday Night timeslot. Unfortunately the other times don't translate well to Australian time
I did join the Club and also this event in Community:

Wednesday 14 January 2015
3:00pm US EST / 8:00pm GMT / 9pm CET / Noon US PST / 20:00 UTC
Car needed: Triumph Spitfire 1500 '74 (Tuning Prohibited / Comfort Softs)
Spec Race: 3 laps @ Circuito de la Sierra
Damage Light, 1 pit stop

Nice to see you @watermelon punch :)
Glad to see all my old pals together here posting. :D

Okay well, I've gone w/ Tuesday GMT evening, Thursday US evening, and Sunday afternoon.
And since I've got time on my hands atm, I've scheduled some other spec races as well, as Jam found already. :D
Someone else better join to give @jammy21 a race... because I'm doing it for the seat time & expect to drive around in last place & run out the end timer. :lol:

But I might schedule some casual open shuffling when I have time... So keep an eye on the schedule. I'll post things in there, so peeps are alerted. And that may be at random times that may coincide with the down under crowd, I don't know. (So hard to race with Aussies & Pac Rim folks! Hate time zones! Hate time zones!)

I choose "post to member timelines" when I create the events, so you should see it in your timeline when an event is created.
I've also posted them in chronological order (soonest at top) in post #2.

Spec races are clearly marked. And obviously I'm choosing from the car lists, because people will have the cars... But if there's any other non-list cars people are interested in spec races for (in low power or vintage) feel free to whisper in my ear on my profile message board, and I'll keep it in mind. 👍
Are you planning on a Shuffle club? To run races in the club lobby?
I'm not sure what you mean. :confused:

I think the answer is yes?

Anyone in the club is welcome to make a club lobby (public or members only too) at any time.

AND, if anyone wants to schedule & run their own casual mixer or spec race, let me know, and I'll add it to post #2 and the club events.
I suggest using private conversation or my profile board to communicate about that so that planning it doesn't confuse the general onlooker to the thread.

I believe only the club owner can make the events, which is sad... But anyone can create a club lobby. Just follow the info in post #1 to set up the settings.

I thought there was supposed to be a way to save settings on the club, so that anyone can go and "load" the general settings, and adjust to taste... But I can't seem to figure out how that's possible.
It seems like an event would do that... but then you can't change track or laps, which is sad.
(Note: the mixer events won't be in the event, I will create a separate official club lobby for those events, but it'll be obvious because the room will appear.)
It seems like an event would do that... but then you can't change track or laps, which is sad.

If you open a room for an event in the club, it gets you to the room settings, and on the left, there are buttons to save the event settings on your local PS3, and you can load them again when opening a non-event room in the lobby. This way you could use the event as a template for the club lobby.

EDIT: may not work for planned events, where you cannot open a room yet. Oh and "you" above means "any club member", not just the host.

EDIT2: you can go to a planned event, in the right upper edge there are "rules" go there and copy the settings there.
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Makeshift Shuffle Mixer
Series 8 Event 1
Tuesday 13 January 2015

Points Standings

1.) tarnheld / tarnheld (22 pts)
2.) jackargent / jackargent (21 pts)
2.) watermelon punch / wat3rm370n (21 pts)
3.) culturalsnow / culturalsnow (20 pts)
4.) Chiochan / ChuthuluGoat (18 pts)
5.) Cu3e / bergele (17 pts)
6.) temuster / temuster (16 pts)
7.) John Wells / johnwells69 (14 pts)

I usually settle points ties by adding up wins, and then adding up podiums. But there was a tie with those as well.


Race #1: 4 laps @ Daytona Super Speedway


Race #2: 5 laps @ Autumn Ring Mini


Race #3: 4 laps @ Madrid Mini


Race #4: 4 laps @ Grand Valley East Reverse

Race #5: 4 laps @ Deep Forest


ChuthuluGoat = DQ (incorrect car)
Moves to bottom of results & receives 0 points

Modified Results:
  1. temuster / temuster
  2. jackargent / jackargent
  3. watermelon punch / wat3rm370n
  4. tarnheld / tarnheld ()
  5. culturalsnow / culturalsnow
  6. Cu3e / bergele
  7. John Wells / johnwells69
  8. Chiochan / ChuthuluGoat (zero pts)


Bonus Race #1: 1 laps @ Nürburgring Nordschleife


Bonus Race #2: 12 laps @ Tsukuba


:cheers: 👍 👍 👍
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I'm mentioning this just as a head's up for others, not as an excuse for coming in last :odd: :lol: ...
The Ka is absolutely the worst car to get on the Nurb... or, I suspect - anywhere it might be expected to go up a hill. :lol: :rolleyes:

Of course I can't complain because that got me the beautiful 507 to drive at Tsukuba.
That car is awesome.
And not just because it made boxes appear at Eiger Reverse. :lol: :odd:

@Chiochan: sorry for warning you too late in race #5, at least we had a nice photo finish!

