Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots

  • Thread starter Solid Fro
LOL! This one is funny! I just posted the picture in my french gaming forum, i bet it will create some Xbox360 fanboy hate!

Hehe good one but on a more serious note, i wouldnt be surprise MGS4 hit the 360 some day. Correct me if im wrong but i think Hideo Kojima hasnt left the door closed regarding this.
I would be surprised if it doesn't... the real question though will be how will it be different considering the limited disc capacity for any XB360 edition.
Do any of you guys know where I can get the 720p video from? and if its an MP4 video (for my playstation)
Do any of you guys know where I can get the 720p video from? and if its an MP4 video (for my playstation)

Which video? The one from TGS 2005? That's the first one that had the best video quality. I have the Saga disc, but the video quality is horrible. You should look for the now defunct OPM demo disc that featured the video. I think it was either December 2005 or January 2006 issue. It had a FANTASTIC video quality demo that was much better than the Saga disc version. It was still just 480p, though, but looked fantastic. Nothing else Konami put out has since looked as good.
Which video? The one from TGS 2005? That's the first one that had the best video quality. I have the Saga disc, but the video quality is horrible. You should look for the now defunct OPM demo disc that featured the video. I think it was either December 2005 or January 2006 issue. It had a FANTASTIC video quality demo that was much better than the Saga disc version. It was still just 480p, though, but looked fantastic. Nothing else Konami put out has since looked as good.

cheers, I think I may have that!!?? will have a look, again thanks. 👍
I have four different MGS4 videos that i could share, two of them are 350mb, the two others a about 150mb but all high-res (1280x720). The only way to share them would be on MSN or if i only knew how to make them torrent...
In the spirit of Solid's post, more good news for 360. Halo 4 confirmed:

Finally, some real new news!

Hayter will provide the voice for an aging and exhausted Solid Snake, a character he helped to define, in the latest chapter of Hideo Kojima’s tactical espionage action video game series.

Returning to voice Solid Snake in an original script by Hideo Kojima and Shuyo Murata, David Hayter will be joined by returning voice actors Quinton Flynn, Paul Eiding and Christopher Randolph who will continue their work as the voices of Raiden, Roy Campbell and Hal “Otacon” Emmerich, respectively.

In addition to his well known voice work in the Metal Gear Solid series, Hayter is an accomplished Hollywood script writer, having penned the original screenplays for box office hits such as X-Men, X2: X-Men United, and the upcoming Black Monday. Kris Zimmerman will also return to the Metal Gear Solid series to direct the voice acting sessions for the game.

“I couldn't be more excited about this game. What I've seen of Metal Gear Solid 4 has absolutely blown me away. To bring the focus of the story back to Solid Snake, and to work with Kris Zimmerman and many of the amazing actors that provided iconic voices for the previous games, is like coming home,” said David Hayter. “I'm so proud and grateful to have been involved with Mr. Kojima as the voice of Snake, for nearly a decade, on this legendary video game series. This game is going to plunge players into the ultimate Metal Gear experience. And personally, I can't wait to play it.”

David Hayter will be a special guest on The Kojima Productions Report podcast on March 29 to discuss his involvement with the Metal Gear Solid series and his approach to portraying a very different Solid Snake in Metal Gear Solid 4. The podcast is available for download at the official Kojima Productions web site here and via the iTunes music store. EDIT OR, by clicking here...


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Kojima GO3 Article (gamespot)

Few games have had as much hype and expectation surrounding them as the PS3's Metal Gear Solid 4: Guns of the Patriots. So it was no surprise that series creator Hideo Kojima drew the biggest crowd of any speaker at last weekend's GO3 Electronic Entertainment Expo held in Perth, Australia. And while Kojima didn't unveil any new trailers or gameplay specifics, he did speak at length about the main gameplay theme he's introducing into the famed stealth series--playing hide and seek within a certain situation.

It was Kojima's first time down under, and he started his speech to the 200-strong crowd (still barely filling two-thirds of the large hall at the Perth Convention Centre) in English. "It took me a while to come down to Australia, and I am surprised that I have not met a single kangaroo yet. Nor have I seen crazy motorcycles like those in Mad Max," he said. After the light-hearted introduction, Kojima returned to his native language of Japanese, and spent the majority of the next hour outlining the history and concepts behind his most famous creation, the Metal Gear series.

