Mercedez SLS AMG '10

  • Thread starter inuakki
Does anyone have a solid tune for this car you recommend using? I completed the GT Championship in the Professional events using this car, and I'm a very big fan of how it drives with stock settings (best parts included). However, if anyone has any suggestions for a tune or could tell me how best to tune it myself it would be much appreciated.
Does anyone have a solid tune for this car you recommend using? I completed the GT Championship in the Professional events using this car, and I'm a very big fan of how it drives with stock settings (best parts included). However, if anyone has any suggestions for a tune or could tell me how best to tune it myself it would be much appreciated.

Try this and tell me if it's ok for you.
Ever heard of search? Ever heard of sticky threads?

Lol ever heard that the search function on this site is terrible? Funny how this is coming from someone who signed up at the end of last year.
Stop posting mindless spam if you aren't being constructive.
Lol ever heard that the search function on this site is terrible? Funny how this is coming from someone who signed up at the end of last year.
Stop posting mindless spam if you aren't being constructive.

Here's another one who just signed up by the end of last year.. yet I'm able to see the stickied' thread on top of this forum.

Have a look: ▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀ Every GTPlanet Tune That Exists Is In This Thread ▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄▀▄
Yeah, it's the search functions fault that you don't know how to spell Mercedes. :rolleyes:

I'm from Colombia and in Spanish that is both how it is pronounced and written, and is therefore how I am accustomed to spelling it. That said, I did in fact search both forms of spelling, neither of which yielded any significant results.:rolleyes:
I don't care if you're from Never Never Land, I don't care how you pronounce it, I don't care what you're accustomed to. Mercedes is only spelled one way.

As for your claim of no significant results, you must be confusing the search function with your brain function.

Picture Proof. I've taken the liberty to highlight them. 7 Tuning Garages found within .24 seconds. 6 of which have the car/tune you're looking for, 1 thread with the car name in the title(not counting this one). Think of how much time and humiliation you could have saved.

Just shows how ignorant you are, but hey, I won't judge you. Although, I have to say, you must not have anything better or more interesting to do seeing as you waste your time trolling people's threads as you're doing right now.
Point is, if you have nothing constructive to post then it's better not to post at all. So unless you have a tune to post, I ask you stop posting on my thread. Thanks for your "help" and gl with whatever it is you do.
Yea, that .24 seconds it took to perform that search really threw off my entire schedule for the day. :)

I'm more worried about the fact that you bothered to take a screenshot of said page, upload it, and then post it here. I mean I appreciate the dedication in trying to help me, I just wouldn't think it would be such an important issue for someone.
Just doing what I can to serve the community ;)
9 key strokes and 13 clicks won't stop me from helping out a fellow GTP'er!
Lol ever heard that the search function on this site is terrible? Funny how this is coming from someone who signed up at the end of last year.
Stop posting mindless spam if you aren't being constructive.

Just use the search instead of starting useless threads and accusing others! Within your super-i'm-the-better-user almost 3 years membership on GTP you couldn't figure out how to use the search function... wow impressive.

PS you should edit posts instead of doublepost! ;)
See this is what I mean about posts which serve no purpose and are in no way constructive. At least Adrenaline came out with a point, but you're just fueling the fire here.
And seeing as those two posts are about two completely different things and furthermore are directed at two completely separate groups/people, it makes far more sense to split them up.
The irony of complaining about non constructive posts in a thread built upon being so.

You know you were in the wrong, the mature thing to do would have been to apologize for not using the search or the sticky, learn from your mistake and move on. But instead you insisted it couldn't possibly be your fault and proceeded to blame the sites search function. Then someone pointed out, that you incorrectly spelled the name of the car, so instead of accepting your mistake, you then try to justify it. Then when your justification proved to be wrong as well, you result to insults. You made every wrong step possible and then wonder why posters have such a bad attitude towards you and the next guy who will make the same mistake and act the same way.

Why can't people just say "Oh, lmao, I ****ed up, sorry guys!"
Humility has much more in common with success than pride does.
I'm from Colombia and in Spanish that is both how it is pronounced and written, and is therefore how I am accustomed to spelling it. That said, I did in fact search both forms of spelling, neither of which yielded any significant results.:rolleyes:

Oh no no no. I have lived in Bogotá all my life and I know as a fact it's Mercedes. So please, don't make the country look like it can't spell right.

In the calle 90 with around 12, there's a dealership. Go check it out.
The irony of complaining about non constructive posts in a thread built upon being so.

You know you were in the wrong, the mature thing to do would have been to apologize for not using the search or the sticky, learn from your mistake and move on. But instead you insisted it couldn't possibly be your fault and proceeded to blame the sites search function. Then someone pointed out, that you incorrectly spelled the name of the car, so instead of accepting your mistake, you then try to justify it. Then when your justification proved to be wrong as well, you result to insults. You made every wrong step possible and then wonder why posters have such a bad attitude towards you and the next guy who will make the same mistake and act the same way.

Why can't people just say "Oh, lmao, I ****ed up, sorry guys!"
Humility has much more in common with success than pride does.

No see, the thread was created with a specific objective. Your posts on the other hand make no contribution towards that objective and are irrelevant.
What I see here is an obnoxious, self-righteous individual who thinks it's his job to go around correcting people. If you had come here and presented what you had to say in a civil manner, there would be absolutely no problem.
What I find funny though is that you actually want me to apologize to you. Furthermore, you talk about me insulting you when you are the one who initiated the insults, and quite honestly, everything I've said about you up until this point is based on facts and I've given my reasons for those facts.
There are plenty examples on this thread of helpful and courteous people who instead of wasting their time complaining about what they believe is a misuse of the search function, instead contributed to the purpose of the thread which was to suggest tunes for the AMG '10.
You come here and start posting aggressively and then expect people to be thanking you. There are far better ways of getting your point across, and I recommend you look into improving your communication skills.
That said, up until this point I've been quite civil with you and I've already asked you to drop the conversation after thanking you for your advice. Obviously doesn't seem to be enough for you.

But again, I really see no further point in continuing this conversation. You will keep acting as you do, and so will I. So why not just end it now?
I expect no apology or thanks. That belongs to the people who actually helped.
I'm just here to make sure you don't make the same excuse twice. Which, as much as you may hate to admit it, I'm sure you won't forget the amount of trouble I've caused you. I guarantee next time you're looking for a tune, you'll think twice about posting a new thread and will spend an extra 2 minutes searching a little bit harder.
Therefor I consider my work a success, regardless of your perceptions of me as a poster or person, as they have no actual bearing on the task nor outcome at hand. So you'll understand why the words we come across with hold no meaning whether from friend or foe, because in this rare occasion in life, things are black and white. :cheers:
Lets say that all of what you just said is true; it still doesn't change the fact that you came here with an aggressive attitude and began harassing and insulting me. You may think that the ends justify the means, however there are many alternative methods which would yield the exact same message, if not more effectively and through better means. While you may justify coming to my thread and attacking me because, in your mind, I did something terribly wrong, you can't expect to receive a friendly response.
However, seeing as in your last post you're talking about your "success" as a whole rather than the whole process then I have to hope you've realized that the manner in which you go about saying things is moreover what matters. ;)

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