So apparently there has been a mass purchase of bump stocks....
Congratulations America, you have created a civilian arms race.
Donald Trump, love him or hate him, did more to slow the growth of firearms sales than Obama did in eight years, by simply taking office. It became known as the "Trump Slump" and numerous gun stores closed and layoffs occurred at weapon and weapon accessory manufacturers.
As absurd as it is, the conspiracy that gun manufacturers are behind spree shootings to drive sales does have some bizarre merit, not that I'm feeding from that trough so to speak.
Whenever these shootings occur, we get the emotional arguments attempting to reel in guns as people want to prevent what happens. These shootings are sensational and stir up a lot of emotions, especially with the amount of publicity they receive. Unfortunately, when looking at the leading causes of gun deaths, these laws that are designed to ban "assault weapons" feel empty because these incidents are a drop in the bucket of the bulk of gun deaths in a year, and I never hear anyone wanting to address those.
- First is gun suicides. By and large, if there's a case to be made about funding mental health and preventing high risk mental health patients access from firearms, this is the metric where we'll see the most gains. Helping people to rise from depression or mental illness won't just potentially reduce gun deaths on a greater scale, but would also ensure those gun deaths are not replaced with another form of suicide. If we teach people to value their lives, hopefully they can learn to value others as well. Taking care of our Veterans should come first on this list as they make up the largest single group that is likely to end their life with a gun.
- The next greatest cause of guns deaths is the tricky minefield that is domestic abuse. Spousal abusers should not have access to firearms to remove the quickest and easiest option to murder their significant other. Unfortunately, what follows is issues where individuals are potentially falsely accused to have their weapons removed in spite by an un-abused spouse. The fact that both (or more) individuals live together or at least have a great deal of familiarity with each others' lives does not necessarily mean a weapon being removed ensures safety for the victim, so attacking the greater problem of domestic violence would likely see an overall reduction of deaths.
(Regarding the above two, these are the two deaths that are most likely to see a significant decrease in the event of broad sweeping gun restrictions. However, due to the availability of guns in America, it is important to ensure that both are attacked at the source of the problem, to ensure the Suicides and Domestic Abuse homicides are not replaced with other means.)
- Then there's the third greatest cause of gun deaths, often pertaining to criminal activities. These deaths are homicides committed by and against young men involved in drug trafficking and gang activity. Unfortunately, these are the most difficult to regulate and least likely to stop in the event of broad nationwide firearms regulation and control. Due in part to their known reluctance to disregard written law, but more importantly that their crimes are often committed with simple, cheap handguns and like weapons that are not likely to disappear as they're easy to smuggle.
That leads to the $300,000,000 question: To really have any firearms regulation take root and ensure it's effectiveness, what do you do about the 1 to 1 ratio of guns to people that already exists in the country? Buyback programs and confiscation would be costly and not guaranteed to fully remove America's arsenal. Even in the event of 99% of the guns being collected and destroyed, it still leaves a potential three million guns floating around in what is now potentially a black market.
Which leads to my final point: In the event of weapons bans, what do we do to ensure the legal sale and re-sale of firearms is not replaced with a completely unregulated black market as firearm owners attempt to recoup the cost of their investment by selling their firearms to any buyer willing to pay?
It is for these reasons that Assault Weapons bans seem empty in comparison. They do not tackle the real meat of gun deaths. They do not attempt to pass effective or meaningful reform. The bump stock being a separate matter that I am wholly in favor of banning before they become too proliferated. They serve no hunting, sporting or target purpose and as has been seen, are quite effective in enhancing the rate of fire on a rifle which opens it's lethality to a greater degree when aimed at a target rich environment.
I bring these up merely to illustrate the obstacles I perceive with seeing a proper reduction in gun deaths and violence and certainly the issues that would need to be targeted if I'm to consider giving up my own firearms. (The other big issue being a reduction in the militarization of Police equipment and the number of armed patrol officers).
I apologize if this is a bit of a mess, I'll be back to edit and clean it up when I'm fully awake. Thank you.