Kojima started his tale all the way back in 1987 when he first released the 2D Metal Gear for the MSX system. He outlined the evolution of his original game concept--that of hide and seek within a given area or place--through the various versions of Metal Gear in the past 20 years, adding that he worked hard to introduce new elements into each game. For Metal Gear Solid 4, Kojima said he needed to think of an entirely new idea as the concept of place had run its course.

"I went back to the drawing board, back to scratch, and looked at what I did for Metal Gear 1 and 2, and for Metal Gear Solid 1, 2, and 3," he said through a translator. "Now I can't make Snake go into space to do his stealth mission, and we've exhausted the concept of the place, so now I thought why not create a situation rather than a place? And then I thought of a battlezone or warzone as the situation where Snake has to sneak in. So MGS4's game concept is playing hide and seek within a certain situation."

Kojima said MGS4 would place Snake in war locations where there would be two opposing armies--a situation which the ageing stealth agent could use to his advantage.

"To make it very simple, in the past Metal Gears, Snake was going into enemy environments--so everyone apart from Snake was an enemy. This time it's a warzone, so you have country A or country B, so Snake could interfere with either of the countries. It does not necessarily mean that everyone is an enemy to Snake. This creates a new tension in playing this new hide and seek," he said.

Kojima also cryptically hinted that the increased processing grunt of the PS3 would be used not only for better graphics, but for the introduction of "psychological" elements.

"I would also like to challenge the PS3's CPU power for not only what you can see, but also psychological effects, or psychological battles, where it can affect your gameplay," he said.

Kojima closed his speech by saying the evolution of games hardware means developers will need to work closely with professionals in a diverse range of industries in order to continue making better games.

"As game hardware evolves and more technology appears, you will gradually start to collaborate with other industry professionals. Doctors, psychologists, many artists, plus maybe some scientists--we can perhaps collaborate with these people in the future," he said.

"Game design evolves with technology, and there is no end to technological evolution. Therefore game design will continuously evolve--it will not stop evolving. And at the same time, through the joint effort of many people, games will continue to be a collaborative art. And I believe in this concept."
No MGS4:GOTP for XBox360. He doesn't come out and completely say it, but you can read between the lines.


So Kojima's address at GO3 contained...not much, aside from a casual stroll down memory lane. Straight afterwards, though, I had a chance to sit down with Mr. Kojima (sadly, no tea OR biscuits) and talk Metal Gear, movies and "the rumble guy".

This year marks the 20th anniversary of Metal Gear. 20 years. It's a long time to be making the same game. So I ask him if he's surprised that he's still churning out Metal Gear games this far down the line. "I'm very surprised", he says. "Twenty years ago when I created my first one, I thought it'd just be over. To be more extreme, I didn't think the fist one would sell at all!".

Oh, but sell they did, and when games sell, you make more of them. "But I have kept making Metal Gear games", he says. "When I look back, while it looks like the same game, I've been adding new features and using new technology each time, so it's never felt like I've been making the same game."

This focus on new tech was a big part of his address, as with each advance in console hardware he says he was able to make fundamental changes to the series, culminating in the crazy wartime escapades of MGS4. "I have to say, the evolution of technology, that has helped me to keep 'creating' Metal Gear", he adds.

Since Metal Gear Solid 4 has come up, I do the polite thing and ask how it's coming along. "Its almost at the 'shooting stage' of creating a movie", Kojima says. "All the design and scenarios are finished, we're just completing the actual game".

It's been a long time coming, so it can't have been easy. Kojima agrees. "Nothing was easy", he says. "Everything has been hard, because we've set not just a high bar for ourselves but a number of bars. So there's nothing easy, everything is hard!"

With rumble having been a key aspect of the series thus far, I ask him his thoughts on the issue now that Sony and Immersion have made kissy-kissy. "I want to use rumble, yes", he says, "but it's a race against time. If it can make it in in time I'd like to use it, yes."

"The part that's troubling me, I cant really say...". He pauses. Oh, do go on: "...but we always designed the game without rumble, and I had great ideas without rumble, so if rumble comes back we have a decision to make whether to leave that new feature in or to take it out and replace it with rumble".

Could you patch it? A later update would at least give players the choice. "I want to implement it, rumble, yes", he says. "I'm not thinking about a patch, though". Oh. Well, early days, I guess. Maybe rumble and motion-sensing can't get along after all?

