Manhunt in SoCal, suspect is surrounded in a cabin, two officers down.

Another man died for nothing ... he wanted to clear his name, sadly he has chosen the unrighteous path that surely leads to death, and he was ready, he was already dead when he started his own brand of war against LAPD. RIP Dorner ....
So what you are basically saying is, and feel free to correct me if I'm wrong, they've made a reasonable effort to take him alive, they have failed so now they can just kill him (that's the usual result of deadly force right?)? This is normal in a situation where there are no hostages anyone is aware of and all the police are safely behind cover? You just kill the guy?
No. They don't have a licence to kill. I never said that they did.

Every reasonable effort has to be made to take the suspect alive, right up until the point where the suspect is judged to be a threat to others. He might not have had hostages, but he was still carrying a gun, and pointing it at officers is generally enough for the police to judge him to be a threat to them. They probably could have sent in a team to try and disarm and detain him, but as a former officer he would no doubt have been familiar with their tactics, and he had made it known that he would target them. Sending in a team would be come with significant risk - what if, in the minutes after letting the hostages go, he booby-trapped the door of the cabin so that it would explode if someone tried to enter?

The police don't have a checklist labelled 'Things To Try' which allows them to kill a suspect if they get to the end of it without luring the suspect out. All it takes in just about any and every situation like this is for a suspect to point a weapon in such a way that he could reasonably be called a threat to someone else - whether they are a police officer or a hostage - for the police to be justfied in the use of lethal force.
The suspect had a gun. He had made it known that he was going to target police officers. He had already killed two, and injured two more. He was firing at officers from the cabin shortly before the assault.

What would it take for lethal force to be justified in this case?

I have to agree with this.
When you are dealing with "The Most Wanted Man in America", and he is firing back while held up .... all bets are off, take him down, before he (Dorner) takes another one down.

Apprehending this guy alive was a pretty low chance move.

Dorner was not about to be apprehended. His mind was made up as to what path he was going to pursue.

Read the quote below.

Rather be tried by 12 then carried by 6.... I believe is the old saying.

Dorner chose the latter. He (IMHO) did not have a snowballs chance in hell of clearing his name, especially after gunning down two former brotherhood members. Never turn your back on your brothers.
Moments ago.. . .

Dorner's Hostages Jim and Karen Reynolds: Dorner said he just wanted to clear his name. He was calm. We're very happy that we're alive.

I thought it was two cleaning ladies? Well however, I guess it depends on what he meant by 'clear his name'. If he was referring to whatever happened years ago in the lapd, then he went about it all wrong, if he was suggesting a frame job, he was not going to win.

I'm not keen on the conspiracy theories.
I have to agree with this.
When you are dealing with "The Most Wanted Man in America", and he is firing back while held up .... all bets are off, take him down, before he (Dorner) takes another one down.
I wouldn't go as far to say he was the most wanted, but certainly someone who was wanted that was getting quite a bit of attention.

Meh, these White House Petitions rarely get anything done.

That said, finding corruption in the LAPD wouldn't exactly be the surprise of the century...
Am I screwed up because this whole ordeal reminds me of "Falling Down" starring Michael Douglas?
No. They don't have a licence to kill. I never said that they did.

Every reasonable effort has to be made to take the suspect alive, right up until the point where the suspect is judged to be a threat to others. He might not have had hostages, but he was still carrying a gun, and pointing it at officers is generally enough for the police to judge him to be a threat to them. They probably could have sent in a team to try and disarm and detain him, but as a former officer he would no doubt have been familiar with their tactics, and he had made it known that he would target them. Sending in a team would be come with significant risk - what if, in the minutes after letting the hostages go, he booby-trapped the door of the cabin so that it would explode if someone tried to enter?

The police don't have a checklist labelled 'Things To Try' which allows them to kill a suspect if they get to the end of it without luring the suspect out. All it takes in just about any and every situation like this is for a suspect to point a weapon in such a way that he could reasonably be called a threat to someone else - whether they are a police officer or a hostage - for the police to be justfied in the use of lethal force.

