Minecraft News and Discussion

  • Thread starter WallRunner
^ We have Jail back? They deserve a longer punishment, in my opinion. Though, that would depend on how much damage was done, and how many times they have griefed. I am disappointed, security.

And all of this is because we let little, immature kids play on our server.

Turtle has damaged my property again? Not happy. I request the valuables I lost to be re-spawned by those who have that right. I suggest we ban Turtle and all of his troublemaking friends.
Which Turtle? If it's Nader, I can't jail him. If it's Turtle #2, I can jail him. I'll be happy to assist my best, Jai.
I have jailed Turtle3412 for 280 minutes for griefing both Jai and Veyron. If any of the 'higher' ranks disagree with my decision, please contact me. I did what I believe is right.
He needs a ban, I need my items recovering, and we need to have a "GTPlanet Members Only" policy.

Why has Turtle attacked me? What did I do to him?
No, a 300 minutes jail is as good as a week ban, since that's about how long it will take them to work it up...

I'll get on now and fix the damage. :)

EDIT: Yes I'll teach you, Ryou. I'll do it now if you're online. :P
He needs a ban, I need my items recovering, and we need to have a "GTPlanet Members Only" policy.

Why has Turtle attacked me? What did I do to him?
No, the GTP members only policy would be bad, the server wouldn't grow at all. Just ban the people who repeatedly break the rules.

I'd also like to know why Turtle attacked me as well.

And, I need my house repaired and all of the items in my shop replaced.
Parkour, it wasn't Turtle who attacked you. It was the two knobs who went for my Shop. They framed Turtle according to Tlowr.
And it more than likely will. Atomic is only new but he's it some. I have screenies and stuff:

First we start with Jai's shop. The glass. Not that big of a deal, Atomic broke it, could have been a sticky mouse or something:


Now the gold and diamond blocks were missing too, you'd think that they'd be done by Atomic? No, this is a two way job!:


There's also this small bit of gravel that Atomic pinched in the process.


So that's Jai's shop. Now to ParkourVeryon's house. Oh Atomic...:


And, to frame Turtle (which lead Ryou to believe it was Turtle, we apologize to Turtle and you will be released ASAP):


It dosn't say he specifically placed the sign, but he messed around with it, and that's good enough for me.

I vote for a 2 week ban for MooBaa, and a subsequent 1 week ban for Atomic. That'll have to be for Nick and Dunc to decide since I haven't the permissions.

Oh yeah, Chukov's jail must have gotten mixed up, can you clear the first jail that says 108 minutes? He's actually in the second one. That'll mean that we've got a spare jail...
Atomic broke the sign you placed for Parkour and wrote that text. You know what I say? A three strike rule. No excuses and no unbanning. First Atomic stole from Jai this morning(And I do have to say Tlowr you let him off easy for that), broke into Jai's place later today, and changed that sign blaming Turtle. He's gone. As for MooBaas, he will get a good 60 minutes of jail. He has one strike on him right now.
Can we have the Diamond Blocks removed from the facilities in running operation by MooBaa? Because, at the end of the day, he gets to keep it... Unaware that Atomic stole from me this morning.
Atomic broke the sign you placed for Parkour and wrote that text. You know what I say? A three strike rule. No excuses and no unbanning. First Atomic stole from Jai this morning(And I do have to say Tlowr you let him off easy for that), broke into Jai's place later today, and changed that sign blaming Turtle. He's gone. As for MooBaas, he will get a good 60 minutes of jail. He has one strike on him right now.

I let him off easy because he'd only just joined, but now he's proving more of a problem. I think 1 week away should sort him out, and 2 for MooBaa. Why? Well stealing Diamonds and Gold from a user is a lot worse than a bit of wood and glass. At least in my mind.

Can we have the Diamond Blocks removed from the facilities in running operation by MooBaa? Because, at the end of the day, he gets to keep it... Unaware that Atomic stole from me this morning.

Yes, I'll see if I can track them down (I can see who accessed what chests and when, so I'll go through his recent logs for the last 24 hours and find if he put in 4 diamond blocks in anything).

All this provided I can actually log in, got 🤬 tons of error messages sent my way atm...
That is the 3rd time my shop has been damaged in the past 48 Hours. I wonder why me and Parkour were targeted. Me, for my wealth probably. But why would they attack the shed Parkour was selling in? Must be something personal.

Anyhow, I bid you all Goodnight.

So I had 3 stacks of glass cooking in my furnaces when I left last night. I lockette'd the door to the room so noone could get in that way. The only way in was through the roof. I was extremely confident that the glass would still be there when I logged in this afternoon, nope. All the coal and glass is gone. Wow.
Good work with the investigation chaps, ban that asshat!

Legendary, show the chest and furnaces to a mod and we can look in to it.
I got 130 for burning eight blocks of an abondoned house, if that gives me such a sentence, the others should get much more than they got.

EDIT: And which asshat is getting banned?
Why do you keep burning and destroying things? It may sound fun but it really ticks people off. Think of it as racing. You can bump and damage other driver's cars but that leads to rivalries and penalties.
3 chests in Moobaa's other shop have Atomic's lockette's on them now, not sure if it's due to coincidence, theft, or friends.
Can we have the bank moved in time for the weekend?

edit 2:
A new snapshot is out, and the changes are great, I won't spoil anything good.

One thing I don't like, is that they've lowered the max enchant level, while also giving you xp for mining ores and smelting stuff, which is on top of already trading things for emeralds (and finding them) and then trading each emerald for 3 bottles of enchant. It was going to be nice to get xp a little easier but all 3 combined are overkill I find...

Oh and my opinion is growing that apart from emerald>3x bottle of enchant, the other villager trades have little thought put into them. Here's one: "You can get 3 pieces of flint for 10 blocks of gravel and one emerald"... Or I can just put that gravel on the ground and whack it with a shovel and repeat until I get 3 flint?

*They've fixed the arrows moving to the top of a block when they make contact :D I've always been bothered by that, it ruined any chance of having an archery contest.

I think we're still at least 2 weeks away from the next release, I read reports of world gen corruptions in the previous snapshot with people having to delete worlds multiple times. Most likely a month away though.

I think they'll add camels at some point, this will go with the desert improvements, plus we already have saddles ready to go, and maybe we could trade for camels (which may spawn rarely otherwise) with villagers. We would be able to control them of course, but they'll need water, maybe they're planning the possibility of oasises in mega deserts? I'd love to see this.
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Could you maybe whitelist me on the server? I'm still shown as Guest and that means I can't use the launchpad or anything.

I was thinking of building a house somewhere but I must find a good spot for it first.