Max Drive, Game Save and making video files thread.

  • Thread starter Kent
I formatted the drive without saving the files. Now it copies the folder but not the raw save file data like it used to. And what do you mean by PC software? I'm just loading it via the ps2. When I throw the dvd in my pc it doesn't play it or ask to install software of any kind.

Also, I downloaded your save and it worked fine.

Yet another edit: I downloaded the HP USB Disk Formatting Tool and now the maxdrive is showing up as 32MB, though it was 16 before and the packaging was clearly marked as 16MB. LOL what the hell?

Going to give it one more try...
I see that Sphinx has turned off the online light. He has helped before with those BASCUS folders. The software is just missing something. Where did you buy it. Maybe they can help. Best bet is Datel themselves. Just don't go with their ticket idea, it sucks. I'm trying CodeJunkies and I'm trying to find the correct way to contact them but of course, those pages don't seem to work. Don,t worry.
How come this worked fine if you can't get the ar max to work?

The program loads on my ps2, I can access max memory manager but after I've 'crushed' files I cannot transfer them to the maxdrive, I get the unknown error. Actually it doesnt matter what format the file is in, I cannot write to the usb disk. The first time I tried this there was the raw data (uncompressed) on the maxdrive but I since formatted the disk twice, once in windows and once using the usb storage formatting tool, which oddly gave me another 16MB, but it STILL DOES NOT WORK! Uncrushing files seems to work fine. USB seems to be readable but not writable.

Man well I'm screwed it seems. I've contacted Datel and we'll see how long it takes for them to get back to me.
Does your max software look like this?

Yes it does.

Tried fooling with it yet again and via the software I was able to copy an uncrushed replay without getting the error. I noticed that some space had been taken up on the maxdrive. Next I tried to copy a crushed version of the same replay, got the unknown error message and when I checked the space on the disk it had erased what was previously was on there and gone back to being empty.

So, I tried to copy just the uncrushed demo, hoping I would end up with the raw data. It copied successfully in the max memory manager and there seems to have been some disk space taken up but when I open it on my pc it's just the 1 folder with nothing in it and only 512 bytes taken up.

I'll try using it ony my friends ps2 tomorrow to rule that out. I got my ps2 off ebay and I think it was refurbished, though I've had zero problems with it til now.
Yes it does.

Tried fooling with it yet again and via the software I was able to copy an uncrushed replay without getting the error. I noticed that some space had been taken up on the maxdrive. Next I tried to copy a crushed version of the same replay, got the unknown error message and when I checked the space on the disk it had erased what was previously was on there and gone back to being empty.

So, I tried to copy just the uncrushed demo, hoping I would end up with the raw data. It copied successfully in the max memory manager and there seems to have been some disk space taken up but when I open it on my pc it's just the 1 folder with nothing in it and only 512 bytes taken up.

I'll try using it ony my friends ps2 tomorrow to rule that out. I got my ps2 off ebay and I think it was refurbished, though I've had zero problems with it til now.

I'm sorry but I keep getting confused with the terminology that you use. I can understand if you mention about uncrushing a file to the memory card, but have problems when you mention about copying an uncrushed file to where ever. you also use the term 'RAW'. is this the same as the uncrushed file you have, or something completly different?
No you got it. The 'raw' data in the BASCUS-whatever folder is I think a decompressed ps2 file that was never compressed, or crushed, into the .max file.
I have a problem editing my GT4 save as well using AR Max. It creates a BASCUS-9xxxx folder and dumps all the files in there, no max file. Is it because I am just copying the contents and not crushing it?
Another problem I have is that AR Max never completely finishes writing my saves, it reads just fine, but gets stuck on writing and after a few minutes it just comes back to the copy screen. But it seems like it is copying my raw saves on the USB stick.
So, checked on friends ps2 and the same thing happens. Don't think I'll be able to return it to gamestop either cause to open it I had to tear the plastic packaging. Don't know but I'll try later.

Meanwhile, are there any other alternatives to get the replay off so that I could use the savbuilder to convert it to a .max file?
Meanwhile, are there any other alternatives to get the replay off so that I could use the savbuilder to convert it to a .max file?

There is but you need to have:

1 x Fat PS2
1 x PS2 Mem Card
1 x Old PS1 disc
Ok, somehow I was able to get the folder with the BASCUS-whatever naming scheme onto the maxdrive. I've attatched it but I'm not certain if it is even the right replay nor if this will work again. What do I need to convert it to .max?


    23.7 KB · Views: 17
Ok, somehow I was able to get the folder with the BASCUS-whatever naming scheme onto the maxdrive. I've attatched it but I'm not certain if it is even the right replay nor if this will work again. What do I need to convert it to .max?

