McLaren Formula 1 Cars

Can they? Yes. (See: Simraceway)
Should they? Certainly.
Will they? Who knows.

There is a thread for wishlists.
I don't think so.

I like when Gran Turismo has races between many cars of a similar era, rather than hand-picking a few cars of separate eras.

If there was a McLaren Formula One car series, the results would always have the opponents winning, because, if the car performance reflected reality, the most recent F1 cars would be the fastest, by a significant margin.

I imagine the licencing fees involved with Formula One cars would be fairly significant as well, which I would not support as that money could be used to improve other aspects of the game.
For the 347,908,253rd time - this isn't possible. Gran Turismo will never have Formula One cars as long as Codemasters holds the gaming rights. The only reason Ferrari is in there is that they hold their own rights to their own cars independent of the rest of F1, as I understand.
For the 347,908,253rd time - this isn't possible. Gran Turismo will never have Formula One cars as long as Codemasters holds the gaming rights. The only reason Ferrari is in there is that they hold their own rights to their own cars independent of the rest of F1, as I understand.

Nope. As above, check out the game Simraceway which has a whole collection of McLaren F1 cars, they even had this years in the middle of the season. As far as I know CM has the F1 licence but teams can licence out their own cars but they can only race themselves, not other F1 cars as that would be F1 racing which they have no licence.
Erm, why? They're compared quite conclusively in the official F1 titles.

Just saying that's how companies think.

Money will be required in order to change that decision, but PD could use it to get the vastly more important Porsche license anyway even if it is 300% of macca.
You would think every car company, including race car and tuning companies and any race series, would be begging for their cars to be featured in games. Who could resist the advertising and publicity? Not to mention the fact that it would increase the fan base and that means even more advertising would get out to the public. As long as current contracts would allow it.
Just saying that's how companies think.

That grossly simplified thinking. It also doesn't make sense since they're fine with their road cars being compared. Actually, they're fine with their race cars being compared too. I can race a McLaren F1 race car against whatever Ferrari in Forza. I haven't seen either company raise a riot over it.

They don't care that inaccurate virtual representations of their cars are compared to each other. Sometimes they don't even care when the real cars are compared. They will let you do what you want so long as it's not a risk to them and their is enough profit to make the whole thing desirable.