Minecraft News and Discussion

  • Thread starter WallRunner
Can everyone just calm down? I fail to see why everyone's so angry, its the anger and seriousness that's come about lately that I think ought to stop.

Sure, be annoyed if someone did wrong, but get over it. Cheer up! Live your life! Why does nobody understand that nothing beats fun and happiness.
^ This. I am one of those who puts time into things that can be used for other things, and I am not pleased when that thing is destroyed. It is disappointing.
Nooooo! Jai is gone! D: He was one of my best friends. :(

Yup, the kid that makes phallic shaped monuments is gone.

Alright, I will admit I had fun with him but what he did was absolute bull. He's 14, the same age as me, he should know better.
What needs rolling back? Stop overreacting!

It was that you said "just rollback" and Nick was saying you can't just roll back the whole server every time anyone griefs as it could be far in the past, so I said can't you roll back just a little portion.
It was that you said "just rollback" and Nick was saying you can't just roll back the whole server every time anyone griefs as it could be far in the past, so I said can't you roll back just a little portion.

Yeah, but everything's fixed now, and who would grief? Kalmit Kermits!
I was mining and accidentally ended up in the dirty shed you call a home...

So you took it. I'm pretty sure accidently running into someone else's possession doesn't give you the right to take it.

When making my house in the other world I accidently mined through someones roof of their cellar. I attempted to fix it, not just go through it taking what I wanted.

If you think it was a dirty shed then leave him to it and make one better for yourself, if he likes it don't insult him (all of that beauty is in the eye of the beholder stuff.)
Personally I think since we have inflicted more rules and protection mods, more bad things have happened and the fun has been drained form the server! There are some good uses for TNT, even if we have the occasional BOOM! and the chat censors are just ridiculous! What made me love DQcraft is that you wouldn't just get banned for anything and you had the ability to do anything you like! But really, Chat censors!? It is just getting over the top with protection!
Not if a new person joins and griefs. Yesterday was 100% the reason why we went from soft to very strict. This is a public server and not only for GTP.

If a griefer comes, then so be it. It doesn't mean you have to be all depressed and serious the whole time!
If a griefer comes, then so be it. It doesn't mean you have to be all depressed and serious the whole time!

If you don't agree in the way the server is ran then make your own. It's as simple as that. These strict rules are just to help the players.
If you don't agree in the way the server is ran then make your own. It's as simple as that. These strict rules are just to help the players.

Then why could the server cope for so long before with much more relaxed rules? It seems to me that it's just because everyone is in a bad mood?
Because of you British bunch of 14 year olds, I belive.

I'm pretty sure the British bit has nothing to do with it; being an immature brat is universal.

A good example being people messing with the god station the other day. Several mods asked them to stop but they carried on messing with it, knowing full well it can slow some people's systems down. I would change it to day and someone would make it night again. I had to constantly monitor it for a while before it calmed down, and it was only after a lightning strike that Jai stopped arsing about and being selfish and childish. That's not to say he was the only one doing it mind.
I've been here for quite a while, and haven't griefed/broken the rules once. I call racism!

It does not mean I was attacking you but I meant it in general. Yes we have some responsible 14 year old kids on the server but the others just ruin it.
I hate when people say things like, "Stupid 14 year olds...". That's ageism, which is a type of discrimination. Nick09 said that there are some responsible ones as well as troublemaking ones, so I am alright with that.

Now here's just a quick, random question - do you guys prefer sandstone or stone blocks?
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I'm quite liking this. We are laying down the law on the server and everyone hates nick for it! :lol:
Jesus Christ, I was gone for SIX HOURS and this bull**** turns up.

We have lost a long-time member, and we seem to be gaining new griefing kiddies. Not to mention the server is as strict as a ****ing old English (from Britain) teacher. Chat censors, 3 strike rules, what next? I mean, CHAT CENSORS?! Why did you make it public, anyway? Did you not read what I posted about a couple of hundred pages ago, that new people mean more griefers? And what moderator spawned Jai the diamond blocks, I want to know that. I suggested the new world so that people would be more busy restarting and building rather than arguing. Rather, most of the idiots from the old worlds tainted the server even more by acting like such immature children and spawning diamonds and worldediting land and griefing. What. The. Hell.
I'm quite liking this. We are laying down the law on the server and everyone hates nick for it! :lol:

So to describe it perfectly, people think I'm this guy:

Skilla: The webchat is being disabled because banned users can spam in it despite being banned from the server.