Merry Christmas GTP

  • Thread starter Cap'n Jack

Cap'n Jack

South of the South
Well, its officially Christmas here in Adelaide(12:03am).

Merry Christmas. So... What's everyone got for christmas? So far I know I'm getting a bike and a skateboard.:D
Merry Christmas ervy berdy !

( NFSU 2 + MGS 2 + ToCA 2 + Bourne Supremecy + Spidey 2 + socks + lazy Boy + socks )

the wife really spoiled me !
I notice you have socks twice, Jay. :lol:

I was hoping everyone would forget to put a thread up at 12.00am and I could do it. :grumpy:

Oh well...

I don't and won't know what I have until tomorrow morning. Apart, I'm sure, from that Alias season 3 DVD box set I wanted... If I don't have that I'll be mad. Mad, I say. MAD! Aaaah, haha hahahahaa! Err...

Merry Xmess all.
Some places in Europe have Christmas on the 24th!:grumpy: I know a few people in Europe and they suck.:lol:
Merry Christmas everyone!

By this time tomorrow, I should be listening to Dark Side of the Moon on my brand new Bose Triport headphones! :D
Bose? :(

I have a pair of Samsung canal phones that came with the 128mb mp3 player mum bought me for my birthday a couple of months ago which I never use for obvious reasons.

They're nice, but I'd love a Bose job. ;)

The decorative silver bit fell off both my phones the other day and I'm sad. :(
I got a new computer. You know how I know? Cause I bought it for myself! It's an AMD 64 3400 on an Asus A8V socket 939 motherboard with an ATI Radeon 9600XT graphics card, only one stick of Ultra 3200 400mhz 512mb memory for now, a 17" Wintergreen LCD monitor (looks almost as good as a high-def tv and was only 200 bucks after rebate!), a 2000 watt 5.1 digital surround sound system, and some other things like a cool case and whatnot.
It's nearly 3.30pm. Christmas is 8 1/2 hours away... damnit! Think I'm getting GT3 and Crash Nitro Kart (yeah, I'm slow) and a 1:10 Lego Ferrari F1 car. Yes, Lego. At 18. Wish I'd bought the Williams one when it was out the other year, but nevermind.

No idea what else I'm getting.

Merry Crimbo, y'all!
Merry Christmas, everyone! :) I got to open one of my presents early, and it was a new Nextel i860 Camera Phone. FINALLY! I get to enjoy a camera phone without switching from Nextel!!! :D
There is nothing wrong with being into legos at 18. Hell, I am and I'm 18 as well. My latest craze is fully articulated mechs/gundams where everything including the fingers can articulate. It's pretty cool to see how small you can build 'em and still keep the articulation of larger models.
Merry Christmas, everyone! :) I got to open one of my presents early, and it was a new Nextel i860 Camera Phone. FINALLY! I get to enjoy a camera phone without switching from Nextel!!! :D

Ha! :lol:

I wish I got to open my presents early. You get as excited as a 3-year-old! :D

Jordan, while I've got your ear, what do you say about putting the :lol: smilie back in? I use it frequently and I know others who do as well.
Nice phone, Jordan. If it makes you feel any better than you obviously already are, I'm extremely jealous right now!

Also, just on the :lol: smiley, it would be nice, as long as people don't use it too much. If it gets frequently used, it may just become a problem.
Seeing as it's Christmas over there already, can you tell me what I got? I know it'll ruin the surprise when I come to opening them, but I'd like to know.
I'll need more than a Medium. I hope you kept the receipt... :D
So far, I've gotten a Fuji FinePix S5100 digital camera. I opened that last Friday when it arrived. :D There are a few other presents under the tree with my name so we'll see. :mischievous:
I tried to buy some, but the $10 for orders over $50 coupon has, apparently expired... :(

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