>>>Matchless Crowd Racing GT-R Info.<<<

  • Thread starter Rue
trueno guy... u are wrong please go back to initial D and ur lame love for Tsuchiya... He is a drifter u are a drifter whatever u want to be then be.... The truth is Shinichi Kobayashi (a bigger legend in Japan then Tsuchiya) never drives the cars during track battle... He is almost 50 years old now and he just owns the company and makes sure everything works according to plan.... It might have been his son driving... If it was Shinichi in his original GTR then he would have lapped Tsuchiya 3 times before the race ended.. Please go crack a book open... P.S. the trueno isnt all that Initial D made it to... get behind the wheel of one and tell me how big ur drift angle is, that is even if u start to drift lame (MCR owns all of u sad Initial D lovers, LONG LIVE SHINICHI-SAN)
This pile of words with no grammar was worth bringing up an old thread? And a double post?

And Keichii Tsuchiya is one of the best. He said himself, the reason he drifted in races was because everyone knew he was going to win, so he drifted to entertain the crowd. He is a retired race car driver, not a drifter. He's just the best at it. And Shinichi is nowhere near as big of a legend as Tsuchiya.

Also, who ever said the Trueno was as good as Initial D made it to be in the first place?
Personally, I think what was exhibited here could be easily classified as flaming, as well as the doublepost and Gravedigging.
Personally, I think what was exhibited here could be easily classified as flaming.
I'm not calling him a stupid noob or anything. His posts are hard to understand, he double posted, and brought up a really old thread, and posted a bunch of random things that arn't half true. I'm not exxagerating, I'm not making any personal attacks, but new member or not, it just requires some common sense to make a normal post.

EDIT: Unless you were talking about the other dude, since you mentioned the double post and gravedigging while I was making this post.
OK sir let me inform u... Tsuchiya spends all day at the track racing people... If u ever got a chance to interview Tsuchiya about influences I can guarantee he would say Shinichi Kobayashi... y u ask??? simple for the years of the shutokou and kaido racers have existed every single person that stepped up to the plate against Shinichi got shot down... HP and torque dont matter at all its the driver behind the wheel that matters most... He doesnt have a high topspeed like the rest of the shutokou monsters... his is an even 195 mph.... The 1000 hp shutokou monsters that have faced him suffered quick losses.... Shinichi is a street racer he has skill in navigating through traffic in nearly impossible situations add high speed to it... What does it sum up to? Shinichi Kobayashi... In-order to make urself a legend on the roads of Japan its not about speed and power its about the guts to take risks and feel the true spirit of street racing.. If u do not take risks then y call urself a street racer? its basically like track racing ur passing cars up at a lower speed trying to maintain first with a car chasing behind.... If u step into Shinichis world for one day when he was at the top of the street racing underground in Tokyo u would experience blowing through traffic at 2 am doing close to 300 km/h changing lanes, maintaining speed and smoking... Tsuchiya drifted at the end of a race to show off cuz everyone knew he was gonna win?? Try a bit of respect u are in a sport of equal oppurtunity so say u didnt win... thats embarassing but having some ignorant man drifting around corners to send the crowd into an uproar is plain disrespectful.... If Shinichi wasnt such an old man and passed his time as he did long ago he still would have never showed off... He wouldve took the win like a man and after winning he would step out and shake every racers hand that was involved in the race... Lets see ur idol Tsuchiya do that! I'm sorry for this post but it must be done because ur comparing a proffesional japanese racer to a actual japanese street legend that is still alive to tell his tales... I apologize for the hostility if u have felt any but this is the way I feel good-day!
So being a legendary street racer is a good thing?

"OH GOOD, I'm the best known criminal!"

I love MCR and their cars, but you're taking this too far. Being a street racer is not something to brag about.

