3 chests in Moobaa's other shop have Atomic's lockette's on them now, not sure if it's due to coincidence, theft, or friends.
Can we have the bank moved in time for the weekend?
edit 2:
A new snapshot is out, and the changes are great, I won't spoil anything good.
One thing I don't like, is that they've lowered the max enchant level, while also giving you xp for mining ores and smelting stuff, which is on top of already trading things for emeralds (and finding them) and then trading each emerald for 3 bottles of enchant. It was going to be nice to get xp a little easier but all 3 combined are overkill I find...
Oh and my opinion is growing that apart from emerald>3x bottle of enchant, the other villager trades have little thought put into them. Here's one: "You can get 3 pieces of flint for 10 blocks of gravel and one emerald"... Or I can just put that gravel on the ground and whack it with a shovel and repeat until I get 3 flint?
*They've fixed the arrows moving to the top of a block when they make contact

I've always been bothered by that, it ruined any chance of having an archery contest.
I think we're still at least 2 weeks away from the next release, I read reports of world gen corruptions in the previous snapshot with people having to delete worlds multiple times. Most likely a month away though.
I think they'll add camels at some point, this will go with the desert improvements, plus we already have saddles ready to go, and maybe we could trade for camels (which may spawn rarely otherwise) with villagers. We would be able to control them of course, but they'll need water, maybe they're planning the possibility of oasises in mega deserts? I'd love to see this.