RE: Schedules
I now remember we went w/ 2:30pm US EST / 7:30pm GMT because it worked better to have it pushed back a half hour for several people. So We'll go w/ that for Tuesdays.
I'm waiting to hear from other interested parties about the weekend & nighttime ones.
RE: Race format
Since we're settled on the Tuesday it seems, I've posted (in post #2) the line-up for Tuesdays, with the tracks, etc. So you can get a peek at where we'll be racing for the more "formal" points events.
Notice how only the first 5 are for points. This means that people who don't have a lot of time can skip out on the bonus races. Or, if you really hate damage heavy racing, I put those at the end, so you always have the option not to participate if that's not your bag.
RE: Car tuning prohibited issues
I have updated (with the part in italics) the "Car Regulations" section of the OP, to note this potential issue.
RE: Complicated system.
I probably make it sound more complicated than it is. haha. Because that's just how I (poorly) communicate. hahaha.

But yeah, I was hoping to set up a google docs to somehow manage the system.
Also, the above example was just an example, that's
not my final formula. I was going to wait & see how the results turn out to tweak a system to make car assignments that make sense. But basically, it will make for a system where better placing drivers will be assigned "parity car assignments" that are more challenging.
So that's what I'm going to call that system.
The Parity Car Assignment System.
Edited: spelling error