MH370: Malaysian Airlines Flight to Beijing carrying 239 people is lost over sea.

  • Thread starter Furinkazen
I wonder how long the data recorders could survive at the bottom of the ocean before disintegrating... 20 years? Less? I'm not sure if the ones on MH370 were tape or solid state.
About time, given that planes are mostly made of tin foil I doubt much of it would exist anymore due to corrosion,
That's a ridiculous, heartless and very unwise statement.

But I will only say further that the airframe of the 777 has very substantial percentages of titanium and composites, and the aluminum is of very robust gauge (much thicker than the 757 for instance) and is very well anodized, primered and painted, except for the exterior skin for those few airlines which choose a polished exterior finish. I know because I was an engineer on the program for over ten years.
That's a ridiculous, heartless and very unwise statement.

Yes. As I'm incredibly annoyed at the fact that the discovery/ recovery project has been largely funded by Australian tax payers for the last 18 months to 2 years, money that should have been implemented feeding and sheltering the 160,000+ homeless people in this country etc, my point is the funding would have been better used elsewhere,
Yes. As I'm incredibly annoyed at the fact that the discovery/ recovery project has been largely funded by Australian tax payers for the last 18 months to 2 years, money that should have been implemented feeding and sheltering the 160,000+ homeless people in this country etc, my point is the funding would have been better used elsewhere,
Maybe next time there's a Qantas flight missing between the US and PHNL, we'll be not so inclined to search then....
Yes. As I'm incredibly annoyed at the fact that the discovery/ recovery project has been largely funded by Australian tax payers for the last 18 months to 2 years, money that should have been implemented feeding and sheltering the 160,000+ homeless people in this country etc, my point is the funding would have been better used elsewhere,
Australia has spent about $90m, which really isn't much in the grand scheme of things. Had the plane not gone missing, that $30m/yr would have simply not been spent. It was never taken from anywhere, it just added to the national debt and would never have been spent on the homeless/health/schools/any other program.

Maybe next time there's a Qantas flight missing between the US and PHNL, we'll be not so inclined to search then....
Next time? There was a last time that a QF went missing? :dopey::P
Yes. As I'm incredibly annoyed at the fact that the discovery/ recovery project has been largely funded by Australian tax payers for the last 18 months to 2 years, money that should have been implemented feeding and sheltering the 160,000+ homeless people in this country etc, my point is the funding would have been better used elsewhere,

Looking for the last resting place of Australians in an area that Australia take the search and rescue responsibility for. As pointed out by @Barra333 the money isn't a great amount in the scheme of things.
Another narrowing down of the 7th arc huh.

Why do they think it is here anyway?

The Blackbox pings where not here.

While this may seem like a crazy conspiracy theory.

What if china shot down MH370 over the south china sea and then started to bury the plane by making those islands?

MH370 was lose before they started to make those islands if I am not mistaken
And it wouldn't be the first time a country shot down a civilian jet and done a cover up.

As for the random debris found they could've planted it near the islands where it was found from debris that came from the crash site.
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Why do they think it is here anyway?
Oceanographic analysis. By figuring out the movements of the dominant ocean currents, they can figure out where the plane would have been carried.

What if china shot down MH370 over the south china sea and then started to bury the plane by making those islands?
Because they're not James Bond villains.
Oceanographic analysis. By figuring out the movements of the dominant ocean currents, they can figure out where the plane would have been carried.

The currents should've washed up debris on western australian beaches but all we have found was some debris near east africa.
The currents should've washed up debris on western australian beaches
Did you even read the article? The CSIRO's entire hypothesis is built on the idea that the lack of debris in Western Australia has enabled them to narrow down the plane's location.

When I'm talking about ocean currents, I'm not talking about tidal movements. There are major currents in each of the oceans that serve to distribute and redistribute waters around the oceans. Haven't you ever heard of El Niño and La Niña? It's triggered by the sudden shift in the trade winds and currents between Australia and the western coast of South America. Or how about the Gulfstream off the eastern coast of the United States? These currents are so powerful that they could easily pick up a plane like MH370 and carry it some distance.
Did you even read the article? The CSIRO's entire hypothesis is built on the idea that the lack of debris in Western Australia has enabled them to narrow down the plane's location.

When I'm talking about ocean currents, I'm not talking about tidal movements. There are major currents in each of the oceans that serve to distribute and redistribute waters around the oceans. Haven't you ever heard of El Niño and La Niña? It's triggered by the sudden shift in the trade winds and currents between Australia and the western coast of South America. Or how about the Gulfstream off the eastern coast of the United States? These currents are so powerful that they could easily pick up a plane like MH370 and carry it some distance.

Heard of The Boy, The Girl as well as the newer The Uncle and The Aunt.
And how they cause droughts and floods.

As for the currents picking up metal and bringing it to the surface?
Still find it hard to picture it.
As for the currents picking up metal and bringing it to the surface?
Still find it hard to picture it.

It happens. The components aren't all entirely metal and have a low mass to surface area - they don't even need to travel on the surface.

The currents should've washed up debris on western australian beaches but all we have found was some debris near east africa.

Read the article. Personally I'm siding with the oceanographers.
A man claims to have found the plane via Google Earth. I'm not sure if this goes in this thread, Funny Stories or Conspiracies :)
So I'm reading along, thinking it's a little unconventional but may prove to be a promising lead. "I don't know what Ten meant by conspiracies," I say to myself. I keep reading..."government"..."bullet holes"...and then a picture begins to form.

The sad thing is, without those wackadoo addendums, it's not terribly far-fetched and may result in further investigation. But he went and muddied the water--no pun intended.

A little from column A, a little from column C.
I see what you did there.

The sad thing is, without those wackadoo addendums, it's not terribly far-fetched and may result in further investigation. But he went and muddied the water--no pun intended.
That was pretty much my thought process. I went and found the guy's spot - the island he speaks of, Round Island is about 20km NE of Mauritius. I don't have full Google Earth on my work computer and the web based one doesn't seem to have full imagery so I can't look for myself. However, given that this spot is so close to Mauritius, I can't help but feel that the wreckage would have been spotted by now by a local if it were real.
However, given that this spot is so close to Mauritius, I can't help but feel that the wreckage would have been spotted by now by a local if it were real.
I don't have the slightest idea where Round Island is, let alone how far from Mauritius it is, but the notion that a local could have spotted it suggests to me that even a vacationer could have.
Mauritius is bottom left. Round Island is the other end of the line. The guy claims the wreckage is 10miles south of Round Is.
The final report into MH370 has been released, not much that we didn't already know but interestingly the 221KG shipment of Li-ion batteries in the cargo hold were NOT scanned by x-ray machines at security at the airport.

Also apparently the Mangosteens onboard was a fruit that was out of season at the time of the flight, was it misfiled or a purposely misrepresented cargo?

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