The irony of complaining about non constructive posts in a thread built upon being so.
You know you were in the wrong, the mature thing to do would have been to apologize for not using the search or the sticky, learn from your mistake and move on. But instead you insisted it couldn't possibly be your fault and proceeded to blame the sites search function. Then someone pointed out, that you incorrectly spelled the name of the car, so instead of accepting your mistake, you then try to justify it. Then when your justification proved to be wrong as well, you result to insults. You made every wrong step possible and then wonder why posters have such a bad attitude towards you and the next guy who will make the same mistake and act the same way.
Why can't people just say "Oh, lmao, I ****ed up, sorry guys!"
Humility has much more in common with success than pride does.
No see, the thread was created with a specific objective. Your posts on the other hand make no contribution towards that objective and are irrelevant.
What I see here is an obnoxious, self-righteous individual who thinks it's his job to go around correcting people. If you had come here and presented what you had to say in a civil manner, there would be absolutely no problem.
What I find funny though is that you actually want me to apologize to you. Furthermore, you talk about me insulting you when you are the one who initiated the insults, and quite honestly, everything I've said about you up until this point is based on facts and I've given my reasons for those facts.
There are plenty examples on this thread of helpful and courteous people who instead of wasting their time complaining about what they believe is a misuse of the search function, instead contributed to the purpose of the thread which was to suggest tunes for the AMG '10.
You come here and start posting aggressively and then expect people to be thanking you. There are far better ways of getting your point across, and I recommend you look into improving your communication skills.
That said, up until this point I've been quite civil with you and I've already asked you to drop the conversation after thanking you for your advice. Obviously doesn't seem to be enough for you.
But again, I really see no further point in continuing this conversation. You will keep acting as you do, and so will I. So why not just end it now?