He won't say, but if he had to choose between the two, it looks like rumble would win out. His "other" idea doesn't have a nickname and a long-term relationship with the company. "Ever since MGS1 there was a specific guy, nicknamed the 'rumble creator', who worked on it for us", he says. "But he's been on a long vacation since we didn't think rumble was going to be in MGS4, so we're calling him back right now". Hmm. Long vacation sounds...ominous.

Moving on, I remind him of a comment he made last year comparing each of the three current consoles to "different kinds of dinner". Did he still think that was the case, now that all three are on the market? Nope. "They're more like a movie theatre metaphor", he says.

"The PS3 is like the theatre, it's a little bit high-priced but it has to be high quality as well. The 360 is a DVD, it still needs to be high quality but you need more variations, while the Wii is almost like a TV channel, because every game you have it with your family".

I look for a funny/revealing insight into the comment, then realise he's probably quite close to the mark. Still, by that admission, if the PS3 is Hollywood, is he feeling the heat of being the system's first big, exclusive title? "Yes, there is pressure", he admits, "but there is Final Fantasy XIII coming out as well, so it's not all me!".

Still on MGS4, I ask whether this really is the end. He's said repeatedly he wants to walk away at the end of this game, and the trailers seem to show everyone from the series getting together for one final shootout. So when MGS4 hits, will you hang up your boots? "Well, atually its really up to the users, its up to them to decide", he offers.

"If users want more Metal Gear, then I will probably step up as producer, like the James Bond series does", he says. "That way I can have new, upcoming directors making MGS while I oversee the project, and then perhaps I can move onto something new".

Something new, eh? Like your long, and oft-rumoured collaboration with Suda? "The collaboration with Suda is a little different", Kojima says. "It's something I've been thinking about for about 10 years now, but unfortunately can't concentrate on right now because we're so busy with MGS4".

Pity. So, Devil May Cry 4, going multiplatform. Thoughts? Comments? "I think it's up to each project, and the individual producer", he says. "If they want to take it multiplatform, they will". I'm going somewhere with this question, and he knows exactly where that is...

"But like I said, MGS4 is aimed for the movie theatre, it's aimed for the PS3, so the game's scenario and graphics need this theatre-type hardware. It's when a producer has a game that can work on the 'DVD level' that a game will go multiplatform", he says. Sorry kids. Your "OMGMGS4360" banners will have to come out another day.

Since we've opened up this can of worms, I may as well get his thoughts on it. Why, I ask, do you think this rumour simply refuses to go away? "Because 360 owners want it on 360, obviously", he quips.

Righto. Moving right along, I ask about Kojima Productions. Does having your own company make it easier to focus on games, or are you finding yourself caught up in boring business stuff?

"That's a very difficult question to answer, because I can't really say", he says. "It's both. It's now quicker, the speed of making games is faster. But at the same time, because of this speed you need to make tough business decisions quicker, so it's had both its good and its bad points".

Anyone who's sat through a good, hearty MGS talk-fest knows Kojima loves his movies. So I ask, if you had your time again, would you have still gone into games? Or would you have rather made movies for a crust?

"Well, if I could go back in time to the point where I hadn't created a game yet, and didn't know how much fun they were, then I would probably choose to become a movie director", Kojima says. "But, don't get me wrong, it's really fun to create games, and knowing how much fun games are I'd take the same path. I hope I can continue to create games for as long as I live".

But what about media outside of movies? Do you draw inspiration from books, comics and music? "Well, yes, everything", he says. "Novels, comics, it all effects me and inspires me. I only have 24 hours a day, so I listen to music while I work, I can read books when I get home and only after those, because they take so much time, do I watch movies. But they all inspire me".

And that was that. Charming fellow. And rad MGS4 shirt to boot.
thanks that was a wicked read. FINALLY the mgs4 on 360 threads over the net should fade away after this...
I cant believe u met the guy!

Ive only popped onto the final page of this thread to read the latest, but there you are, having a chin-wag with Hideo....

Ive just sat through mgs1, 2 and 3 is tantalysing, but i played it recently, so maybe i'll just fight the end very very slowly again...
Anyway, i just wanted to thank you for the write-up solid, and to congratulate you on being able to have met such an influencial chappie in our current gaming world.
Im off to find the vids...

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