Next time you will get a points penalty. :sly:

Just kidding... I always say I'm going to give penalties for that, but I never do.

It happens sometimes. I was thinking "Don't quit the race! Don't quit the race!" because I wanted that extra point. :lol:
If the car's in the race, I count it for everyone else, the person in the wrong car just gets DQ'd.
It's not the end of the world.

I always check the person in front of me first... like we all should be.
Then I try to check everyone else's cars. And prompt people who aren't in a car yet (figuring they may be unsure what car to get into, not just lollygagging).
But obviously, sometimes I miss it.
A good rule of thumb is to scan the roster, and if there are 2 of the same car, there's a problem... unless it's the #3 car and someone wasn't in the last race.

Exception being in event #3 which will be different, of course.
More on the car assignment thing in a moment...

You can see the current assignment list in post #3.

Chiochan ChuthuluGoat #8 or #7
Cu3e bergele #9 or #8
culturalsnow culturalsnow #9 or #8
jackargent jackargent #8 or #7
John Wells johnwells69 #12 or #11
tarnheld tarnheld #8 or #7
watermelon punch wat3rm370n #8 or #7

(I'm putting them in alphabetical order so when there's a longer list, you can easily find yourself in it.)

Can I get a volunteer (spreadsheet whiz) to make me a google docs spreadsheet with a formula & calculation?
Spreadsheets are not my strong suit, to be honest. :embarrassed:
I was trying to do it (in excel) and something hinky was happening.
If you're interested, the current spreadsheet is attached here, but you can private message me about it so we don't bore everyone. :lol:
I'm going to try and create a google doc :nervous: to do it in maybe... ?
Like I know @RDAardvark & @WarriusZero (;) ^^) have made them where they pump out an automatic updating image that you can insert into the post. That would be awesome... But I have no darn clue how to manage doing that. I need a tutorial or something. :lol:

The formula is this.
I take the driver's finishing position over the amount of cars in the race, and make that a fraction, and input it, and it turns into a decimal... which is a percentage.
Example: I finished 6 out of 8 drivers in a race, I input that as 6/8 and it becomes 0.75

Then I average those for the number of races, by adding up all those fractions and dividing it by the number of races.
Then I round it into a whole number percentage. (.75 = 75%)
And then I use this scale I made to represent the car list:

# 01 = 1 - 7
# 02 = 8 - 14
# 03 = 15 - 21
# 04 = 22 - 28
# 05 = 29 - 35
# 06 = 36 - 42
# 07 = 43 - 49
# 08 = 50 - 56
# 09 = 57 - 63
# 10 = 64 - 70
#11 = 71 - 77
#12 = 78 - 84
#13 = 85 - 91
#14 = 92 - 99

.75 = 75% = Car assignment #11 (or #10)

This represents 14 positions as a whole 100%.
There are at least 14 cars in each list. Just one has only 13. But chances are, nobody's going to "average" at #1 or #14 anyhow. That would be very unusual in this scenario just because of the nature of it.

@temuster has a current average of #1 - but he only participated in 2 races so far (so it doesn't count yet)... and if you see, that even though he came in first in 2 races... the next race, the bonus race, he didn't. And it would be highly unusual for someone to win 6 out of 6 shuffle races, for example. Even an alien driver would have to be bizarrely lucky to really nail so many races despite getting slower cars repeatedly.

Most drivers will probably average somewhere mid-list, and that makes sense - since it's average. :dopey: The idea is to shore up the outliers, and bring us all closer together for the longer races in event #3s, or meet-ups in the lobby, etc.

And then of course, even though you get assigned one car, you can also use the next up (slower) car on the list as an option. Depending on the track, some might actually find that it would be beneficial to do so.

And of course, the whole reason it occurred to me to give that option was because I imagined this fluke scenario where something happens like... @jackargent gets assigned the Autozam and then mysteriously & suddenly announces that he needs to wash his hair on the day & time of event #3. :lol: :sly: :lol:


  • MakeshiftShuffleMembers.xlsx
    48.3 KB · Views: 18
It's an average. So yes, it's taken into account in the calculations, but no, it doesn't adversely or otherwise effect the calculation. In other words, your car assignment is based on your finishing positions in races you compete in. Races you don't compete in won't count for you... because you didn't race in them.

Wednesday 14 January 2015
3:00pm US EST / 8:00pm GMT / 9pm CET / Noon US PST / 20:00 UTC
Car needed: Triumph Spitfire 1500 '74 (Tuning Prohibited / Comfort Softs)
Spec Race: 3 laps @ Circuito de la Sierra
Damage Light, 1 pit stop
Short qualifying & fastest first grid start
(You go & drive as fast & as far as you can in the qualifying lol)


Sign up is open as a Community Club Event.
Community CLUB ID # 1026878

Only 3 people are currently registered... but at least 3 others have expressed intent (or at least interest).
So... who else?