EDIT: Please write in complete sentences and paragraphs, and go easy on the period key.
Alright Sir I am done here, I agree street racing isnt something to be proud of. Please understand, Shinichi Kobayashi is a man that came up around that business. For him to actually succeed and be the best of the best on the streets is something for him to be proud of. I believe Keiichi Tsuchiya also mentioned that he was illegally drifting on the kaido pass in his KPGC10 skyline as a young man. The sad truth is that all of the proffesional racers in Japan have started out illegally racing on roads in Japan. This is what makes them so good at what they do, they have taken it to the track because they grew out of street racing and now know the dangers of it. Shinichi not only started racing illegally but he actually made a name for himself that way. He never got into a wreck or anything in his years racing on public roads. He was skilled at what he did. He soon retired after that and now has a team that competes in sanctioned racing events in Japan. He does not race no more, yet he still owns that bright red GTR, the original one. The team has many variations of S15s and R34s and even an FD all painted red and if the car isnt red it is a car owned by a team member not by the company itself. Kobayashi-san has retired and takes full responsibility for his team and the company. He still drives on a regular basis but he doesnt do any sort of racing anymore. I guess it would be fair to say LONG LIVE JAPAN PRO RACERS hehe sorry for the caps. I admit I am quite a noob and I am sure all of u have noticed. Have a great day!
EDIT: Unless you were talking about the other dude, since you mentioned the double post and gravedigging while I was making this post.

Yes, I was talking of the other young man. The highly opinionated one who was calling all Tsuchiya fans dumb.

1. Do not double-post.
2. Use a decent level of English in your posts (assuming you to speak English as a first language).
3. Behave respectfuclly to other members.
4. Use SOME formatting in your posts.
haha u know what?? go Tsuchiya he rocks! all day! everyday! hoo-rah! whoopie I bet u assholes didnt know today marks the 65th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor. Its funny how u idiots sit there talking **** about peoples grammar not realizing im not writing a ****ing book I am just posting some **** online.. Get the **** out of here... I dont want to spend all day typing an error-proof ****ing message. I see no point, no matter the **** what u will still understand what I had typed cuz I aint typin like yo dawg dis **** be off da heezy fa-sheezy ya'll besta be on dis. dis is the realness aint fonna get on realer then this dawg! see? understood that? prolly not so SHUT THE **** UP ABOUT MY GRAMMAR! I really ****ing hope u guys block me and go enjoy ur ****ing Initial D tapes and ur D1 drift finals u ****ing idiots! ever driven any of the cars u guys claim to know so much about? here is another ****ing thing. My ****ing english is so ****ing bad that I was born in a ****ing 3 world country lived in the USA for 13 ****ing years and I still know enough to reckognize today as the 65th anniversary of Pearl Harbor. So **** u natural born retards, I am sure the veterans that survived todays attack 65 yrs ago look down on u in disgust. Stop watching racing videos and take a look at ur ****ing history BLOCK ME MOTHER****ERS! BAN ME! DO SOMETHING U BUNCH OF PRICKS!
haha u know what?? go Tsuchiya he rocks! all day! everyday! hoo-rah! whoopie I bet u assholes didnt know today marks the 65th Anniversary of Pearl Harbor. Its funny how u idiots sit there talking **** about peoples grammar not realizing im not writing a ****ing book I am just posting some **** online.. Get the **** out of here... I dont want to spend all day typing an error-proof ****ing message. I see no point, no matter the **** what u will still understand what I had typed cuz I aint typin like yo dawg dis **** be off da heezy fa-sheezy ya'll besta be on dis. dis is the realness aint fonna get on realer then this dawg! see? understood that? prolly not so SHUT THE **** UP ABOUT MY GRAMMAR! I really ****ing hope u guys block me and go enjoy ur ****ing Initial D tapes and ur D1 drift finals u ****ing idiots! ever driven any of the cars u guys claim to know so much about? here is another ****ing thing. My ****ing english is so ****ing bad that I was born in a ****ing 3 world country lived in the USA for 13 ****ing years and I still know enough to reckognize today as the 65th anniversary of Pearl Harbor. So **** u natural born retards, I am sure the veterans that survived todays attack 65 yrs ago look down on u in disgust. Stop watching racing videos and take a look at ur ****ing history BLOCK ME MOTHER****ERS! BAN ME! DO SOMETHING U BUNCH OF PRICKS!

I guess point 3 sailed clean over your head.

Incidentally, I'm neither American nor a fan of driving sideways.