Microsofts latest swipe at GT5

  • Thread starter nicbha
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Microsoft might suck at promoting Xbox brand overseas, but I've always thought Playstation brand really sucked at that in the States. They could learn a lot from other brands in the States, including the Xbox brand. People said that PS3 launch promotion was horrible(that baby thing....), I thought that was typical SONY.

Before I started reading this thread, I thought new Halo would beat the new G.T. But after reading some of the posts in here, I'm not sure. While I'm pretty confident that this "Reach" will be more successful than that ODST(or whatever it was called), because not many people I know even touched it, or talked about it. Except to say that they were not going to waste their time with it.

Everybody knows that Forza franchise is still playing catch up to the Gran Turismo brand. Problem is, Halo has been long dethroned by Call of Duty, since the fourth one(Modern Warfare), so their comment quoted in the original post, to me, sounds recklessly confident. If I was the head of the Halo team, I guarantee that my attitude would be that of an underdog. Very hungry underdog. Boasting sends wrong message to my people, also to the fans. I don't know, that's just me.

Bottom line, I think Halo will sell. But it would be like that Gears of War(2?) game. Lot of hype, then the majority moving on to something else while commenting how they expected more. That's just my guess. Also, like I mentioned, I think the success of Call of Duty games REALLY hurt Halo. Before Call of Duty 4, I thought the day I finally get the Xbox, Halo was the game I'm going to buy first. When I got on my X360, that game was actually an copy of CoD4(already had it for PS3), which just about everybody on my friends list were playing. This new Halo must have something groundbreaking for me to even look in their general direction. :crazy:
In the end it's marketing, it happens, it's nothing to get all huffy about.
In fact, I find it quite amusing. :) These marketing people say things like this to make people talk, and the GT fanboys are giving them exactly what they want by reacting like someone insulted their mother. Obviously, the marketing boys at MS know what buttons to push. ;) I just sit back and enjoy the fight. :lol:
Again, I didn't say they didn't. But I do believe part of the reason is that MS just sucks at marketing outside America. Looking at GT's sales, Europe makes up a gigantic chunk of the sales, a region where Halo actually did a little poor at. While in the US, MS did a good job keeping US Halo sales high with GT's.

Actually Halo 3 was quite well recieved in Europe compared to Halo 1 and 2. This was because of the monumental flop that was the original Xbox (In areas outside the US at least). This is why PS2 game sales can't really be compared, i think Halo 1 &2 sold extrordinarily well looking at its platform. Because of the PS2's popularity, GT managed to sell well everywhere. However, both the Xbox 360 and the PS3 have sold better than the PS2 did at first. So we can expect sales to be higher than sales of PS2 games.

With the Xbox 360 and PS3 being on level pegging terms now (There is very little difference in overall sales figures right now), Xbox 360 has an advantage in the US, but PS3 has a huge advantage in Japan and a good advantage in Europe. I think we shall see which is the more popular game next year because things are pretty equal. The extra sales for Halo in the US should make up for its shortcomings in Japan and Europe, but GT sells well everywhere, but not quite as well as Halo in the US.

I still think after Halo 3 the series has become a bit bland. The ODST sales compared to the same time period after Halo 3s release just shows that (by this point after release, Halo 3 had around 2 million more sales than ODST have now)

But not only that, Reach is merely going to be a prequel to the original game, and because of this may not sell as well as a 'Halo 4'. GT5 is a long awaited sequel to the arguably the best racing game on console to date, its going to be no competition between them.
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Maybe this has been asked.
What the hell do Halo and GT have in common exactly? And why would their sales figures be compared in any way?
Maybe this has been asked.
What the hell do Halo and GT have in common exactly? And why would their sales figures be compared in any way?

Apparently, nothing.

But you do have to diss something to make your product look better :dunce:

ZOMG!one!!1!!11one11!! GT5 was dissed Halo: Reach iz waay better nao!

I laugh at Halo's face. Still have no idea why it's so praised.

Killzone 2, CoD4 and 6, Gears of War 1 and 2, and Half-Life 2 totally beat Halo when it comes to pure fun when you play an FPS.
Microcrap can poke around and GT5's release date as much as they want but inside they all know they are going to get one hell of a big kick up the rear when GT5 finally gets released! I bet it will outsell forza 3,2,1 combined! Also the Xbox 360 can't be doing that well seen their are around 20 ads for it per ad break as Micropcrap desperatly try and shift their faulty unreliable 'rival' to the PS3!
whoa.. just put that can of hatorade down, take a deep breath and look into the mirror.. just to see how stupid that little outburst was.
Microcrap can poke around and GT5's release date as much as they want but inside they all know they are going to get one hell of a big kick up the rear when GT5 finally gets released! I bet it will outsell forza 3,2,1 combined! Also the Xbox 360 can't be doing that well seen their are around 20 ads for it per ad break as Micropcrap desperatly try and shift their faulty unreliable 'rival' to the PS3!
Really? Tell me, who is it again that's been running multiple ads of this guy?
Wow, no wonder I stopped looking for GT news. I also love how people don't seem to relize that this kind of attention is exactly what Microsoft wants even if it involves the ass backwards tactic of mentioning a game that isn't even in the same genre but taking a stab at it. BTW, has it occured to everyone this are just games and therefore aren't worth arguing about?
Judging by the amount of chatter about this article, I doubt that PD cares that Microsoft made a joke on their behalf...They got tons of free publicity because of it.

Just one look at google & the number of results I saw with this headline was quite a lot.
I think this execs don't even play the games they promote, seems common marketing strategy used in America to promote products, i've talk to people from other countries who are in shock with these aggressive campaigns(coke vs pepsi etc), but shouldn't be taken to seriously or personally.
That's cute. Bring it on Microsoft. You're gaining so much respect from the gamers right now. Halo: Reach whooopy!
And BTW it's the actually the sales that tell how much people are interested in a game, not anything else. There are as much people that don't like shooters and violence in videogames as those who do.
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