Mind"effs" Pictures

  • Thread starter Legendary
He said on the prev page "so I guess 6 8 and 10" but im not sure which ones he doesnt get out of 11-15.

I dont understand 11 at all, barely understand 12,i also dont understand 15.

In 15, in the fireplace there looks to be a stone statue, only problem is, it is naked...would the hidden item be naked???
I got #15!
The thing that's out of place is that it's 2 obviously underage girls trying to do a sexy pose.
Ok, also other people can post these, or we can just let him and sort them out whilst he sleeps. Also what does anime have to do with number 11? I watch anime but i still dont get it.

The person leaning up against the pole with his notebook open looks like Light Yagami, the main character of the show Death Note. Google it for more information.

Dammit, i dont watch death note, my parents do but i havnt actually watched an episode of it.
Have any of you actually worked out 15? I think i have but i need someone to confirm that.
Yes you have a good point there.

Alot of the pictures have people with strange faces, black faces, but not natural black
I have added an answer key to the previous page where all the pics are listed :)

EDIT: @ Zox, remember the pic in the fpt where there are a bunch of naked girls in a tub and there's a guy barely visible in the window?
I have added an answer key to the previous page where all the pics are listed :)

EDIT: @ Zox, remember the pic in the fpt where there are a bunch of naked girls in a tub and there's a guy barely visible in the window?
You're right on #6. The gym picture isn't about the girl, though the object may have something to do with it.
Actually ill add that to the first post ok?

Tell me if any of the answers need fixing. Post one of this thread in a spoiler.
the answer to #15 is...

if possible, raise the contrast on your screen, if not, open the image in photoshop... in the window above the fireplace, at the right side of it, you'll see pedobear
On #15
If you look in the window in the upper left, you can see a cartoon bear (Pedobear?) looking in.

Edit: took too long to post.
Oh dude....cant believe i missed it, it is clearly photoshopped.

Gee, that was a long sleep...how long, about 1 hour and a half?
meh, I was around... "going to bed" is usually an euphenism for "I'm not going to be around" :P
I have added an answer key to the previous page where all the pics are listed :)

EDIT: @ Zox, remember the pic in the fpt where there are a bunch of naked girls in a tub and there's a guy barely visible in the window?

Yeah I posted that in the funny pic thread or something.

Also, legendary, it probably isn't photoshopped. http://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Polydactyly

If it is, that's a really good shopjob.
Yeah, the girl might have that syndrome or whatever it was. So, we didnt really notice such a fine detail.
So, I'm utterly failing to get #11 and #15. #15 is just plain bizarre, but I cannot see any lurking faces or hidden nutjobs or anything.
So, I'm utterly failing to get #11 and #15. #15 is just plain bizarre, but I cannot see any lurking faces or hidden nutjobs or anything.
#11 has something to do with an anime show.
#15 apparently has PedoBear in the window.
#11 has something to do with an anime show.
#15 apparently has PedoBear in the window.

11 and 15 are also the dumbest. The figure in 15 is SO transparent that it's not even physically visible on most monitors without alteration. It's not a mindblow, it's a bad attempt at being innovative.

11 is also a bad one, because it's too insiderish. The guy looks like the protagonist from Deathnote, where he has a notebook with the ability to kill people whose names are written in it.

Proper mindblows are things that are obvious once you know they're there, but are otherwise undetected.
I can't actually find pedobear, but two people have said he is there so...i dont know.

Tom Servo can get different ones but so can we, problem is i dont know what they are called, i heard someone in the funny pics thread call them Mind"effs" but that brings up nothing on google.