I'm in the middle of creating a tutorial on how to convert these files to .max. I hope to have it done soon.

But for now, here are your files converted to .max:


  • WRS-Wk144-esh.max
    24.2 KB · Views: 23
Awesome thanks! I have no problem converting these myself every week so long as I can get them off my memory card and I don't have to buy another Maxdrive.

Someone mind verifying it is in fact my 1'16.162 lap?
Someone mind verifying it is in fact my 1'16.162 lap?
I grabbed your replay and will confirm in a couple hours time.

EDIT: Replay is good. I will make post in weekly results thread.
I need help big time.. first all my option files were erased.. i hit square accidentally and everything dissapeared.. how do i get it back? and second i downloaded a option file on the internet for my pes2008 for ps2 and then i uncrushed the file from my maxdrive to my memory card and then i checked it but when i started the game nothin happened.. what did i do wrong?
One way you're going to help yourself here at GT Planet is by using proper English grammar and capital letters where they belong! (i.e. at the beginning of each sentence, and for "I") Please refer to the AUP for clarification of the rules on lazy posting styles, thank you! ;)

As far as I know there's no way to recover data that you have deleted from your memory card or MAXdrive, even accidentally. I could be wrong, so I'll leave the rest of the folks here to chip in with their experiences.
I need help big time.. first all my option files were erased.. i hit square accidentally and everything dissapeared.. how do i get it back? and second i downloaded a option file on the internet for my pes2008 for ps2 and then i uncrushed the file from my maxdrive to my memory card and then i checked it but when i started the game nothin happened.. what did i do wrong?

I'm not sure, but did you erase your game settings, as in no more game data? If so, it is gone forever.
I'm not sure what the pes2008 is. If that is a new game data save?
If you deleted all the files from the memory card, maybe you need to load the game and blank memory card so it can get your system configuration first, then add the new game data save. I'm not sure and I've done this a few times.
Where did you get the new file from?
Hey I am trying to use the usb max drive but it wont recognize any files i copy onto it. I tried first with Tourist Trophy , all bikes , 100 % downloaded from gamefaqs. It doesnt work , not recognized when i load up the max drive.

I am quite upset , can someone help me out when they have the time.

My apologies after doing some googling and being a little patient , I got it to work !!!
Is there a software tool to convert .max files to .psv files, or is this only possible with some kind of hardware?
No, it's not possible at all.

That's what I was afraid of. But I do like the positiveness in the word "Yet". :sly:
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I ordered a Max Drive so I can start doing the WRSs and other events on the PS2 and also view other people's laps. Are there any pitfalls I should be aware of before using the Max Drive, e.g. when transferring my game data from the PS2 memory card to the Max Drive? (I read somewhere that someone lost his/her game data on he memory card when doing so).
No. The 'fun' part of using a Maxdrive is to identify the files you want to transfer from the memcard to the usb stick, because the only thing that you can recognise it from is a tiny little screen that is a still from the replay. But fear not, after using it for a while you will find your way around.
Best thing would be to clean up all the old stuff from your memcard you won't use anyway, so the startup time in the maxdrive program and the replay list on the memcard is made as short as possible.
Good luck, and a good move to get a maxdrive 👍

[/meanwhile being happy that all this maxdrive nonsense is over in Prologue]

PS. the mods are always happy when members avoid making double posts :)
I ordered a Max Drive so I can start doing the WRSs and other events on the PS2 and also view other people's laps. Are there any pitfalls I should be aware of before using the Max Drive, e.g. when transferring my game data from the PS2 memory card to the Max Drive? (I read somewhere that someone lost his/her game data on he memory card when doing so).

Losing data can happen, so always backup your game saves to your PC. 👍

My advice to help prevent this from happening is to transfer one file at a time to the Max Drive.
No. The 'fun' part of using a Maxdrive is to identify the files you want to transfer from the memcard to the usb stick, because the only thing that you can recognise it from is a tiny little screen that is a still from the replay. But fear not, after using it for a while you will find your way around.
Best thing would be to clean up all the old stuff from your memcard you won't use anyway, so the startup time in the maxdrive program and the replay list on the memcard is made as short as possible.
Good luck, and a good move to get a maxdrive 👍

PS. the mods are always happy when members avoid making double posts :)
Thanx for the quick replies and tips Bigracer and Sphinx. I thought that the MaxDrive could be used instead of the memory card, but now I understand that it is merely for transferring files to and from the PC. That's fine by me. :)

I still feel a bit guilty having two posts in a row, but in this case it was quite necessary to get an answer. :sly:
I picked up the MaxDrive this afternoon and it works like a charm. I was now able to review one of my own posted WRS laps and how indeed the conversion from .psv format to .max had gone wrong right after T1. :(