Might Start GT3 again...worth it?

  • Thread starter Aldo
Probably about to start a new campaign in this tonight. I have an old 40%-ish save from three years ago, but I'm looking for the GT experience (license test + gradually upgrading vehicles) and on my old save, I used driving aids. (Would do GT4, but I rebooted my career last year, and am not giving up on a 60% save)
I have just started playing GT3 again after a good few years. Started off with the Time Trials and have nearly got golds in all, even got gold on the Complex String for the 1st time too. Am enjoying it so far, will be the license tests next.:)
Started gt3 again a week ago and after playing about an hour a day I have progressed to the point where I now have cars like the pd formula car, mazda 787b and the suzuki escudo. Now for percentage hunting. I can't get above bronze on the harder level liecense tests.
Funny that this topic comes up, I found out that my original GT3 was stolen from my son and I went about to replace it, after I obtained a good one via eBay, I dropped it in my PS2 and plugged my card in it and I saw that I was NOT finished, I still had races to complete. So now I am enjoying the "old School" and realizing its not as easy as i thought it would be. Yeah I think it's worth it to go back to Rome and Stage 11 :)
Ok....let me decide if it's worth to buy a copy nowadays (my PS2 isn't reading GT4, so....) PLease....

Do the physics of GT3 are really lame compared to GT4??? Do the cars have a feeling of weight like in GT4??

How long is the longest endurance race??

Do you need to grind as much as GT4?? I mean, playing the same tournaments over and over again to raise money.

How bad are the graphics compared to GT4???

IS there anything that for a weird chance is NOT present in GT4?
I personally wouldn't start over GT3 for anything. The majority of Professional League to me was a joke. Eventually, the long races did start to grow on me, but the 10+ lap races on Test Couse were too much...
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I just started this again. Started with the time trial events in arcade mode. The Handling feels very different. You don't need to brake as much, you can get on the power much earlier, and the steering isn't as responsive as it is in GT4.

The Rally races events seem much harder too, in GT4 it's kind of like slow and steady on the rally = fast, but on here you have to take a lot of corners (Including hairpins) flat to beat the gold times.

I'm onto the final complex String trial with the RUF RGT, wish me luck :D

EDIT: I did the final Time Trial, it was easy, did it in 3 tries.

Onto the racing, and now I remember... This game has epic rubberbanding, to the point where I can pit on the first lap of a 3 lap race in a similar car to the opposition and still win, with a margin of 1-2 seconds. But If I don't pit they still finish 1-2 seconds behind :confused:

This is the reason I didn't buy GTPSP. It's also the reason i'm going back to GT4 now...
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Started going back to GT3....to sum it up, it feels like the original Playstation games. Sort of easier than GT4, when I say "sort of", it's a lot easier to slide around bends, even with assists on. One thing I don't like is the endurance races, sine i'm used to GT4's B-Spec. Yes, mock me for using b-spec, call me lazy etc. etc. :grumpy:

And I quite like the soundtrack. :dopey:
Ok....let me decide if it's worth to buy a copy nowadays (my PS2 isn't reading GT4, so....) PLease....

Do the physics of GT3 are really lame compared to GT4??? Do the cars have a feeling of weight like in GT4??

I wouldn't say GT3's physics are lame. Yes, I prefer GT4's feel, but you can defiantely tell the sluggish handlers in GT3.

How long is the longest endurance race??
There's some 2 Hour ones, but I think it's the Tokyo one, at 100 laps. For me, the F1 cars laps around 1:20, so expect at least 2 hours of driving.

Do you need to grind as much as GT4?? I mean, playing the same tournaments over and over again to raise money.
Depends who you are. I've never replayed tournaments, but money's not a huge problem for me (got $2 mil in the bank). If you just buy cars and max the heck out of them, maybe. But there's plenty of events to gain cash from.

How bad are the graphics compared to GT4???
Not bad. Like the physics, I prefer GT4, but it's still a great looker 9 years on.

IS there anything that for a weird chance is NOT present in GT4?
What exactly do you mean, as in what features are in GT3 but aren't in GT4?