You basically just agreed with almost everything I So what you are asserting is, that while he was holed up in a cabin and at that point not firing his gun it seems, and everyone was behind cover of some kind, he was still a substantial threat so they caved in the cabin and burned it down? Again, please show me other standoffs where this has happened because there are standoffs every day.

The police don't have a checklist of "things to try"?. I beg to differ. I'm not a cop but I bet they have huge manuals and massive amounts of training for situations just like this.

And I could be wrong, but isn't lethal force only used when the danger is "imminent" as in right now? You are confronted by a punk in an alley with a gun so he gets shot. Someone has a gun pointed at his wife's head so he gets taken out. No problem. Does a guy holed up in a cabin, not positively identified yet as the person they are looking for, with everyone behind cover and not in danger, qualify as an "imminent threat"? At this point, since they weren't 100% certain it was him by their own admission, what Dorner said on his manifesto is irrelevant, they weren't sure it was him.

You can't justify this in hindsight. They didn't know it was Dorner for certain, so anything Dorner did or said or promised or threatened shouldn't be taken into consideration. You can't say, "well he said he wouldn't be taken alive so they had to use lethal force because he might have boobytrapped the doors" because they weren't certain it was him in the cabin were they?

Another former LAPD comes forward ...

And the main attraction, all of the legal documents + hearing videos of Dorner's case at the Board of Rights :

DOCUMENTS: Deposition, Legal Papers Against LAPD : Christopher J. Dorner

Files are in PDF format, as for the video, you can judge for yourself if the BOR decision was fair based on Mr. Gettler testimony.

Dorner has been in legal battle since 2008 to 2011, he exhausted all legal means, and he lost everything ...
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You basically just agreed with almost everything I So what you are asserting is, that while he was holed up in a cabin and at that point not firing his gun it seems, and everyone was behind cover of some kind, he was still a substantial threat so they caved in the cabin and burned it down? Again, please show me other standoffs where this has happened because there are standoffs every day.
Of course the police are going to take cover if someone is shooting at them. There comes a point where they have to realise that nothing they are trying is working, and resort to sending a team in. If the suspect is still shooting at them, or at least pointing a gun around, then that team is withing its rights to use deadly force if it is authorised.

The suspect might not have been firing a gun constantly, but he was known to have one and had been exchanging gunfire with the police. The police, for all their intelligence, had no way of knowing whether or not the suspect was hip-deep in ammunition and settling in for a week-long siege, or if he just had a six-shooter and a dusty old box of ammunition keeping him going. For some reason, you seem to think the police should have magically known when he was out of bullets.

The use of a truck to tear down the cabin, and the use of fire were probably extreme tactics intended to overwhelm the suspect and force him out. He was, after all, a trained police officer, and would probably be familiar with the standard tactics of hostage negotiation. Something different was needed, something that would surprise him.

The police don't have a checklist of "things to try"?. I beg to differ. I'm not a cop but I bet they have huge manuals and massive amounts of training for situations just like this.
Stop putting words in my mouth. I never said that they didn't have a checklist, I said that they didn't have a checklist that entitled them to kill the suspect if nothing on that list worked.

And I could be wrong, but isn't lethal force only used when the danger is "imminent" as in right now? You are confronted by a punk in an alley with a gun so he gets shot. Someone has a gun pointed at his wife's head so he gets taken out. No problem. Does a guy holed up in a cabin, not positively identified yet as the person they are looking for, with everyone behind cover and not in danger, qualify as an "imminent threat"? At this point, since they weren't 100% certain it was him by their own admission, what Dorner said on his manifesto is irrelevant, they weren't sure it was him.
Let's see: an armed suspect is in a cabin. He has threatened to kill police officers, and has already shot at least four and killed two. He has opened fire on the police surrounding the cabin.

And that uncertainty over whether it was him comes from the way they have not been able to identify the body.

