Merry Christmas GTP

  • Thread starter Cap'n Jack
I've already got two presents and they were from people I work with. My boss gave me a red Dale Earnhardt Jr. Leather Jacket (didnt exactly want it but hell its a leather coat and it looks pretty damn good on me) and I got some shirt from a coworker. I'm prolly gonna go in and exchange it for a shirt I really want. Havent got anything else yet. Dunno if I will.

Anyways Merry Xmas.
Happy Hollidays all (just to be "politicly correct", god i hate america and our stupid "morals" cant even say the name of a fricken holliday because someone might get offended)

I got to open my presents at about 5 hours ago, where i aquired Half-life 2: Collectors Edition, Some Axe, an electric razor, a watch, 50$ and some other stuff.
I found out by noticing "Santa"'s handwriting was curiously familiar to my mom's handwriting.:sly:

Merry Christmas all! only 60 minutes before you can officially tell me that!
Yeah, I was thinking today, how come I didn't notice that my Mum's handwriting was the same as Santa's...
Merry Christmas all! It's 3:51am christmas day. No, i havent just woken up to go open presents.. I'm still up. Getting ready to sleep soon though! :)

Not exactly sure what i got under the tree, so i hope it'll suprise me.. I like christmas better when i dont know what something is.. :)
It's 8:06 AM here and I have all my presents because I got them early. Wait! I have to things in my stocking! Yay! Now I just need to wait for my sister to wake up to unwrap the stuff. God I feel a little giddy ATM.
Mr. Hankey the Christmas poo say's.........merry christmas everybody!

I got: A basketball, an XBOX, Halo 2[xbox], THUG2[xbox], NFS:U2[xbox], PGR2[xbox], and Killzone for the PS2. A monster nation book, halo 2 strategy guide, I, Robot, custom CD made by my sister, Best Buy Gift Card, Calendar, and some clothes.:)

Merry Christmas!
You suck....Seriously. I got 2 things from the grandparents... Pro sport bodywash and cologne and an aeropostale hoodie. Funny that it is my first piece of aeropostale. Soft. :dopey:

MERRY CHRISTMAS TO ALL and ALL GOOD... (Shut the **** up!)... NIght?
Merry Christmas!

I got a Fuji FinePix S5100, FYE gift card, The Bourne Supremacy DVD, an incense burner and some incense, wireless mouse, Old Navy hoodie and cargo pants.

Jesus Christ
Everybody is wishing people a merry Chirstmas, but nobody tells me happy birthday or makes me a birthday thread. :(
That's probably because you weren't born on the 25th of December.

You would think you would know that.....
Merry Christmas!

My haul this year: Bose Triport headphones, Led Zeppelin: DVD (That is it's actual name), Aerosmith DVD (Not it's actual name), Season One of Corner Gas, The Rundown, Billy Madison and Happy Gilmore special editions, Dawn Of The Dead, The Best of U2 1980-1990, The Best Of The Doors, a box for all my CDs, a whole bunch of aviation books, spending money, and to top it all off, a caramilk bar!
Merry Christmas GTP! I got a yellow nissan skyline XMODS car, Shrek 2, boxers, socks, 100$ Staples Business Depot gift card, 2 new watches, buncha money from my gramma and my dad and uh...i unno.