McLaren MP4-28 launch

All teams will hide anything they can on the launch car if it's possible to, the only things they can't hide are fundamental parts of the chassis/design.
He has now deleted the photo from his Twitter account. Most likely a demand from McLaren and their sponsors! I am not impressed... :rolleyes:

If you're invited to see secret stuff, post pictures of said secret stuff... and are asked to please take them down... it's only polite to do so. I don't see what the problem is there.

This isn't like "spy shots" taken on the open road. This is at a private venue, and you can get in very hot water for leaking info gained in this manner. In a very legal sense.
There is no modesty panel. I don't know why people are assuming that the car has one simply because there is no step in the nose.

The 2012 regulations were intended to be a stop-gap between 2012 and 2014, when the regulations will mandate a lower nose and monocoque (the space between the front axle and the cockpit) design. However, because a higher monocoque has more aerodynamic advantage, the teams went for the quickest, easiest and most efficient solution: a step in the nose.

However, McLaren did not. For the past decade, their cars have all had lower noses and monocoques (except the MP4-25, which had a higher nose than its prdecessors, but a nose that was slightly lower than everyone else's). So when the MP4-27 was launched, it didn't have a step nose, because McLaren was already working towards the 2014 regulations, and had been for years before those regualtions were even written.

The MP4-28 has no modesty plate because it doesn't have a stepped nose. It's a continuation of the MP4-27, which never had a stepped nose, and so it makes zero sense for McLaren to have abandoned a design philosophy that has served them well for a decade, build a car that will only be good for one season, and then go back to taht design philosophy in 2014.

Well, in this case, he's wrong. Which surprises me, since he of all people should have known this.

Looks nice, not really expecting anything insane from any team, I think the current regulations have been stretched as far as possible.
Yeah, it's only a big change for McLaren themselves, as they're taking ideas from all over the grid and incorporating the best concepts in the 28.
I can see it just fine Ardius, thanks for sharing.

Wow, very interesting all around but the part about the wishbone adding more camber as speed increases and less for better traction at lowspeed was awesome to learn!
Wow, very interesting all around but the part about the wishbone adding more camber as speed increases and less for better traction at lowspeed was awesome to learn!
I think we just found out first technical dispute of the year.
Isn't the increase in camber just down to the downforce increasing and compressing the suspension which will hence naturally increase the camber angle at higher speeds?
Well no? It's just an unequal A-arm set up (which gives a favourable camber increase during corners as the suspension compresses), nothing unusual going on i don't think.

It seems the video tries to explain the principles of camber change as load increases with higher downforce hence higher speed for those who don't know as opposed to it being a new development.

I could be wrong of course.
Well, he was talking about changes, so I'm not sure, could've been on other cars before, just not Mac's.

But I wasn't saying the wishbone was doing something magical or automated, it does work off basic principles but isn't necessarily a walk in the park to get it working with an already super complex rear.

I don't think it'll be protested though, nothing in the regulations prevent it since it's it's not an independently movable aero device.

Only thing I'm afraid of is that, with that rear set up and the new pullrod, it could be harder to set up. That was one great aspect of the 27, how easy it was to adapt to different conditions because of its relative simplicity.
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I can see why it seems like it's doing something magical but I really don't think it is, I think the explanation was just a bit vague to be honest.

We'll see anyway, like I said I could be wrong.
Had to edit a key typo:
I wasn't* saying it was doing anything magical at all, it is a basic principal.
I might be the only person again, but I still think McLaren could combine their orange with the chrome livery:

Maybe add some more black here and there so that the Vodafone stuff is easier to read.

I know that this is the 2012 car btw.
Ah, thanks.
Anyway, what I did above was just a rough job.
They would need to change the livery with some more details, maybe mix it with the normal chrome. The way it looks now just screams "Mercedes" to me.
It does but the problem is they have to use large doses of rocket red for Vodafone which is never going to work with orange IMO. Don't get me wrong I like the orange idea for the car and the silver chrome is a bit boring now but I just don't think we're going to see change until they get a new title sponsor.

I mean this could work:

But Vodafone wouldn't have it, their logo section MUST be rocket red. Shame that sponsors dictate things these days.
Even though it's tradition, I really do not like the Mclaren Orange livery. I much prefer the 'volcanic orange' of the sort the MP4-12c ran with, it's a nice balance between the rocket red of Vodafone and the pale mclaren orange.

The best looking fan made Mclaren livery i've seen in recent years though has to be this:


There is a better image of the MP4-25 MP4-27 side on. I'm going to dig that up from last year's thread as google image search is only bringing up heavily cropped examples from facebook

It's a throw back to the Marlboro days, but fits in line with their current Vodafone sponsor. Also, it looks awesome.

EDIT: This is the one I was talking about, but was hoping I could cite the original source:

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The Marlboro livery was some of the best ever on an F1 car. Too bad they can't do that nowadays...
Even though it's tradition, I really do not like the Mclaren Orange livery. I much prefer the 'volcanic orange' of the sort the MP4-12c ran with, it's a nice balance between the rocket red of Vodafone and the pale mclaren orange.

The best looking fan made Mclaren livery i've seen in recent years though has to be this:

There is a better image of the MP4-25 MP4-27 side on. I'm going to dig that up from last year's thread as google image search is only bringing up heavily cropped examples from facebook

It's a throw back to the Marlboro days, but fits in line with their current Vodafone sponsor. Also, it looks awesome.

EDIT: This is the one I was talking about, but was hoping I could cite the original source:

Looks great!

Never really been a fan of the chrome but the white looks nice!