Messed up things the Police do

  • Thread starter andrea
I agree, the cops are evil!!!

Here is one beating a man who is lying on the ground.

And one of a cop stopping a woman from swimming in public water.

And one of a cop breaking in and throwing people out of their own homes.

Another cop deciding where people can sit.

One not letting a child have candy.

Cops pulling a man from his car.

Cop rams a parked car.

The sad part is that these videos don't get anywhere near the amount of views that the "OMG da copz are bad!!!" videos do.
The thing about Cops is there are a lot of good ones and a lot of bad ones. The problem is the media generally will attack the cases in which unnecessary brutality is present as the general view of the police is that they are to protect people, thus making such incidents more shocking, despite becoming increasingly common. Videos of the law enforcement doing good things rarely come to light as its expected of them.

This one is especially bad, I'm surprised YouTube haven't removed it actually.

A few years ago a YouTube video would be taken down if it displayed a nasty wound, so I'm surprised a close up of a dead, blood soaked corpse and prior shooting are allowed.
nice propaganda, ok

Just as yours is, but a slow-handclap nonetheless for apparently grasping the thread by the point.

We could go on all day posting good-cop-bad-cop stuff and I'm not sure what the further point would be.

EDIT: Oh sod it, in the absence of a question to discuss here's my two penn'orth, because I just saw it on FB and thought it was funny.

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I can't believe nobody's posted any Ambient Police Radio. In French. That's all that I can think of to save this thread.

Linky. Click >> to the next track, it's far "better" than the one that plays first.
Why is there a need for another cop thread? If anything, this one looks more like a rant than a debate.
It'd be good if you answered this rather than spamming the thread with videos, @andrea
So, does this thread have any sort of point?

I still don't see a topic here, just a rant. What's the purpose of the thread? What are we discussing?

Inquiring minds want to know. Myself included.
I have things that I can say here, but we already have a thread that those things also work in, and I already said some of them there.

It was never explained as to why this thread exists while the other one already exists.

I remember a follow-up to this story - the kid had actually done something that meant his arrest was justified, but his reaction was to resist arrest and film it whilst denying having done anything wrong and making as big a fuss about it as possible. After all, the film only starts part way through the arrest. He tried to sue the officer who arrested him, but the courts pointed out that although the officer might have been too rough, the arrest was valid and the kid resisted, so he didn't have a case for excessive force.