You can't justify this in hindsight. They didn't know it was Dorner for certain, so anything Dorner did or said or promised or threatened shouldn't be taken into consideration. You can't say, "well he said he wouldn't be taken alive so they had to use lethal force because he might have boobytrapped the doors" because they weren't certain it was him in the cabin were they?
You're just trying to prove that the police did something wrong based on technicalities and loopholes.
The police, for all their intelligence, had no way of knowing whether or not the suspect was hip-deep in ammunition and settling in for a week-long siege, or if he just had a six-shooter and a dusty old box of ammunition keeping him going. For some reason, you seem to think the police should have magically known when he was out of bullets.

The use of a truck to tear down the cabin, and the use of fire were probably extreme tactics intended to overwhelm the suspect and force him out. He was, after all, a trained police officer, and would probably be familiar with the standard tactics of hostage negotiation. Something different was needed, something that would surprise him.

Let's see: an armed suspect is in a cabin. He has threatened to kill police officers, and has already shot at least four and killed two. He has opened fire on the police surrounding the cabin.

And that uncertainty over whether it was him comes from the way they have not been able to identify the body.

You're just trying to prove that the police did something wrong based on technicalities and loopholes.

As I clearly stated and you so clearly ignored, you are using hindsight here. The body is still not identified, and the suspect was not positively identified during the siege. You are making the assumption they knew who it was without a doubt and proceeded on that assumption.

He did threaten to kill police officers, but he was contained. To the best of their knowledge he was just an armed suspect holed up in a cabin. They knew nothing of explosives or booby traps or anything else.

So I ask again, show me examples where an armed suspect is holed up in a building for only a few hours, he's not positively identified, and they tear down the building and set it on fire.
There's something wrong with this thread.


That said, my two cents on this grim story.

Dorner was a criminal. He killed innocents in his mad "vendetta" against the LAPD. Therefore, he should be hunted and his madness stopped from causing greater harm.

But the LAPD's didn't just set out to hunt and stop him. They went about it crazed and eager to take him out. Luckily they didn't kill innocents too, although they came very close.

And when they cornered Dorner, in a situation/scenario where escaping was simply impossible for him, I guess what happened made it very clear that they (LAPD) had no intention of:
a) wait for his surrender; or
b) wait for him to put a bullit in his own head (something he probably did, that lone shot heard from the outside was probably him doing it)

But no, they actively followed a course of action that was meant to kill him. And this makes the LAPD's actions - if the right (wrong) boxes are checked - very close to those you would expect from a criminal organization.

I just hope something is learned.
As I clearly stated and you so clearly ignored, you are using hindsight here. The body is still not identified, and the suspect was not positively identified during the siege. You are making the assumption they knew who it was without a doubt and proceeded on that assumption.

He did threaten to kill police officers, but he was contained. To the best of their knowledge he was just an armed suspect holed up in a cabin. They knew nothing of explosives or booby traps or anything else.

So I ask again, show me examples where an armed suspect is holed up in a building for only a few hours, he's not positively identified, and they tear down the building and set it on fire.
You don't think they had a pretty reasonable idea of who was in there?

Of course they're not going to formally idenfity him before they have an indisputable way of identifying him, like having him in custody if he's alive, or DNA if he's dead. The last thing they want is to claim that they have him, only for Dorner to show up again two days later.
You don't think they had a pretty reasonable idea of who was in there?

Of course they're not going to formally idenfity him before they have an indisputable way of identifying him, like having him in custody if he's alive, or DNA if he's dead. The last thing they want is to claim that they have him, only for Dorner to show up again two days later.

You don't cave in someone's house and burn it down based on a "reasonable idea of who was in there". Again, I ask, show me other standoffs where it was standard procedure to demolish the structure and burn it down, only hours into the confrontation, a confrontation where the police admit they were uncertain as to the identity of the person inside? Either that, or explain why you aren't answering that direct question.
It's a funny country you got there. Obviously very rich because it can dump millions on those women, something that wouldn't be possible elsewhere (most certainly not possible in my own country). However, if this had happened in my country the policemen would be in very deep trouble and would possibly be facing a jail sentence themselves. Is this a possibility in this case?