Speaking strictly from my personal experiences, most men I've met that fly the MRA flag, also tend to buy into the abhorrent views of something like The Red Pill (/r/TheRedPill, if you're unaware and curious).
They're utterly unable to explain what exactly the MRA movement is striving for, without denigrating women/feminists in the process. And that being the case, I have a hard time buying what they're selling. It just comes off as petulant and myopic.
That's not to say that all MRA groups are inherently bad. If I came across one that was able to answer...
What would you want a [male] interest group to fight for?
...in a manner that acknowledged and included all people's rights (basically what Famine described on the first page), then I could probably get on board.
White conservative heterosexual males with common sense
The very antithesis of inclusive language.
are the last ethnic/religious/sexual/cultural/racial group without an official representative
Who represents, oh I don't know, black transgendered Sudanese atheists?
Every other ethnic/racial/cultural/religious group can already demand some special rights and treatments and demands apologies whenever feeling buthurt from said group.
Anybody that has spoken up against your downtrodden conservative-straight-dudes-group is simply "butthurt," and should just shut up. Got it.
What is also a paradox to me, is that all those different groups always gang up on the said group everytime it raises its voice, but are very different and should hate each other as well.
Why should anybody hate anybody else?
For example homosexual and feminist lobbies against Sharia demanding muslim radicals. I find it unbelievable and ironic how these very different groups can come together and throw rocks on people at pegida rallies, but don't do any protest against each other.
They all want to see an end to the arbitrary oppression of all groups of people. Not too hard to grasp.
I wonder how they'll manage to coexist in the future without the common enemy...
Quite peacefully, I'd assume. Keep in mind that their "enemy" will also be free of oppression in this future world.
Ofcourse, the leftist media would instantly brand any such group in existence as racist/homophobic/sexist/intolerant. As it is happening in this case, I see.
BINGO! What do I win?
Here's an alternate way of looking that things that I'd like you to consider:
A group advocating for Muslims are only upset at Christians who oppress them. Not all straight conservative Christian males.
A group advocating for the LGBT community are only upset at conservatives/Christians who oppress them. Not all straight conservative Christian males.
A group advocating for women are only upset at males who oppress them. Not all straight conservative Christian males.
A group advocating for blacks are only upset at whites who oppress them. Not all straight conservative Christian males.
If you seriously think all of these groups "come together" to actively oppress all straight white conservative Christian males, then you've got the mother of all persecution complexes.